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Viking Chaper Meet

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  • #31
    Hey Phil I wish I had made the meet. Thanks Cory. Your pics are very appreciated. For the record Siggi is recovering well. 8 hours and they cut alot out of him but we're going to Davenport even if I have to carry him.


    • #32
      Ross...I'm merely the messenger... these are Ken's pics. Glad to hear Siggi is plugging along. He's got a true friend if you're willing to pack him to Iowa.
      Cory Othen


      • #33
        Originally posted by c.o. View Post
        Ross...I'm merely the messenger... these are Ken's pics. Glad to hear Siggi is plugging along. He's got a true friend if you're willing to pack him to Iowa.
        Ditto re Siggi, good man, Ross.
        Cory, I hope someone sends you pix of the Cyclone. I like studying early technological developments, like steam and internal combustion, and if there were a book on the subject that were as big as Moby Dick I'd read every page. Maybe it's already out there.


        • #34
          Viking Photo's

          Originally posted by c.o. View Post
          Ross...I'm merely the messenger... these are Ken's pics. Glad to hear Siggi is plugging along. He's got a true friend if you're willing to pack him to Iowa.
          Thanks for posting photo's for me.
          some day they will fix this site to accept different size files.
          Ken S., # 6457
          1926- H-D BAF-Peashooter
          1954-H-D Panhead


          • #35
            Viking Meet

            What a great bunch of pictures, thanks for taking the time to post all of them!


            • #36
              Originally posted by Phil Mast View Post
              Ditto re Siggi, good man, Ross.
              Cory, I hope someone sends you pix of the Cyclone. I like studying early technological developments, like steam and internal combustion, and if there were a book on the subject that were as big as Moby Dick I'd read every page. Maybe it's already out there.
              I shouldn't bring this up lest there's an anticipation build-up but I'm pretty sure I've got some indepth info on the Cyclone (somewhere!!) in my stack of literature. If I dredge it up I'll post it Phil. Ditto on the Cyclone pics.....I'd be glad to post them.

              Originally posted by milw.pirates View Post
              Thanks for posting photo's for me.
              some day they will fix this site to accept different size files.
              No worries Ken. I just hope we don't lose any photos in the web-site re-vamp.

              Originally posted by schmittm View Post
              What a great bunch of pictures, thanks for taking the time to post all of them!
              Mike, I enjoy the pics as much as anyone. I'm glad to do it. I'm with Ken on making it easier for pictures to be loaded on the forum. I think then you'd see more people posting them.
              Cory Othen


              • #37
                Thanks guys for the positive comments. The Viking Chapter appreciates everyone that attends our national meet and we work towards improving it each year. We would love to hear any constructive suggestions you may have on making this the best meet possible. Unfortunately we have not figured out how to control the weather yet but we have been fortunate to be able to pull in some unique bikes to display each year. Feel free to contact me any time. My contact info is on our web site

                Paul Davidson
                Viking Chapter President


                • #38
                  Originally posted by davidsonp9 View Post
                  Thanks guys for the positive comments. The Viking Chapter appreciates everyone that attends our national meet and we work towards improving it each year. We would love to hear any constructive suggestions you may have on making this the best meet possible. Unfortunately we have not figured out how to control the weather yet but we have been fortunate to be able to pull in some unique bikes to display each year. Feel free to contact me any time. My contact info is on our web site

                  Paul Davidson
                  Viking Chapter President
                  Paul, my very first amca meet was Farmington 1990, I was wearing my coveralls which grew heavy with moisture, met Rocky Halter and bought some of his and others' parts, grinned from ear to ear the whole time!... so I am quite sorry to miss a sentimental past from all the years at Farmington, full disclosure there. But.....

                  I've also greatly enjoyed your St Paul experience, twice! The display hall is definitely a fine headquarters as long as elbow room allows. The kids and I love riding around the grounds, even observed the lassies sunbathing over at the U! (last year, when the sun was shining!). We were given a few presentation talks by antique car folks who were just hanging out. We might have taken a ride on the suspended coaches (proper description?), if they'd been in operation. ... I know that the fairgrounds folks would like to charge for and regulate every last activity possible, so it's likely difficult to expand our possibility of presence, but I sense that growth is limited, even if you had room to spare this past meet.

                  My craziest suggestion would be to offer free vending for next year's meet, to get that jump-started again. You need more vendors.

                  Next crazy: erect a big tarp lean-to off the north side of the hall. Get a quote on it from somebody. Beats the heat, and the rain, and the mud.

                  another crazy: stage a "best runner" competition, .. make some noise!



                  • #39
                    Phil, Good suggestions. I will discuss with the BOD. Next year let me know when you take your ride past the U.

