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Wauseon 2011

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  • #16
    No you're not. Kids should not be allowed on any kind of motorized vehicle at an AMCA meet. If caught, they and their guardian should be shown the gate.
    Eric Smith
    AMCA #886


    • #17
      Since this was my first AMCA meet I have nothing to compare it to, but I just don't recall seeing that many kids on motorized vehicles. I remember a few but the great majority were adults riding their bikes around or on golf carts. In any case, it just seemed to be part of the deal and I actually enjoyed seeing all the vintage motorsickles being ridden around. If the real problem is all the dust it raised on the back vendor spots, then maybe the real solution is to treat the roads in that area. I did have a fantastic time and already planning on coming back next year.
      47 WL
      51 Ls Sidecar
      03 FLHT


      • #18
        I'm really surprized to hear such complaints about kids having some fun.
        These kids are our future of this hobby, and it makes me smile to see them having fun on mini-bikes and such, and in 20 years they'll probably be paying the top bucks for your bikes.

        ...............or maybe we should just run them all off.......


        • #19
          Originally posted by fabercycle View Post
          I'm really surprized to hear such complaints about kids having some fun.
          These kids are our future of this hobby, and it makes me smile to see them having fun on mini-bikes and such, and in 20 years they'll probably be paying the top bucks for your bikes.

          ...............or maybe we should just run them all off.......
          I agree Tom, I think it's all part of the swapmeet experience, if we are gonna complain about the kids, why not the poser on the orange what ever it was riding around for hours trying to look kool on the 35k custom bike he had somebody build for him,while stirring up more dust than all the kids put together. I love seeing the old bikes running around, I like seeing the kids having fun, just put something down to control the dust........ and keep an eye out for those rotten kids.


          • #20
            Originally posted by fabercycle View Post
            I'm really surprized to hear such complaints about kids having some fun.
            These kids are our future of this hobby, and it makes me smile to see them having fun on mini-bikes and such, and in 20 years they'll probably be paying the top bucks for your bikes.

            ...............or maybe we should just run them all off.......
            I could not have said this any better!!!


            • #21
              Originally posted by fabercycle View Post
              I'm really surprized to hear such complaints about kids having some fun.
              These kids are our future of this hobby, and it makes me smile to see them having fun on mini-bikes and such, and in 20 years they'll probably be paying the top bucks for your bikes.

              ...............or maybe we should just run them all off.......
              Say that when one of those kids hits your table with his mini bike and knocks a Motolamp to the ground and breaks the lens. That was a number of years ago and I have to admit that I don't see as many kids on bikes. Now it's old fat guys on straight pipe 2 strokes.
              Eric Smith
              AMCA #886


              • #22

                I, too, attended the Meet for a minute.

                One young girl had the look of total rapture from empowerment as she blew past the camp on a quad. Even the young passengers were thoroughly and healthily entertained at what would otherwise be a very tedious granpa meet to adolescents.
                Dogs dug it too.
                And I don't believe anyone got hurt but for the dust. The crowd was thin enough.

                However, I jumped to dodge one little fellow on a charging golfcart that was texting.

                That's my Wauseon report,

                Last edited by T. Cotten; 07-23-2010, 01:42 PM.
                AMCA #776
                Dumpster Diver's Motto: Seek,... and Ye Shall Find!


                • #23
                  Originally posted by exeric View Post
                  Say that when one of those kids hits your table with his mini bike and knocks a Motolamp to the ground and breaks the lens. That was a number of years ago and I have to admit that I don't see as many kids on bikes. Now it's old fat guys on straight pipe 2 strokes.
                  i know where your at with this Eric and i can see both sides of it. if any of my parts were destroyed in such a manner it would be Karma for all the stuff i had destroyed in my youth and some would argue more recently than that. it's a fine line between fun and anarchy....but i just love that kids and young adults can run wild a bit, i sure did.


                  • #24
                    Originally posted by fabercycle View Post
                    I'm really surprized to hear such complaints about kids having some fun.
                    These kids are our future of this hobby, and it makes me smile to see them having fun on mini-bikes and such, and in 20 years they'll probably be paying the top bucks for your bikes.

                    ...............or maybe we should just run them all off.......
                    I have no problem with kids having fun or riding bikes. I'm saying that there is a time and a place for it. Ripping around a crowded swap unsupervised is not the place. I was a vendor set-up back on the dirt roads and love to hear a Pan or an in-line rumble by. But, an open piped mini bike running on alcohol I can do without.
                    Member# 7397


                    • #25
                      Originally posted by sludge View Post
                      i know where your at with this Eric and i can see both sides of it. if any of my parts were destroyed in such a manner it would be Karma for all the stuff i had destroyed in my youth and some would argue more recently than that. it's a fine line between fun and anarchy....but i just love that kids and young adults can run wild a bit, i sure did.
                      It's funny you say that Sludge. I probably did have it comming to me for some of the nasty things I did in my youth. I know I pissed off lots of older people with some of my noisy, obnoxious antics. How quickly I (we) forget. My Indian has an open muffler and I was having a ball riding it around yesterday. It really is pretty loud.
                      Eric Smith
                      AMCA #886


                      • #26
                        I had another great time at Wauseon. I enjoyed the free meal on Thursday. What I really appreciate is the fact the Wauseon committee that puts on this event cares enough to ask people how it can be improved. When is the last time that happened?
                        Thanks for an enjoyable time.
                        Regards Dave #5189


                        • #27
                          Maybe have golf carts for rent, for disabled parking I.D. permitts only.


                          • #28
                            Wauseon is one of my favorite meets. The racing was a treat, even got to sit in the stands behind Dick Klamfoth.What a nice man to talk to. And God bless the church ladies and their home made ice cream stand. I think they helped keep me alive in the heat....Rod


                            • #29
                              Unlicensed drivers

                              This is Suzanne, I am also on the committee (I was the one in the kilt at the vendor gate).

                              It clearly states in our camping and vendor rules that unlicenced drivers will not be allowed.

                              I actually popped a couple of kids for this last year , but to be honest with you; their parents should know better. A crowded meet is not the place let your kids run about illegally on a scooter, bike or golf cart. Someone's gonna get hurt.

                              We on the committee, want to create a fun, SAFE meet environment. But we can't be policing your children - after all, who gives them the keys?
                              This year was especially busy since it was almost a sellout. Surprisingly, we had few complications. All the vendors who had space issues cooperated with us and we did our best to solve their problems.

                              By they way, I want to give a big kudos to Fred and Nancy Davis and the rest of the committee, who worked their fannies off this year. Fred took over the registration responsibilitites from Rocky after Toney became ill, and it's not an easy job.

                              So please, if you have suggestions, PM Fred or myself (I'm just a lacky) and we can present them at our next planning meeting.

                              BTW: the cooling sprayer is an excellent suggestion, we sure could have used it this year.


                              • #30
                                I don't want to rent a golf cart. I own one. I could hang one of my placards from it though. I possess a license. Kids could ride in the non vendor areas of the grounds if parents allow them to and the parents take full responsibility. The dust needs dealt with. Treating may be an option.

                                Those who organized and ran the meet did an exceptional job. My hat is off to all of them. It was nice to be greated at the gate by Rocky. That was a really good step to settling down controversies. Thank you Mr. President.

                                The Wauseon meet is going to the top of the meets to attend.

