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Something intresting

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  • Something intresting

    This has nothing to do with motorcicles but just the same it was intresting. I had to piece this together to get it up here. Bob L

    Hey everyone out there!

    We, in Arizona, know you're boycotting us -- but you really should come out here and see our Beautiful Sonoran Desert.

    It's just gorgeous right now! We know you'd love it and maybe you can share what you saw with the rest of the country so they can love it too!

    This is on an 'illegal super - highway' from Mexico to the USA (Tucson) used by human smugglers.

    This area is located in a wash, approximately 1.5 miles long, just south of Tucson, Arizona. If a flood came, all this would be washed to the river and then onto the sea!

    It is estimated over 5,000 discarded backpacks are in this wash. Countless water containers, food wrappers, clothing, feces, including thousands of soiled baby diapers. And as you can see in this picture, fresh footprints leading right into it.

    As we kept walking down the wash, we thought for sure it was going to end, but around every corner was more and more trash!

    And of course the trail leading out of the wash in our city, heads directly NORTH to Tucson, then leads to your town tomorrow.

    They've already come through here. Isn't Arizona just beautiful, America?

    Why would you boycott us???

    Our desert has basically been turned into a landfill.

    The trash left behind by people illegally crossing our border is another Environmental Disaster to hit the USA.

    If these actions had been done in one of our Northwest Forests or Seashore National Parks areas, there would be an uprising of the American people.....but this is the Arizona-Mexican border.

    You won't see these pictures on CNN, ABC, NBC or the Arizona Republic Repugnant newspaper. Nor will they mention the disease that comes from the uncovered human waste left in our desert.

    However, with respect to CNN, ABC & NBC, they do offer us "Special Reports" on cheating celebrity spouses....

    This information needs to be seen by the rest of the country.

    ************************************************** ************************************************** ******************************************

    "It's not about Right vs Left, Liberal vs. Conservative, Republican vs. Democrat . It's about supporting the US Constitution"
    Last edited by Robert Luland; 06-07-2010, 06:12 PM. Reason: mistake
    AMCA #3149

  • #2
    we need to send this filth back to it's origin south of the border, along with their discarded backpacks and soiled diapers etc. thanks for posting, it needs to be seen to be fully understood.


    • #3
      I am not boycotting Arizona. I am in support of what you are doing and believe the Supreme Court is full of ____ , we are foolish for not racial profiling in order to solve many of this great nations problems.


      • #4
        Originally posted by Slojo View Post
        I am not boycotting Arizona. I am in support of what you are doing and believe the Supreme Court is full of ____ , we are foolish for not racial profiling in order to solve many of this great nations problems.
        Now that’s just stupid. You think its okay to take away a born & breed American citizens’ rights because they don’t look like you. How do you feel about internment camps, are those okay? White America has run this country from the beginning. If you want to profile start there.


        • #5
          Originally posted by BNSONS View Post
          Now that’s just stupid. You think its okay to take away a born & breed American citizens’ rights because they don’t look like you. How do you feel about internment camps, are those okay? White America has run this country from the beginning. If you want to profile start there.
          Start profiling whites? Huh? Just what are you talking about? You must think it is OK for the Mexicans to come here and soak our states for every social program and not pay taxes? Is it OK for them to commit crimes at a rate that is 65% higher than our population? Is it OK that most of them don't have valid drivers licenses? How about fake social security cards? Fake voter's registration? Get a fricken clue, dude, and grow the F up! .

          I think we should profile anybody that looks like they are running through the desert with a backpack and can't speak a lick of English. That is our language here. Don't like it? Leave. My ancestors had to learn the language... they can too. Same with the towel heads that blow up planes. I am tired of the liberal progressives thinking we can rehabilitate any degenerate out there.


