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Found: Large stash of parts.

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  • #46
    After all this discussion, I theorectically put myself in his place. I asked could I have placed such an announcement and received such responces ? I figured out how I personally could have contributed to such results. First....I posted the announcement. Second....I did not read the replies which followed. I may have been busy etc., thus the reason for not replying to them myself. Third...I did not check for PM's. I am guilty of that often. I am also guilty of not reading all replies before making my own reply at times. If I would thought to have followed the thread to a tee, and or, looked for PM's, I would have stated my intent more clearly. Then again...all I said I would do or may would have done may not have been the reason or reasons after all. I may have assumed all understood instead. Paps


    • #47
      Hey guys really no sides to be drawn, we're all on the same side. Everyone has the right to do as they please with their parts, and everyone has the right to defend their perceived views. I thank George and Dave and anyone else who has assisted in making these things our everyday rights, I thank you all for helping to make this site a good and valuable resource to the Antique community. I appologize for trying to make light of the situation, my comments were not intended to insult anyone only to try and make a joke of a tense situation. Again I'm sorry , but that's how I attempt to approach these things. I will step aside and do my best to not do it again, so to anyone I have insulted, I am truly sorry. Taking a page from others, no names used,
      I'm going home and won't return It's been an education, and I thank you all.

