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H-D leaving Milwaukee?

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  • H-D leaving Milwaukee?

    Is Harley-Davidson seriously considering leaving Milwaukee or is this just a Union Busting ploy?|main|dl4|link5|http%3A%2F%2Fwww.autoblo
    Last edited by Chris Haynes; 05-04-2010, 12:04 PM.
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  • #2
    Yah, Taiwan Tedd bought them out and is moving the factory "offshore"


    • #3
      Glad I got an old one


      • #4
        It would appear Harley is currently being mismanaged by those who are trained to run big business, like executives from GM, Chrysler or US government on how to run a business into the mud. Bean counters that don't understand motorcyclists, motorcycling or manufacturing. I will stick with my good old stuff. It may not be refined as the modern product, but the modern stuff misses the bulls eye on what I want in a modern motorcycle.
        Last edited by Slojo; 05-04-2010, 03:47 PM.


        • #5
          Originally posted by Barry Brown View Post
          Yah, Taiwan Tedd bought them out and is moving the factory "offshore"
          “O” no Barry, just the parts! This way he could save on the tariffs and have them assembled in a new plant right next to our new museum. Then they can be exhibited at Reinbeck national meet conveniently located thirty miles from his front door. Ya can’t make this **** up!
          AMCA #3149


          • #6
            There are no tarrifs on imported parts for replacement parts on American made motorcycles if you utilize the correct code number for the replacement parts. Paps


            • #7
              Originally posted by Paps View Post
              There are no tarrifs on imported parts for replacement parts on American made motorcycles if you utilize the correct code number for the replacement parts. Paps
              Paps, I was referring to the tariffs on completed cars and motorcycles entering this country. Do ya think Honda and Toyota have assembly plants in this county because they love us?
              AMCA #3149


              • #8
                i just got back from a business trip to milwaukee and saw this headline in the Milwaukee journal sentinal Friday 30th: "Harley says it must cut $54 million - iconic motorcycle-maker prefers to remain in state but will explore alternative sites". artical goes on to say they would explore other US sites and yeah it sounds like a union/management thing but another quote from same artical: "democrats passed a new tax on certian flagship companies in Wisconsin once they gained complete control of state government. that new tax cost an already struggling Harley-Davidson 22.5 million during the worst recession in generations".

                i also found time to visit the Harley Museum in downtown Milwaukee, very nice display of old bikes etc.


                • #9
                  What next.......

                  Why is everything I hear or read going to $hit lately. I can't even go to this forum for an escape. I think I will turn off the computer, TV, radio and go for a ride on the cycle. If that doesn't work I will do some target shooting. That always works.
                  #7558 Take me on and you take on the whole trailer park!


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by KNUCK View Post
                    Why is everything I hear or read going to $hit lately. I can't even go to this forum for an escape. I think I will turn off the computer, TV, radio and go for a ride on the cycle. If that doesn't work I will do some target shooting. That always works.
                    What? You don't like the CHANGE we were all promised? You aint seen nothing yet! Pretty soon target practicing will be a thing of the past if they get their way. And those old motorcycles use fossil fuel and leak oil to boot.


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by Robert Luland View Post
                      Paps, I was referring to the tariffs on completed cars and motorcycles entering this country. Do ya think Honda and Toyota have assembly plants in this county because they love us?
                      Gotcha Robert. Of course they love us.


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by KNUCK View Post
                        Why is everything I hear or read going to $hit lately. I can't even go to this forum for an escape. I think I will turn off the computer, TV, radio and go for a ride on the cycle. If that doesn't work I will do some target shooting. That always works.
                        Ya need to keep the pc on so you can print targets to practice on.


                        • #13
                          Generally speaking, it seems like every time you hear about a company threatening to move to another state, it's all about the company angling for tax concessions or handouts from the local municipality and/or the state, or federal govt. HD's financial div. made subprime bike loans on bikes that were priced thousands OVER list price to individuals who didn't have a prayer of being able to repay them long term, so let them sleep in the bed they made for themselves. Don't know about the rest of you but I'm fed up with all the bailout's and stimulous money that this administration is leaving as a legacy for our grand children to have to pay.
                          AMCA 15783


                          • #14
                            Why wouldn't they try it in Milwaukee? They just shook everyone here in PA down with the same threat about York and it worked like a charm. Everything I heard them say about why they should move sounded like BS to me, but of course I actually know a little bit about the company and motorcycles. More than I can say about most politicians.
                            Brian Howard AMCA#5866


                            • #15
                              Wally World pulls that action all the time. They promise jobs etc. when they first get excepted into a community. The communities cough up a ten year tax abatement as a magnet to catch them. After the ten year term expires, Wally World says they will leave if they don't get another ten year term. I know of one community which said no to the tax abatement extension. Wally World closed the facility and built another in a adjacent township. Paps

