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evening activities at Rhinebeck

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  • evening activities at Rhinebeck

    Hello all,
    I am not a poster on this forum so much as a reader. I have been visiting Rhinebeck and other meets (Oley) for the last 3 years. It's always a great pleasure and in fact, i consider myself to be lucky living in the area where such meets are accessible. I enjoy any vintage machine - 2,3 or 4 wheels.
    Rhinebeck is a unique place as it combines so much and so many people from all walks of life.
    Few things i noticed though and wanted to share my thoughts with you all. I noticed that although during the day we are all there, shoulder to shoulder enjoying all that this place has to offer, soon as the sun is setting down the place is deserted and ... well... if you don't know many people, one may feel pretty isolated and without anything to do. Not much sense of comradory, not much to do - everyone retires to their tents and the place gets empty and quiet. I think it would be great if there was some sort a way to hang around, maybe have a cup of joe and watch a movie in a makeshift outside theater. A bunch of lawnchairs along with projector and a white screen along with a great movie is all that's needed. A few tables here and there (already available) and a few condements (coffee, tea, popcorn) can make the evening be interesting. Strangers can meet, talk and maybe become friends. I personally had been camping at the same spot for the last 3 years and so are my neighbors to the left and to the right of my tent. it took us 3 years to talk and swap emails, addresses etc. Given a chance to gather around, we could have done that way faster. Although the show is over each day by about 6, there are many of the campers that are actual members of AMCA who joined not to just look at bikes but to meet the like-minded people. What can we do for the evening activities to keep things alive and interesting?

  • #2
    Good thought, will do for Rhinebeck 2011.


    • #3
      Here's one for you Dan....

      Mark Evans
      Gloucester, Mass.


      • #4
        Thanks, I like that photo. Oh, by the way , I'm Dan's wife, Diana, sorry , you thought otherwise.


        • #5
          Hi Diana, spoke with you before. I did think you were Dan.
          Glad you like it, the event was super despite the weather.
          Mark Evans
          Gloucester, Mass.


          • #6
            M72Max--Welcome to the crazy world of antique motorcycles!!!! Max, all ya gotta do is make the contacts with folks throughout the day at any meet you go to. Just talk it up with the vendors, meet officials, and others that you might come across during the day. You will find no better group of folk in the world than you will meet at an AMCA meet, but you need to be Proactive. That should stoke your nightlife like no other. The folks I meet and mingle with at the AMCA meets are some of the most knowledgeable, friendly, and accessable people that you will ever meet in any endevor of life. Remember, We are a brotherhood of folks, rich and poor, that just have a passion for this hobby/obsession/ sickness. You just have to take it by the horns and make it happen--Michael--6671


            • #7
              Its big business now. The comaradory will never be like it was years ago. Indian day in the 70's and the amc meets at doc clevelands farm were the place to be if you wanted to have a good time day or night and buy sell or trade parts well within reason to finsh you project or resto.


              • #8
                At our little BMOA (British Motorcycle Owner Association of Houston, Texas) rally we show motorcycle related movies using a Bedsheet for a screen (outside if it's nice, inside if it's not).

                The late-nights tend to get a bit Nutso at the rally (fireworks, burn out contests, bench racing around the Bonfire and general debauchery) so the "quiet" folks tend to run and hide.

                Generally there are no injuries or "real" damage, it's just our "Rebel without a Clue" weekend.

                AMCA #9037
                1973-1/2 LWB BMW R75/5
                1971 Norton Commando
                1952 Triumph TRW
                1936 BMW R2


                • #9
                  Thanks for the welcome Paquette! I don't shy away from people and tend to run into good people everywhere. Must say the same for the last meet. Met quite a few interesting people and learned a few things, which is great!

                  I am mostly saying that although friendly chats are great, it gets a bit quiet a little too fast soon as the sun is down. Would be good to keep the momentum going and put up some entertaining activities for the folks and their family - somethig other than hanging around their places of stay. It's just my observation, but been coming for last 3 years, me and my good friend Dave noticed how we tend to go to sleep earlier and earlier each time. No, it's not our old age speaking (or all that beer) i am 38 and russian - not much of a beer drinker - mostly vodka.


                  • #10
                    nightlife at rhinebeck

                    M72max Welcome also, I don't know about the camping area but the vendor area ALWAYS has social gatherings going on at night. We talk, Drink & have a good ole time before you know it it's midnight & we gotta break it up so we can get some rest for the morning hunt. Anybody has & does stop & say hi. If you want to hang out at night just wander around with a couple drinks you prefer & say hi, introduce yourself, Offer a shot of good Russian Vodka & there's you ticket !!!it's worked for me, sometimes the fun is just past your familier boundries.
                    Joe Oz
                    P.S. I'll take a shot !! Looking Forward to meeting you next year at Rhinebeck


                    • #11
                      might i suggest "Monty Python and The Holy Grail", it's kind of a motorcycle movie, they do wear helmets...


                      • #12
                        I posted a welcome to all form members to my spot green 220 - no one stopped in - I just drank all the jack daniels myself

                        If not banished for leaving sunday morning ( 11 hour drive and work on monday ) the invatation is still in effect next year - right up the hill behind my buddy oz ( hey joe where you going with that beer in your hand )

                        aka HAWG
                        1914 EXCELSIOR BELT DRIVE SINGLE
                        1914 excelsior belt drive single carcuss
                        1940 indian chief military
                        1965 sportster xlch
                        1969 sportster xlch bobber
                        1971 bsa A65 chopper
                        1969 harley ss350 sprint
                        1960 harley topper
                        1963 harley topper
                        H model whizzer on cheiftain bicycle
                        H model whizzer on schwinn bicycle
                        1949 harley model 125 bobber project
                        1959 harley model 165
                        1960 harley super 10
                        1974 indian 70cc dirt bike
                        EXCELSIOR - ALWAYS MAKES GOOD

