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AMCA Foundation

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  • AMCA Foundation

    As we now have a nice thread for questions to the AMCA Club Board of Directors & those questions are encroaching into questions that relate to that Seperate entity the AMCA Foundation, it seems like a good time to start a thread to post questions for the Foundation. By posts elswhere we are told that an article is comming out with the next issue of the magazine concerning the Foundation Even if this thread just gives the Foundation guys a place to start focusing on the questions that concern the club members, and how can club members help assist the Foundation, it can be a help to us all.

    Like, who is " Ted " and how does that relate to the Foundation ?
    From some incomplete answers given elswhere, I get the impression Ted has a building we are going to use ? and it is somewhere in the NE ?
    William McClean
    AMCA # 60

  • #2
    ted is the man who makes 75% of all the pos. repo. parts that we all hate to he will have use of your rare bikes to make even more pos repro parts.but he is a club member with a big building.
    rob ronky #10507


    • #3
      That still doesn't answer who Ted is and what if any company he runs or owns. Where is this building that's going to house the exhibits?
      William asked a perfectly reasonable question and deserves a complete and honest descriptive answer.
      Peter Thomson, a.k.a. Tommo
      A.M.C.A. # 2777
      Palmerston North, New Zealand.


      • #4
        I believe this is Gerry Doering who is the father of Ted Doering also known as "Taiwan Ted" of "Vee Twin infamy. From what I hear Gerry has over 100 original paint Indians etc. although I have never seen his name in an AMCA roster or much less an invitation to club members to visit his private "museum " if that is what the motivation is. This is where I really admire a heavy hitter like Jay Leno for not opting out to the secretive hoarding route chosen by so many collectors.


        • #5
          ted's building is in newburg ny. 1/2 hour north of's just an odd marraige.teds parts are bad knockoffs.
          rob ronky #10507


          • #6
            Well I guess it's a fair bet that the museum move must have something to do with Taiwan Ted. If there wasn't some truth to it I'm sure someone of some official capacity would have jumped up on a stump and proclaimed it as nonsense. I mean its been a month since someone first said it. That's a shame. The AACA museum is a top notch facility. It's affiliated with the Smithsonian for cryin out loud. I've seen some real junk heeps that were advertised as museums with regards to transportation related items. Will our new one be one of those? A coworker who still plays antique cars brought me in a stack of back issues of there magazine for some light lunch time reading. There is quite a bit of interest in motorcycles in their magazine. Some full features on members who also own bikes and the bikes they own. Seems like if increasing the membership was the goal, we had a very receptive audience. How many new members will Ted bring us? Of course in all the times I went out to the Hershey museum I never saw any information prominently displayed about joining our club. We could learn a lot from the car guys. They have a brick and mortar library on the other side of Hershey. It is very impressive to say the least. They run a good organization and don't seem to have near the turmoil we do. They also don't appear to need a foundation to handle their museum endeavors and have a partially open board of directors and an open annual meeting. Yep could've learned a lot.
            Brian Howard AMCA#5866


            • #7
              I, like Mr. McClean, have had many questions about the Foundation since it's incepcion, and so far have never have been able to get any answers. This would be a great thread if members of the Foundation would interact with the membership. I know that we had a raffle for a truck, and as I saw in the club magazine a club member won the prize (which is great), and then we heard no more. My questions are did we buy the truck, and if so how much did we pay? How many tickets did we sell, and how much money did we raise? And, what did we do with the money we raised, if any? I don't think this is too much to ask, as any other organization I've been associated with provides accountings of fundraisers to its members.

              Hopefully, Mr. Craig will participate in this thread and shed some light on some of these issues.


