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Sidecars and riding them

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  • Sidecars and riding them

    I figure I would bring this over here Eric I didn't want to side track Corys thread with sidecar talk.

    Heck maybe there SHOULD,hint hint be a sidecar topic here considering how they figure in with the early bikes.

    Chuck, it was me that was rough on rear tires and spokes because I loved to use my sidecar as a turning aid. When you turn away from the sidecar you can go into a corner as hard as your engine will push it. When you turn into the sidecar you can pull it up in the air and scare the hell out of your passenger. . . . Don't do that to children or people with heart trouble Cory.

    I'm currently working on getting a Rodgers sidecar for my Excelsior and a friend has a late 40's vintage car that would be perfect for my '51 or '48 H-D. Either way, I do want another one because they are a blast to pilot, and add a completly different dimension to your motorcycle. . . . . But, I don't want two sidecars.
    Eric Smith
    AMCA #886


    That was what I was getting at the tire will take the beating when being used that way, another thing is if a sidecar has been hooked to a bike for a length of time it is wise to inspect the tires because continued use of a sidecar combo and then removing it the tires may be "square" from constantly being in an upright position and not being leaned into corners.

    But like I mentioned earlier a properly aligned sidecar rig should track straight you shouldn't have to fight the handle bars, and the rear tire should give you a good 6500 miles the older bikes use to rotate the front to the back.

    When turning left with a sidecar there is a phrase refered to as the roll over axis this is when the bikes front tire and the sidecar tire briefly come in the same plane with the momentum of the rig in left turn it is very possiable to roll the bike OVER the sidecar when it gets to a certain point there is No comming out of it, but you do have to be going extremely fast in to the corner.

    This is why you may see a seasoned sidecar rider slide their body to the left or right when tyrning in either direction kind of a counter weight when going right mostly because of the charestics of the sidecar and bike, it isn't a bad idea to put a little weight in the sidecar when traveling alone for ballast I use to use a 5 gallon collapsable jug with water in it when I first started in sidecars.

    I was pretty good with my old rig in "flying the chair" also use to do that when a car would be a bit to close behind me I can remember once a car slamming it's brakes on when I did it bet gave them something to talk about at the dinner table that night.
    AMCA Member#1848

  • #2
    I have never owned a sidecar rig and am not sure I want one but I've laways been intriqued by them and I'm always interested in learning more about any aspect of this hobby. I agree with you that having a sidecar column on here would be terrific. I also think one on "Accessories" would benefit many.
    AMCA 15783


    • #3
      Chuck... while I wouldn't have minded at all at some sidetracking on the pan thread, I too think that a sidecar topic would be interesting. Share away man.... it's great stuff....!!!
      Cory Othen


      • #4
        You don't know what you're missing but I'm a real sidecar freak and I've even been known to ride them over the see-saw in field events but I have to admit you'll either love them or hate them.
        Somewhere there is a movie clip of me and my wife to be, doing a field event on my 1937 UL and sidecar and it shows us going over the see-saw. I'll see if I can find it and get it converted to video so I can post it on here if anyones interested.
        Also if anybodys interested I have about 10 spare Harley sidecar chassis that are available, I just couldn't see them scraped but remember they are all left hand chassis.
        Peter Thomson, a.k.a. Tommo
        A.M.C.A. # 2777
        Palmerston North, New Zealand.


        • #5
          Tommo... I'd love to see that video!
          Cory Othen


          • #6
            Tommo,Share away I am a self proclaimed sidecar nut everytime I see a post of Magic's it makes me smile.
            And like you said a person is going to love them or hate's that love,hate relationship thing
            AMCA Member#1848


            • #7
              Originally posted by c.o. View Post
              Chuck... while I wouldn't have minded at all at some sidetracking on the pan thread, I too think that a sidecar topic would be interesting. Share away man.... it's great stuff....!!!
              some of the topics posted here seem to get sidetracked into other discussions and well I am guilty of that especially on the topic of sidecars, I didn't want to see your 48 pan get flooded with sidehack discussions
              AMCA Member#1848


              • #8

                Tommo, I sent you a private message.

