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  • #31
    Easy down lads! I know the subject is a hot one but not worth getting your blood pressure up over some beaner backpacks in the desert. I only posted it because it was a different take than what the government controlled main stream media shows ya. I agree with Sludge. It’s Parking Lot Chatter, it’s an everything goes category. Nothing wrong with a little friction. Hell it’s more action than normally happens here. If it bugs ya, don’t click on the tread. For the most part from what I’ve seen here in the last few years, is that the majority here are conservatives or would ya say leaning to the right. I’ve only seen two bleeding heart liberals. In the end there’s a great group of people here no matter which way your politics lean towards but at the same time is a real pain in the ass every time a discussion turns a little hot that the tread gets locked. You guys are calm. **** if you really want to see some blood letting just go over to the Hog Pen Index. Trust me BNSONS, you wouldn’t be happy there. The bottom line is, if ya chime in get ready for a few knocks. If someone calls ya bone head. Take a deep breath and get over it. I’ve been called a multitude of things here but I still gladly come back for more pain. Bob L
    AMCA #3149


    • #32
      Everytime I fly, and I do a great deal- I get hauled out of the line and get the extra search. I'm sure it has nothing to do with my hair, beard,tattoo's and motorcycle attire. BTW I am an honorably discharged combat veteran, retired from a law enforcement agency with a graduate education. They are shocked when I can produce Law Enforcement identification. I have never even been arrested for jay-walking. The day I walked out of there I made a vow to never cut my hair or beard again. I have always played by the rules. If that's not profiling, I'm not sure what is. If it's good enough for me, it's good enough for anyone else.

      I met my wife whilst in the service on leave, we went through all the proper legalities to get her into the country. She still holds her New Zealand citizenship as well. We were told if she left during her initial year here, even if her parents fell ill, she might not be able to return. She was not allowed to work for the first year. I guess if that is also good enough for us, it should be good enough for anyone else. As has been stated elsewhere, it infuriates her that some people cheat the system and do not have to be held to the standards we have.

      It is not only Mexicans, I have met English, Irish, Albanians, and a myriad of others here illegally. In my heart of hearts, cannot hold them solely responsible. If the people who hire illegals were held up to the full tenents of the law, alot less would come. Something has to draw them here. It is the chance to work. If there was no work, they would not come. I consider those who hire illegals traitors. The defenders of the Alamo died in vain. Look on the side of the road when you see these stimulus projects enacted to help America get going again. Too my untrained eye, the folks enjoying the benefits of these monies are not Americans. The same thing happens in New Zealand where my wife is from. Many people from the smaller island nations come into the country and overstay their visas. It appears they get a pass until a law is broken. I really don't know that much about it except it often comes up as a topic at the tavern my Father-in-Law frequents. The conversation is not one of acceptence and openess. I realize this subject brings up emotions. I do not believe there are any easy answers. I mean no disrespect to anyone, I am just reporting my observations.
      Pete Cole AMCA #14441
      1947 Indian Chief

