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amca number

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  • #16
    Steve, I’ll trade with ya. I could care less what my number is. It could be 31000, big deal. What does matter to me is people here answering other people’s questions and learning from it. Being with my buddys that I’ve met here at Oley etc and the sound of that first beer being cracked open on Friday night. Now that’s good living! Bob
    AMCA #3149


    • #17
      Originally posted by Robert Luland View Post
      the sound of that first beer being cracked open on Friday night. Now that’s good living! Bob
      You wait until night?
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      • #18
        I was just trying to reflect that AMCA family values thing they talk of!
        AMCA #3149


        • #19
          Ya iam one of them iI have been a member since 2007 and my number is 132 do you know how far back the number goes? It had to be recycled dont you think


          • #20
            Originally posted by Robert Luland View Post
            Steve, I’ll trade with ya. I could care less what my number is. It could be 31000, big deal. What does matter to me is people here answering other people’s questions and learning from it. Being with my buddys that I’ve met here at Oley etc and the sound of that first beer being cracked open on Friday night. Now that’s good living! Bob
            Thanks for the offer Bob but I have received my final notice today from the club in the mail, so I expect the plug to be pulled on me here at any moment. I leave with no hard feeling towards the club or its members. It just isn't a good fit for me any longer. I am a self proclaimed history junky which was why I joined the club to start with. I love and collect anything that is old and to help preserve the history of those objects. I've been blessed with the resources to be able to contribute too many organizations who feel the same as me about objects of historical value and it is my personal opinion that the clubs vision of preserving history is no longer is in line with mine.
            Sadly I no longer feel that my small yearly contribution here is being used towards the preservation history, and that there are many other originations where that money will be spent more along the lines in which my heart also leads me. It's always been about preserving the history of these old machines to me. I couldn't care less about the value of them. If that where the case then I would own them all, but its not. I don't expect many here to understand my feelings on this subject and I quite honestly assume many will simply say good riddance and don’t let the door hit me in the ass on the way out. I’ve encountered that attitude many times in my life from those with out the vision of preservation, and will likely encounter it a few more times before I’m done on this earth. I prefer to live and let live, other wise life would bore the **** right out of me. Keep yourselves safe everyone and enjoy the new year, and I’ll see you down the road.
            AMCA #7300


            • #21
              I just double checked my new card and see that my number has remained the same. I can recall folks joining the club after I did that got lower numbers and I wondered why. I was told that as memberships expire and if they aren't renewed, the number is available. I had one fella tell me that he simply called up and asked for the lowest open number and got a real low one!!!

              Steve, I'm sorry to see you go. It seems to be a growing trend. I'm finding it to be a bit of a bummer and I'm also disturbed by the reputation the site is getting on other forums. If we can stick to motorcycles and leave politics and personal vendettas out of the mix we shouldn't slide back any further. Although I do have to say it's been rather civil lately....
              Cory Othen


              • #22
                Hi all.

                I thought I should chime in here and answer some questions. I am the President of Cornerstone Registration, Ltd., the company that manages the memberships for the AMCA.

                1. Scott: Your original membership number was 1272. However, when you "renewed" on-line, you actually signed up as a "new" member. Therefore our system assigned you the 18528 membership number. I have changed you back to your original member number 1272. I will send you a new membership card.

                2. When Cornerstone was hired, the AMCA Board of Directors decided to reduce club costs and have us produce paper membership cards rather than plastic membership cards. Many members complained about this. The BOD decided to bring back the plastic membership cards, but to receive one, you must renew your membership for three years.

                3. I am aware some members have received duplicate membership cards (either paper or plastic). An error occurred in our computer system and we could not identify who had received a membership card and who hadn't. I made the decision to send out membership cards again - all at our expense. The AMCA was not charged for production or postage for these duplicate mailings.

                4. In the past, previous Membership Managers reused membership numbers. For example, if member number 1272 was canceled due to the member not renewing (apologies to Scott for using his membership number in this example), the next new member signing up would have gotten 1272. Cornerstone does not follow this practice. Once a membership number is assigned to you in our system, it is yours forever - even if you don't renew. Some people argue this practice, but take a look at what happened to Scott. He never would have been able to get his old number back.

