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  • #76
    I want nothing more than for you to get back everything that was taken from you Shelby. If it was hijacked accept my apology.
    D. A. Bagin #3166 AKA Panheadzz 440 48chief W/sidecar 57fl 57flh 58fl 66m-50 68flh 70xlh


    • #77
      Originally posted by D.A.Bagin View Post
      I want nothing more than for you to get back everything that was taken from you Shelby. If it was hijacked accept my apology.
      I accept your sincere apology, it is not just me but the other Carson team members have lost over $50,000 in all, yet to be recovered.

      My wife just handed me a report that David Lloyd on his way back home from Texas, with his bike in back of Pickup, had a encounter with some truckers that correctly identified the stolen Cannon Ball Bike and boxed him in. "After a fairly intense encounter with Arkansas State Trooper, David proved that the bike is indeed his, and is back on way home".

      Social Media has worked correctly, but it might be tough to ride the bikes for a while. Shelby


      • #78
        For everybody I that posted interest in helping Shelby out, here's the link

        Shelby, it is the least we can do. If your tools turn up you can donate everything to your favorite charity.
        Al Cournoyer
        1942 WLA Boober
        1928 JDL Super Sport In progress
        Member #23154


        • #79
          Originally posted by alanc48 View Post

          Trailer located with cannonball signs spray painted over and UNCONFIRMED REPORTS that all of the motorcycles are inside
          Okay, I've back-tracked, trying to get this straight, but..... it's not clear.
          Were 5 bikes stolen, or was one of them Mr Lloyd's? and on it's way home in his truck?
          So now, have all bikes been recovered? as well as truck and trailer?
          And the not-recovered items are tools, jackets, clothes, spare parts, complete engines, pistol, ????

          Also, I hope that Mr Lloyd's inconvenience with the truckers and Arkansas Law wasn't too uncomfortable. We need Johnie Law and any trucker who tries to help. I wouldn't suggest we thank them for "roughing him up" (which I doubt happened), but must thank all for their efforts.

          Good luck, Shelby and crew.


          • #80
            Just to keep the facts straight, The Truck was found Empty, door locks popped and steering column broken to start it, north of Tacoma and Jon picked it up Tuesday when police released it to him. Jon and David Lloyd drove Jessie and I to Airport in the truck on Wednesday morning, By the time we got to Denver layover, we got word that the Trailer was recovered that morning in Seattle, Jon and David went and were there while the police processed the trailer and Bikes for fingerprints. Because Jon had followed all requirements on the police report, that the motorcycles were in his trailer by owners with permission for transport back to Texas, The trailer and 4 motorcycles were turned over to Jon and David.

            No Tools, Spare parts or personal items were recovered!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! They stripped it bare except for trash and some dirty clothes from Greg's Pack on bike. Maybe wearing your lucky pants for 17 days was too much for a thief? And who would wear snake skin boots in Washington state?

            David and Jon Drove home to Texas in 48 hours, Greg, Big Swede and David all have picked up their bikes and are safely home, a few scratches from the thieves unloading the tools, spare parts and personal items that were packed all around them. A few of the straps were off like they might have been starting to unload the bikes when for some reason they left. Who knows, they might have been watching Facebook and felt the risk was getting too high.

            When Jon called me last night to update me, he said there was a lot of good intentioned wrong details on Social Media, but all of you that tried to help should know the pressure from all the posts helped get the word out, and that is what is important. Please keep it up till the tools and Spare parts are found. The Police were under a lot of pressure due to wide spread coverage by newspapers, TV and of course all the social media.

            Thanks for all your efforts and pass it forward, Good Karma beats pure chance. Shelby


            • #81
              Al Cournoyer
              1942 WLA Boober
              1928 JDL Super Sport In progress
              Member #23154