          • #6
            South of the Border

            And what's this got to do with Antique Motorcycles? I rode my '53 Chief today; it's done up as the Chief of Police's personal bike in Mexico City. El Jefe!
            It's strange. I have a mixed, mutt background. All 4 of my grandparents immigrated here (all legally, except my dad's dad, who stowed away from Denmark on a freighter.........damn Vikings). Our late, great Indian Guru, Francis " Cliff" Clilfford, who raced for Hap Jones, and Dud Perkins, was an illegal from French Canada. Now I don't condone any of this conduct at all. But I am dismayed at the holyier than thou attitude displayed here.
            I have managed to cover most of this planet, and mostly on my Indian. I've been behind the iron curtain on it, Central America, Asia (on dirt bikes, not an Indian), Australia, most of Europe (all the significant 50th anniversaries of WWII; VE day, Battle of Brittain Day, and D-Day...which was just yesterday btw.........all on my '44 Chief.) ((ask any other American my age if he knows these dates)). The one thing I can say about foreign countries is their elevated praise, and activity of antique motorcycles.
            The enthusiasm, comradery, and activity of the foreign gearheads keeps me coming back for more. At the first Scottish Indian Rally in '95, we had over 360 Indians. Have we ever had that many assembled here in the US in the last 30 years. The 50th ann. of Sturgis was the only venue that came close.
            What I'm saying here, is that it is not just good ol' boy 'mericans who are on this list, and who partake in our passions. Some of these chest pounding posts may be considered offensive to some genuine enthusiasts, who happen to live a bit further away than you & I.
            My post here has nothing to do with AZ, which we drove through on our way to the Texas RR earlier this year. Just trying to get us back on track with motorcycles, and show some international class.
            Our countries problems are our own. This is an international forum.
            Just my well traveled opinion, and wooden nickles worth, RF.


            • #7
              Originally posted by silentgreyfello View Post
              Start profiling whites? Huh? Just what are you talking about? You must think it is OK for the Mexicans to come here and soak our states for every social program and not pay taxes? Is it OK for them to commit crimes at a rate that is 65% higher than our population? Is it OK that most of them don't have valid drivers licenses? How about fake social security cards? Fake voter's registration? Get a fricken clue, dude, and grow the F up! .

              I think we should profile anybody that looks like they are running through the desert with a backpack and can't speak a lick of English. That is our language here. Don't like it? Leave. My ancestors had to learn the language... they can too. Same with the towel heads that blow up planes. I am tired of the liberal progressives thinking we can rehabilitate any degenerate out there.
              Arizona needs to take care of their problems anyway they have too.

              My post said why should a “born & breed American citizen” walking down the street be stopped & questioned because he LOOKS different than someone else (racial profiling). YOU got upset because of a post; how upset would you get if you were stopped & question because you looked different? People think its okay as long as it’s not them…………….. I know the statement about white America upsets people, but they have run the country & big business for over 200 yrs. If they are the bosses of our country & entrusted to do the best they can for our country, but look the other way to serve their own purposes, then how do you think we got in this mess? If a company goes out of business do you blame it on management or the workers? I don’t live in a fantasy world, & I’m not afraid to see things as they are.
              Dave #5189
              P.S. Good morning Fred


              • #8
                Originally posted by BNSONS View Post
                Now that’s just stupid. You think its okay to take away a born & breed American citizens’ rights because they don’t look like you. How do you feel about internment camps, are those okay? White America has run this country from the beginning. If you want to profile start there.
                I do believe he was referring to ILLEGAL ALIENS and not American Citizens.
                Crossing into this country without the correct documentation is ILLEGAL. I don't care which border or what you complexion is. Once you are here illegally when found you should be arrested. An illegal person here has no rights nor should they be allowed to use any of the services of this country. That is federal law. People have their knickers in a knot because Arizona has decided to use those same laws and strictly enforce them.
                Years ago the citizens of California passed proposition 186 banning illegals from using public services. The illegals had their lawyers take the new law to court and had it overturned. Isn't that a bunch of bullshit! By the way. The man leading their victory parade through the streets while waving the Mexican flag was Antonio Villaraigosa. In case you are wondering what Antonio is doing these days he is the mayor of the City of Los Angeles. Guess who elected him.
                Be sure to visit;
                Be sure to register at the site so you can see large images.
                Also be sure to visit


                • #9
                  I have been profiled in my life, due to the way I look, by the police, as many times as the average Black of Mexican. Don't like it......Leave the Country.
                  A.M.C.A. Member Since 1986


