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Oley 2011

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  • #31
    Originally posted by Chris Haynes View Post
    I remember at Davenport they got on the PA and told what had been stolen. If I remember correctly the thief was caught and dealt with on a personal level.
    Wasn't one thief locked in an outhouse in Davenport? I have no sympathy for jerks that have the nerve to swipe parts. If you can't afford 'em or have nothing to trade then you just wait until your in a better position to make a deal.
    Cory Othen


    • #32
      i can see lucy doing this as she is taking photos at a swap meet. runnig back to me honey look somebody but this in the trash. " it's a jd motor". id ask her where she found it. well next to the trash can. then she say it must have been to heavy for someone to put in the can. but she could lift and run back with it.then i would take it back wondering how she ran with it and a camara around her neck.just a sad trend all the theft.
      rob ronky #10507


      • #33
        Dear All, I had another great time at Oley. The theft story is depressing but remember the flip side. An old guy left several thousand dollars in cash in an envelope on the 45 Restoration Co stand at Davenport a couple of years back and walked away. Warren saw it later, had it announced over the speakers, and the old guy got his money back. There are a lot of guys in our Club who are as honest as the day is long.


        • #34
          Chris, the Davenport announcement was a great idea that I think should be Standard Operating Procedure at all meets. While the club has no responsibility for the actions of a very few nofarious sucm-bags, we do have the responsibility to assist the vast majority of members hwo are honest and upstanding. If I heard that announcement, you could bet your bacon that I would have my eyes pealed and would be looking behind eveybody's front line setups. Your Davenport story made me feel good, as the members got involfed, justice was served and that rotting-piece-of-garbage thief was caught. I hope that charges were brought against him/her.
          Last edited by billpedalino; 05-04-2011, 07:28 PM.
          Bill Pedalino
          Huntington, New York
          AMCA 6755


          • #35
            Seems I remember something in the magazine a few years back about a guy getting caught stealing and they held him and called the Oley police, the same weekend that a guy had a heart attack.
            I also agree it would help in notifying everyone there that someone is stealing other peoples property this year seemed a little bit different to me
            AMCA Member#1848


            • #36
              hello, im new to this community but my passion for old bikes stretches many years. while oley 2011 was my first of your events and i had a great time this theft was disturbing to say the least.but i will say there was a announcement over the pa system friday afternoon about the theft.just hope the scumbag gets caught.
              "stay calm its only the top half of the motor"

              AMCA #19094


              • #37
                Cory Othen


                • #38
                  stolen parts at oley

                  I also had something stolen at Oley.It was only a $50 dollar air cleaner but stolen nontheless not a hundred feet from where the engine was stolen.Adam


                  • #39
                    I didn't want mention this earlier but I got to bring it to light. Anyone of you that's visited out stand over the last few years would have noticed a Guide White army truck headlight housing. For those here that don't know what that is. It's a springer headlight with a different electrical connection. We bring it along as a joke. Every one that sees it thinks they're going to make a killing. This item will get handled 100 times a day minimum. So we wrote 25cents to touch on it. On Friday morning at 9:00am jokingly someone put a quarter on top of the cone. I looked at my son Conner and we started laughing. We decided to leave it there just to see how long it would last. Well it made it to 1:00 in the afternoon before so scumbag made off with it. So we have decided to increase our fun. We have now drilled a hole in the headlight and silver soldered a 1/64 piece of wire rope to the quarter. Watch out Jefferson. This is going to be great! Bob L
                    AMCA #3149


                    • #40
                      Someone lifted a nice early Knuckle brake shackle from my table at Hebron last. It's nothing compared to a JD motor, but very upsetting to think there are scumbags like that at our small meet.

                      At Oley a few years ago, someone lost an envelope with about 12 Gs in it, and it was turned in by an extremely honest gentleman. He stated that he didn't earn the money and it didn't belong to him!


                      • #41
                        Tim, It's being raised to know the right from wrong whether it was verbally or beaten into you, you learned the rule. Our society as a whole is now at its braking point. I never wanted to see this happen at an AMCA event but it's here and it will only get worse. The one thing I will give the Reinbeck meet besides the untold energy the clubs put into it to make it happen, is there is only one way in and one way out and you aren't carrying out a lower end if they lock the place down. Bob L
                        AMCA #3149


                        • #42
                          you can't carry it out with your friggin hands cut off.that lower end was not the first thing the dirt bag took.
                          rob ronky #10507


                          • #43
                            Now Rob, is that the right mind of thinking? These people need love and understanding. We need to get more therapy classes. Are we so shallow. Bullshit! Lets start cleaning our prison system out with a bullit to the head (but he only raped and killed five women he's rehabilitative and we can release him to socity). A dead thief, is good thief!
                            AMCA #3149


                            • #44
                              Hey Bob, Thanks for the compliment about Rhinebeck, Its a long time coming. Honestly, I do appreciate it. We can only do what we can do.
                              D. A. Bagin #3166 AKA Panheadzz 440 48chief W/sidecar 57fl 57flh 58fl 66m-50 68flh 70xlh


                              • #45
                                lake front property

                                DCP04808.JPGlake front property

