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christmas wish list

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  • christmas wish list

    here it is midnight and sittin here waiting for santa to arrive

    just in case he missed my list here it is

    my first wish is not for me but for someone else - a person I could call a freind but currently is not. he has an attitude problem and my wish is he could get an attitude adjustment for christmas. if we all have the same wish maybe it can come true - everyone wish hard, even put it on german paper and send it to santa anything could help

    my next wish is for 1914 excelsior single belt drive parts - oh please santa help me out

    my final wish is for everyone to have a safe and happy 2011 RIDE-EM don't HIDE-EM

    aka HAWG
    1914 excelsior belt drive single carcuss
    1940 indian chief military
    1965 sportster xlch
    1969 sportster xlch bobber
    1971 bsa A65 chopper
    1969 harley ss350 sprint
    1960 harley topper
    1963 harley topper
    H model whizzer on cheiftain bicycle
    H model whizzer on schwinn bicycle
    1949 harley model 125 bobber project
    1959 harley model 165
    1960 harley super 10
    1974 indian 70cc dirt bike

  • #2
    I would like a Cyclone, a Crocker, and a camel-back Indian! That's all!...Bones


    • #3
      I'm happy with the machinery I have, I only hope to be able to continue feeding it the right kind of fuel, have a maintained roadway to ride it, and not to have the machine banned for not being green.
      Merry Motoring, RF.


      • #4
        I wish good health and happiness to all.
        Be sure to visit;
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        Also be sure to visit


        • #5
          except me eh Chris? Isn't Chris short for Christian?


          • #6
            Originally posted by Barry Brown View Post
            except me eh Chris? Isn't Chris short for Christian?


            • #7
              Originally posted by Barry Brown View Post
              except me eh Chris? Isn't Chris short for Christian?
              I said "All". Is there some reason you feel that you should be excluded?
              My name is Chris. It isn't shortened from anything. My mother came from an Irish family of long formal names. She was tired of long names and gave me a short name.
              Last edited by Chris Haynes; 12-25-2010, 07:14 PM.
              Be sure to visit;
              Be sure to register at the site so you can see large images.
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              • #8
                Just the reaction I expected . You wish has come true . I'm outa here.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Barry Brown View Post
                  Just the reaction I expected . You wish has come true . I'm outa here.
                  That is nothing I wished for.
                  Be sure to visit;
                  Be sure to register at the site so you can see large images.
                  Also be sure to visit


                  • #10
                    Wierd thread. Went immediately from a nice "What-I-Want-For-Christmas" thread into some weird personal crap. Doesn't anyone realize that it's this kind of crap that keeps people away in droves? I haven't been here in a couple weeks, and what do I see? Some wierd immature insecure personal crap that came out of the blue and put a big soiled mark on the whole damn forum. Maybe I'll be back in a couple more weeks--- and then again, maybe not.....
                    (shakes head in disgust)


                    • #11
                      My Christmas wish list changed dramatically after I went on the Cannonball Run. After watching Vince Martincos' bike I now realize I want a Pope. That single of his absolutely flew and put a lot of the twins to shame. I would love to know more about them because if his bike is representative of the marque, it makes no sense that they could not sell them in droves and have survived with HD and Indian.



                      • #12
                        [QUOTE=aka HAWG;104854]here it is midnight and sittin here waiting for santa to arrive

                        I'm a little south of you but I think he got hamstrung on the Gaspe last night on his way west.....
                        Off topic but... Petrolia eh? Our home towns used to have a fierce hockey rivalry way back when this town had a different name (Galt). Great, brutal games with our Hornets!

                        Hope Santa finally made it!
                        AMCA 17907


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by aka HAWG View Post
                          here it is midnight and sittin here waiting for santa to arrive

                          I'm a little south of you but I think he got hamstrung on the Gaspe last night on his way west.....
                          Off topic but... Petrolia eh? Our home towns used to have a fierce hockey rivalry way back when this town had a different name (Galt). Great, brutal games with our Hornets!

                          Hope Santa finally made it!
                          I remewmber going to the squire games back in the day - yes some of those games were brutal

                          have seen the attitude adjustment to a certain person obsessed with "german paper" still has not happened yet
                          no excelsior parts santa jacked me again this year on this
                          but many good replies to a safe and happy new year so I guess santa somewhat did arrive

                          aka HAWG
                          1914 EXCELSIOR BELT DRIVE SINGLE
                          1914 excelsior belt drive single carcuss
                          1940 indian chief military
                          1965 sportster xlch
                          1969 sportster xlch bobber
                          1971 bsa A65 chopper
                          1969 harley ss350 sprint
                          1960 harley topper
                          1963 harley topper
                          H model whizzer on cheiftain bicycle
                          H model whizzer on schwinn bicycle
                          1949 harley model 125 bobber project
                          1959 harley model 165
                          1960 harley super 10
                          1974 indian 70cc dirt bike
                          EXCELSIOR - ALWAYS MAKES GOOD


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by Barry Brown View Post
                            Just the reaction I expected . You wish has come true . I'm outa here.
                            I see barry has been suspended from this site could we hold a vote to re-instated barry and suspend chris. I"ll sign the list first

                            bring barry back bring barry back

                            aka HAWG
                            1914 EXCELSIOR BELT DRIVE SINGLE
                            1914 excelsior belt drive single carcuss
                            1940 indian chief military
                            1965 sportster xlch
                            1969 sportster xlch bobber
                            1971 bsa A65 chopper
                            1969 harley ss350 sprint
                            1960 harley topper
                            1963 harley topper
                            H model whizzer on cheiftain bicycle
                            H model whizzer on schwinn bicycle
                            1949 harley model 125 bobber project
                            1959 harley model 165
                            1960 harley super 10
                            1974 indian 70cc dirt bike
                            EXCELSIOR - ALWAYS MAKES GOOD


                            • #15
                              Suspended??? That's odd. I sure wish this bickering would come to an end and we could all go back to talking about antique motorcycles.
                              Cory Othen

