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Wauseon 2011

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  • Wauseon 2011

    Planning for Wauseon 2011 has already begun. The Wauseon Committee would like to hear from you concerning any likes or dislikes regaerding our meet. We try hard to make our meet among the best on the AMCA schedule. If you have comments, concerns or suggestions to help make the meet better, please, send them to me.

    Fred Davis
    Fred Davis AMCA #9176

  • #2
    i like the races, do ya think we could ever get like a wall-of-death there, man that would be the cat's ass! saw lots of bikes in the parking lot, maybe they could get a discounted rate on parking for bikes (like maybe 2 instead of four bucks, dollar a wheel). i liked that local charities were present as i believe in giving back when possible, the charity auction is a great opportunity to do that. the new restroom facilities were great....but if you can find the bastard that plugged the toilets up, ban him for life. didn't see the water spray this year for cooling off, it would be a good idea to have it back. that's my back row vendor's two cents...i had a good time.


    • #3
      Thanks for asking.
      First let me say that the Wauseon meet is hands down my favorite. There are some things that need attention though. Something needs to be done with the number of mini bikes, dirt bikes, golf carts, etc. running around the swap, especially by minors. Saw a guy knocked to the ground by a kid on a mini bike this year.
      Also something needs to be done to encourage more vendors to hang in there for Sunday. Granted it's free for the public to get in, but if I drove in from out of town on Sunday to enjoy a swap and seen what remained at 9:00AM Sunday. I would have been pissed. Understandably some vendors cry "driving time" and all but Saturday night looked like "last one out pays the bill".
      Member# 7397


      • #4
        Wauseon 2011

        I would like to say a big Thank You to all involved in putting on this meet. Wauseon is one of the top three meets every year, so Thanks to everyone for all your efforts. I take vacation every year to arrive on Thursday, to see old friends and help others set up. I have to agree though, Saturday noon, half of the vendors are heading out. People who can't get there til Saturday, miss out on so much. To all the Racers, Great Show, Guys and Gals !! When the announcer asked the crowd who was having the most fun, I for one, knew it was you !!


        • #5
          Wauseon keeps getting better. As a vendor....I always stay til noon on Sunday, aways sell more stuff, and have been told more than one time to get moving cuz we gotta be out of the grounds....yeah, I'm gettin' my moneys worth out of my spot.

          One suggestion. How much hassle would it be to spray down the gravel road surfaces with salt brine at the beginning of the meet? I'd even be willing to help pay for it.

          I've never had my inventory get so filthy from road dust, in the history of ever. I gotta think a few guys left their bikes in the trailers because of that too.


          • #6
            Im out for 2011. Everything I brought this year including 2 restored chiefs, the inside of my van, tables,tent,parts,food etc... was covered with dirt from the people (mostly kids) flying up and down the rows in go carts, 4-wheelers, dirt bikes, and golf carts all day and night long. maybe Im just being a whiney bitch, but I spent two days in wauseon and then two days cleaning everything when I got home. When I was a kid at the meets in the 1980's, I was allowed to ride my bicycle and that was it. All the grown ups said if I crashed something motorized into someones bike or van that my parents and I would be thrown out of the meet. The guys running the meet said I could ride around when I had a drivers licence. Nowadays my fat ass walks around the fairgrounds, so I think a 14 year old kid can survive walking instead of needing a golf cart.


            • #7
              I have brought all these issues up before, and been derided for it. To the two vendors who I talked to on Fri. who left early Sat. I still have my cash in my pocket. Oh well.............
              PS You know, some of us don't make a living on old bikes. We just enjoy them and spend a small fortune on them. We can't be at the meets on our own schedule.I would much rather buy from a brother or sister of the road at a swap meet, but ebay runs 24-7, and doesn't close early.


              • #8
                I'm a vendor that totally believes that Sunday can be worth staying for. I am one of the last to get out. I drive 700 miles for Wauseon and stay until the fat lady sings.


                • #9
                  How about I won't complain about you not showing up to the meet till Saturday or Sunday and you stop complaining about me leaving my vending spot on Saturday. This is a hobby and I do it for fun. I don't tell you how to enjoy the hobby so I don't want to be told how I should enjoy it.


                  • #10
                    Never been to one of the swap meets there in the US, but been to a bunch here in Germany.

                    Largest one is the Veterama in Oct, in Mannheim, that is the major one that I go visit.

                    Can't make the AMCA meet this year in Den Hagg, but sure would like to.


           have a PM from me.
                    George Greer
                    AMCA # 3370


                    • #11
                      Some of us need mobile transportation but I must agree...the kids do not. There is plenty of space for the rug rats to play. They don't need to be riding through the vendor areas. The dust really does need to be dealt with. Even foot traffic stirs it up. The meets are scheduled well in advance. There is no reason not to schedule ones visit accordingly. Yeah....some still will be left out. Work place says no, something comes up, whatever...but the vast majority could plan way ahead. 12:00 on Sunday is to early for mandatory exiting. 4:00 is more like it.


                      • #12
                        are the kids on bikes from the club or are they from racers in the pits.maybe dad is working on his bike in the pits and the kids are out riding the pit's not a hard problem to solve.if the club is worried over being sued for judges points. then they sure as hell sould worry about hosting an event with minors on motorized bikes
                        rob ronky #10507


                        • #13
                          We miss Dick Winger. He used to hide behind trees to ambush kids on mini-bikes etc. People used to get upset with him from time to time, but he helped keep that traffic down.
                          Wished I'd been there regardless.
                          Pete Gagan


                          • #14
                            I was under the impression that AMCA rules were that no riding motorized vehicles by anyone under the age of 16. At every meet I've ever been to I've never seen it enforced.

                            At some of the larger auto swap meets (auto jumbles for those outside the US) I have attended the only way you could use a golf cart or other motorized vehicle is to be handicapped, as legally defined. I typically transport my aged self with either a bicycle or on foot and others should do the same. And even on a bike I know I've missed "the find".

                            At Eustis this year, I saw a near-miss of a pedestrian in the meet by someone hauling arse through the grounds, near Rocky Halter's spot. At the speed she was traveling, if the guy had not jumped out of the way there is no doubt he would have been seriously hurt.

                            At Denton, we tried to be very clear to new attendees from the area that may have not been familiar with the typical AMCA meet that Sunday is mostly the judging, just so they would not be disappointed. However, some of the vendors did stay over and sold on Sunday since we did not have a deadline to vacate the FarmPark.
                            Last edited by Lonnie; 07-22-2010, 05:11 PM.
                            Lonnie Campbell #9908
                            South Cackalackey, U.S. of A.

                            Come see us at the Tenth Annual AMCA Southern National Meet - May 17-19, 2019 at Denton FarmPark, Denton, N.C.

                            Visit the website for vendor and visitor information at


                            • #15
                              I understand the need for some people to need a golfcart or something motorized or battery powered to get around. Someday I will be the one who cant walk around a fairgrounds the size of wauseon in the 90+ degree heat. The trouble is that a very small percentage of the traffic in the vending area is by people who need it. I know I sound like a Nazi and everyone thinks that I want to deny the kids of their fun but... There are more appropriate times and places to rip around on dirtbikes and fourwheelers than in a place where people are displaying in some cases their life savings. Yeah Yeah I know, Im a cry baby.