              • #8
                AMCA Museum

                Hey Folks,
                I'd like to possibly put some folks at ease pertaining to the new AMCA Museum. I'm not a spokesman for either parties involved(Doerings/AMCA/Foundation), just have been fortunate to have been able to visit the location. I presently have a motorcycle that has been on display in the Hershey, Pa. AACA Museum, and now has been relocated to the new Newburgh, N.Y. faculity. The old location @ the AACA building(Hershey) was a great place, but it'll not compare to what we'll have in Newburgh. This faculity in N.Y. will be state of the art, first class, and will be on the level with Barbers in Birmingham, Dales(Wheels Throuh Time) in Magee Valley and other well know collections/museums! It will be something to behold, memorable and inspiring to new comers(and old) to the world of antique motorcycles--mark my words!!!
                If coming to the Rhinebeck, N.Y. meet in June, it is less than 1 hr. south of there, and hopefully it'll be up and running!!
                I do not believe taking cheap shots at Ted or any one for that matter, on this site benefits anybody!! Hope this helps--BPK!!


                • #9
                  quote: "I do not believe taking cheap shots at Ted or any one for that matter, on this site benefits anybody!! Hope this helps--BPK!!"

                  what if he's out of the Harley camp? can we trash him then?!!


                  • #10
                    I guess we have to go to another website to find out about our foundation.



                    • #11
                      BPK and Phil I agree with you 100%. If it wasn't for Ted and Jerry most people with limited restoration skills and funds wound't have the parts to build their bikes. The museum WILL be a first class operation when completed and will proceed with the A.M.C.A Club and the Foundation's best interest in the forefront. People that make derogatory comments about them obviously dont know them very well. D.A.Bagin #3166
                      D. A. Bagin #3166 AKA Panheadzz 440 48chief W/sidecar 57fl 57flh 58fl 66m-50 68flh 70xlh


                      • #12
                        Does no one else see the irony that all that money made from sourcing off shore crapola parts for old bikes is now reputedly being used to honour the bikes that were constructed wholely in America? Guilt or greed? Just idle speculation so don't blow a gasket.


                        • #13
                          Barry, I believe its called "Giving back". If you are refering to me as "blowing a gasket, you are mistaken. We should be grateful for all they are doing not only for the Foundation, but also the club. They don't have to do anything you know. I don't see Jay Leno stepping up. Maybe you should come down after its open and see for yourself. And I'm not speaking for anyone other than myself. D.A.Bagin #3166
                          D. A. Bagin #3166 AKA Panheadzz 440 48chief W/sidecar 57fl 57flh 58fl 66m-50 68flh 70xlh


                          • #14
                            Quote from Ed Youngblood's web sitte...."Antique Motorcycle Foundation president Dennis Craig states, “This is a wonderful opportunity to fulfill our mission to celebrate the fascinating history of motorcycling and to carry our story to the public at large. We are grateful for the opportunity to collaborate with the Doering Foundation to entertain and educate the public as to the fascinating and diverse use of motorcycles since the earliest days of the 20th century.”
                            The Museum of Motorcycle History will host a preview opening for members of the Antique Motorcycle Club of America on June 11, 2010. "

                            I happen to agree that we as a club need somewhere to hang our hat so to speak and I don't really have any objection to the foundation, BUT you would think they would keep us up to date about what's happening. On Youngbloods site it looks like we are invited to the new opening. When was the Foundation going to invite us?
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                            • #15
                              Same as they invited everyone to the Hershey opening gala. Short notice and no advertising. They did throw a nice shindig for themselves, free barbecue and all. Me and a couple other locals found out about it and showed up. No one asked us to leave. But it was kinda clear we really didn't quite fit either. Funny thing, they didn't have the money to stay in Hershey is what I heard so who is paying for this new from the ground up world class facility? How is someones bike on display there if the museum isn't finished? I've worked in both the commercial and high end building game my whole life and the opening date is less than 3 months away, I didn't know Ty Pennington was available. And the contractors are working over peoples vintage bikes???? Hope someones insurance certificate is up to date. Personally I think John Param has done as much as anyone to try and help the common man with this hobby. Why not team up with him at his National Motorcycle Museum in Iowa? Dirty rotten politics most likely.
                              Brian Howard AMCA#5866