                5. If you have a question/issue with your membership, PLEASE give us a call or send e-mail to We would be happy to help you.

                - Mark Wheeler
                President, Cornerstone Registration, Ltd.
                AMCA Membership Manager


                • #23
                  Mark- How about saying something about missing payments and MEMBERSHIP CARDS that were mailed with EXPIRED Dates on them? I sent a Check for renewal at the end of December and the Check never got cashed. I hate to sound like a broken record here but if my renewal never took place and if my membership was expiring WHY would you send me a "MEMBERSHIP CARD" (and that is exactly what it says on the card) with an expired date on it? Is that a standard practice or is it another "glitch" in the system?? Would it not make more sense to mail ne a NOTICE OF EXPIRATION??? I cannot help but feel that my payment was lost IN HOUSE and I don't mean MY HOUSE?? I average about 350 pieces of outgoing mail each year both packages and letters that go all over the world. Knock on wood but in the last 10 YEARS I have never had a piece of mail get LOST?? I'm too busy to bother with emails, phone calls and bothering to contact my bank to stop payments and all that nonsene. Respectfully, John Pupecki #4340


                  • #24
                    Hi John.

                    I can't address wrong expiration dates on membership cards because this is the first time I am hearing (reading) it. This is why people need to contact us - so we are made aware of an issue and can investigate. Your check (# 574) was received and your membership renewed. I show you have an expiration date of January 2012. Does your new membership card read 2011?

                    - Mark Wheeler
                    President, Cornerstone Registration, Ltd.
                    AMCA Membership Manager


                    • #25
                      I E mailed you yesterday about my new membership card that expires on 1/2011. If you would read your E mail you would hear about it. So far I haven't heard back from you. I must say your Customer Service sucks.
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                      • #26
                        I mailed the check on the 29th of December 2010. A week ago on Jan 14th I got the Membership Card with the 1-11 expiration date. (not the only one, see above post). I check my account 1-14 and the check was never cashed. Now today I get a FINAL NOTICE Card dated Jan 18th? And you tell me the check was now cashed sometime between the 18th and the 21st of this month I guess? You probably had my check for 3 weeks and never processed it? In the mean time you are generating outdated Membership Cards and Final Notices when the Check is sitting in your mail pile? Ditto on the above post where it mentions your customer service sucks. Again respectfully believe it or not, John Pupecki #4340.


                        • #27
                          Mark- And yes, the Card does have a 1/2011 Expiration Date and I will be mailing it back to you as proof Via Priority Mail WITH Delivery Confirmation. And again I just checked the Rhinebeck Vendor Renewal email dated 1-19-2011. It also mentions that as of the 19th of this month my Membership has expired. Funny how as of today my check has appeared?? .


                          • #28
                            Give them a break.
                            You already know they will fix your problem.


                            • #29
                              Yes, now that I made a stink about it something will be done. Sorry for being a Thick Headed P&%0$K but my paitence runs thin lately for any business that does not do what they are supposed to do. 46EL


                              • #30
                                Thank you all for the information. I certainly take your concerns and comments to heart. I will open an investigation into the wrong expiration dates on the membership cards. That really concerns me. (46EL - Please don't waste your money mailing back your membership card to me. I take you at your word.) As for the checks that still have not been cashed and the length of time it takes to post your renewals - please be aware that during the month of December and January, almost 80% of the AMCA memberships come due (there are over 10,000 members). Our office is absolutely flooded with renewal checks. It admittedly takes us longer to process this huge load of checks. Further delaying the cashing of the checks is the internal audit we perform every two weeks. If the audit comes up with an anomaly, we track down every last penny before depositing all the checks in the bank. This is done both for our protection and yours. During these past two weeks alone, we have received over 1,500 checks. We have to check each one for proper signature, amount, etc. It is very time-consuming. Of course, during this same time, all the renewal reminder postcards were sent out. So, the scenario happens were you sent us a check, we haven't posted it yet, and our system kicks out this renewal reminder postcard. I agree, it looks pretty stupid. Perhaps I will suggest to the BOD that we delay the postcard mailing during this busy time of year.

                                Again, thank you for the comments. I appreciate hearing from you.

                                - Mark Wheeler, President
                                Cornerstone Registration, Ltd.
                                AMCA Membership Manager

