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amca number

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  • amca number

    Looks like I re-upped my dues on line and lost my #1272 number, why?

  • #2
    I had the same problem give them a call or email them and it will get fixed, my number went from 1672 to 12,456,.glad to say I have it back


    • #3
      Originally posted by rudy View Post
      Looks like I re-upped my dues on line and lost my #1272 number, why?


      • #4
        On the other hand I know guys who joined a few years ago and got two and three digit numbers. Note that Jay Leno is number 34.
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        • #5
          Originally posted by Chris Haynes View Post
          On the other hand I know guys who joined a few years ago and got two and three digit numbers. Note that Jay Leno is number 34.
          The club has always reserved some low, low numbers for people who were considered "stars," either public or in motorcycling. And when I joined, you got a new number every calendar year when membership was strictly January-to-December. I was #43 one year in the 1970s, but It didn't mean anythng.
          The obvious cause of people getting 12,000+ numbers now is that their renewals weren't recognized, and they were processed as first-time members. They just have to point out the discrepency to the Membershio folks and it will be fixed.
          Gerry Lyons #607


          • #6
            I got my renewal form a month ago with the last magazine. I mailed a check for renewal on 12-29-2010. A few days ago I got what appeared to be my new card for 2011. I never really looked at it close and tore off the card and put it in my wallet. Then today a renewal vending notice for Rhinebeck and it mentioned I let my membership lapse??? Then I look at the card I got a few days ago and it appears to be a 2011 card but it says EXPIRES 1/2011 ??? It appears they mailed me a Membership card that expires this month. I check my Checking acct and the check was never cashed from 12-29/2010? I'm totally confused?// Who is "Cornerstone" and what the hell is going on?


            • #7
              Who gives rat's ass what your number is. I hope this and when did my magazine arrive on time has not become what this forum is to be. Just plain dumb!
              AMCA #3149


              • #8
                Two weeks ago I got my new card. even got the new plastic one.
                Well, this week I got another one. Both the same.
                Ed Glasgow
                # 2053


                • #9
                  So I guess to let me know that they never got my renewal they sent me a paper MEMBERSHIP CARD with an expired date?????


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Robert Luland View Post
                    Who gives rat's ass what your number is. I hope this and when did my magazine arrive on time has not become what this forum is to be. Just plain dumb!
                    Easy for you to say Bob. You got a nice low number.

                    Sadly the forum has become a place of, "Mines nicer than yours", Mine is more valuable than yours", "You call that original?", "He cheated", "Lets get a bus full of guys and go beat up Chris", and so and so forth.

                    Try to enjoy it for the entertainment value for which it has become instead of the knowledge value for which it once was. There is no going back.
                    AMCA #7300


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by Robert Luland View Post
                      Who gives rat's ass what your number is. I hope this and when did my magazine arrive on time has not become what this forum is to be. Just plain dumb!
                      I didn't join til 1990 (if I'd had any class I'd have joined when I got drafted!), and I'm quite fond of my number because it's been kinda personal, like a worthless wedding ring, maybe. Almost lost it several years ago when out of town, and my daughter failed to mail in my renewal. I understand the sentimental attachment. 'sides, it's embedded in a memory bank that's otherwise failing! ... Patience and good luck on getting it back.


                      • #12
                        Let's look at Progress, this club had membership's since 1954, for for 55 years the members cards were of good quality stock then really nice Plastic ones with great graphics & or antigue Bike Pictures, This was ALL done by member Volunteers in thier SPARE TIME, all the #'s where kept the same, cards arrived somewhat within a reasonably time frame from mailing, & thiswas all done without all the computer advancements we have today.
                        Now the club Hires an OUTSIDE firm to handle this task & with the use of all the modern technology, the PAID Professionals can't seem to do as good as a job of keeping track of #'s, & the quality of the membership card has been reduced to a paper punchout,
                        I guess the price of progress is greater than anyone could imagine, The more you pay the less you get. So much for quality & Pride in your work !! HEH WAIT MAYBE this company is paid by the # of cards issued so if they keep adding #'s the make more money & do less work ???


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by Ohio-Rider View Post
                          Easy for you to say Bob. You got a nice low number.

                          Sadly the forum has become a place of, "Mines nicer than yours", Mine is more valuable than yours", "You call that original?", "He cheated", "Lets get a bus full of guys and go beat up Chris", and so and so forth.

                          Try to enjoy it for the entertainment value for which it has become instead of the knowledge value for which it once was. There is no going back.
                          At least they realize it would take a busload to do it.
                          Be sure to visit;
                          Be sure to register at the site so you can see large images.
                          Also be sure to visit


                          • #14
                            Won't this become somewhat of an issue on the judging sheet results? They ask "whatcher number" everytime. I realize the bike make, model and SN is the defining factor but didn't they just shoot themselves in the foot as far as an easy way to try to keep track or who did what and when?
                            Wayne #4329 (I think.......)


                            • #15
                              I still would like to know what kind of company would send a MEMBERSHIP CARD to a member with an expired date on it? If my renewal expired maybe you should send something that says MEMBERSHIP EXPIRED??????????? It is my own fault for not looking closely at the card before I stuck it in my wallet and I take full blame for that one. I hope they lose the check or screw something up or something or anything. It will be enough of a good reason to quit this club. I gues I can say i'm disgusted right now.