                  • #10
                    This Whole Arizona Law debate is SO out of control mainly because most people Opposed to are stating that it is "Profiling" If you read the law it states that A person who is stopped for a Traffic Violation, Or is suspected of committing a Crime can be asked about their Legal Status in this country, it say's Nothing about stopping people on the street just to question them because of how they look, ( which has happened to me in some neighborhoods I was walking in that I did not look as if I Belonged there,Cops ask why are you here & are you looking for drugs, I wasn't, just visting an old friend in a predomintly Black Neighborhhod is that Profiling or observant Police work?)
                    When my hair was long & I drove around in old beaters unshaven if I was stopped I was always asked the same questions by the police " Do you have any weapons or drugs in the car?" Is that profiling? When I'm Clean Shaven & well dressed never had those questions asked.
                    The Political correctness in this Country is destroying the Country from within, All Arizona wants to do is try to contain a situation that is impacting their state with catastrophic results in terms of money & Crime at the minimum. This is a Country wide problem that at least Arizona is trying to address with a solution, The police did not have the legal right ask a person's Status of Citizenship because the federal Goverment refuses to address the issue, They have decided to try & fix the problem.
                    I find it funny that Shoplifting is Illegal, Drunk Driving is Illegal, use of non prescription Drugs are Illegal, Running a red Light is Illegal, Hitting someone is Illegal, ENTERING THE UNITED STATES WITHOUT PROPER PAPERS & Take Away An American Citzens Job & benifits is ILLEGAL, Some people in this country want to choose which laws are to be enforced & which laws should be ignored !!
                    Hey the The first word in the classification of ILLEGAL Alien is ILLEGAL !!!
                    What's The Problem ??
                    The AMCA Itself is taking steps right now to try & control the influx of "ILLEGAL" Repro parts in the judging Forum with all kinds of rule changes. What's the difference ?
                    Bottom line Illegal is Illegal
                    This law is NOT about Profiling it is about Giving the tools to the Police to properly do their Jobs & enforce the laws of the land that is it.
                    If you do not want to read the Entire Arizona immigration law Senate Bill
                    Find it on the web ( I will not post a link because the media is so distorting the truth about this bill I want others to see how difficult it is to find the actual Bill & how easy it is to find how so many media outlets have distorted it's containts )check out
                    This section about how it address Profiling;
                    Sec. 2. Title 11, chapter 7, Arizona Revised Statutes, is amended by adding article 8, to read:


                    11-1051. Cooperation and assistance in enforcement of immigration laws; indemnification

                    Joe Oz
                    Last edited by 45OZ; 06-07-2010, 06:51 AM.


                    • #11
                      The Arab decended individual who parked the van in NY last month was tracked via racial profiling. If it were not for racial profiling, he would have already left the country and would not have been apprehended. My point is....The present ruling class used, what they deemed as racial profiling in the Arizona law, to catch the perpetrator ! Ya don't see this on the Gov controled media either !


                      • #12
                        As far as the trashed up lands of Arizona go..... Before deportation, illegals should be forced to clean it up ! And.....take it back with them.......


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by BNSONS View Post
                          Now that’s just stupid. You think its okay to take away a born & breed American citizens’ rights because they don’t look like you. How do you feel about internment camps, are those okay? White America has run this country from the beginning. If you want to profile start there.
                          I am profiled every time I get on an airplane or enter a court house and don't like it. The reason I am profiled has a lot to do with illegal activity, the criminal content of this country's habitants and tolerant people like you who apparently accept illegal immigration. Many criminal inhabitants are illegal's that cause problems. Eliminate the illegal's and you will eliminate many of our problems.
                          "You think its okay to take away a born & breed American citizens rights" I think to many Mexicans enter this country illegally (that means against the laws that we must comply with) with already breed mexicans not yet born and are born here to get free medical benifits and American citizenship for their unborns. These people can and should work to better their own. We need to follow all laws that are constitutional. Arizona is on the right path. The illegals are marching over our land in a war like manor taking....
                          " How do you feel about internment camps" That is an off color what if question and I will not entertain your foolishness with an answerer. I would like to add I don't like to be called stupid.
                          I love the country we live in and wish we could resolve our problems and differences. Currently we are heading down a path that is not the high road.
                          This is to deep of a conversation to really expand on in this venue and it is not motorcycle related so I will not post another coment.


                          • #14
                            My Mother immigrated to America, from Iceland in 1946 as a war bride. She went through the 5 year process of becoming a citizen, knew English before she got here, studied American history, and got a job. When she got her citizenship, she was deeply proud to vote (still does), and contribute to the culture of America. She has never collected welfare, received free medical, or food stamps. Ask her what she thinks of the free ride millions of Mexican nationals are going to get. I also have friends from England, Denmark, Columbia, and Japan that feel the same way. It's a slap in the face to everyone that played by the rules.
                            Eric Smith
                            AMCA #886


                            • #15
                              Actually i think (just me ) Most Americans are Happy to see Your State finally doing something about the problem !! Those pictures are deploreable !! maybe the illlegals caught should be made to clean the mess !!! Imsick of illegals having rights ! If your NOT LEGAL your NOTHING !!! Terrorist caught should be SHOT end of problem !