                A SideCar Section on the forum is a great idea!



                • #9
                  It is a whole other ballgame

                  Thx Chuck and I actually seem to smile myself when I ride the 1958FLH with the Sidecar....just had it out about a week ago when the warm weather blew through Pa early this year. I'm actually a novice 3 wheeler myself just a few years since I connected it and enjoy everytime I go out and puts a smile ear to ear on whoever gets in the car as well. I spent some time fine tuning the tracking on her and she handles well with it normal braking and acceleration quirks that are expected. I would of never thought 35yrs ago when I started riding legally on the road I'd ever want one or like a three wheeled sidecar motorcycle. Now you got me talking LOL and yea a sidecar section would be nice and easy for people to use in reference. Best thing about it...alot of requests for a rides. Keep riding them, Merlin in Pa.


                  • #10
                    I believe I was the first person to qualify for The Iron Butt Association on a sidecar rig. Over 1,000 miles over twisty roads in California's Sierra Nevada Mountains. Not a fun ride I'll tell ya. Left cheek of my ass on the right side of the seat to keep the sidecar wheel on the ground on twisty US 50. My arms were plain wore out.
                    Be sure to visit;
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                    • #11
                      Originally posted by Magic View Post
                      Thx Chuck and I actually seem to smile myself when I ride the 1958FLH with the Sidecar....just had it out about a week ago when the warm weather blew through Pa early this year. I'm actually a novice 3 wheeler myself just a few years since I connected it and enjoy everytime I go out and puts a smile ear to ear on whoever gets in the car as well. I spent some time fine tuning the tracking on her and she handles well with it normal braking and acceleration quirks that are expected. I would of never thought 35yrs ago when I started riding legally on the road I'd ever want one or like a three wheeled sidecar motorcycle. Now you got me talking LOL and yea a sidecar section would be nice and easy for people to use in reference. Best thing about it...alot of requests for a rides. Keep riding them, Merlin in Pa.

                      I was in heaven a couple years back in Oley for the 3 wheeled theme with sidecars,servi-cars and such.

                      you going to Oley..........with the pan?
                      AMCA Member#1848


                      • #12
                        Iron Butt sidecars

                        Hey Chris, what type bike and sidecar did you do it on?
                        AMCA Member#1848


                        • #13
                          Thank You All


                          I have a 30 VLC Harley Davidson with sidecar and although I do not yearn to ride a sidehack often, I enjoy the experience fully when I do. Have learned much from all of your comments on this topic here. Always appreciate members who share their knowledge whether first hand experiences or from printed material they have that I have yet to access. A great reason that we all belong to the AMCA.

                          All The Best

                          Steve Klein
                          AMCA Mmber 12176
                          Cherokee Chapter
                          Georgetown TX
                          Steve Klein
                          Collector . Conservator . Enthusiast
                          American Pre-teens - 1965
                          AMCA Member 12176
                          Cherokee Chapter President, Editor
                          Georgetown, TX USA


                          • #14
                            Thank you Steve

                            Hey Steve I am working on a 30 VL that I plan to put a sidecar on any chance you could post a photo or two for me?

                            Thanks Chuck
                            AMCA Member#1848


                            • #15
                              OK....I guess

                              Originally posted by Chuck#1848 View Post
                              Hey Steve I am working on a 30 VL that I plan to put a sidecar on any chance you could post a photo or two for me?

                              Thanks Chuck

                              Now I have to learn how to post pictures.....Jeez you are demanding.
                              Will download some from another computer and attempt to do so this evening.
                              Maybe I can be adventuresome and create an avatar also?
                              Always so much to do in this sport

                              Steve Klein
                              AMCA Member 12176
                              Cherokee Chapter
                              Georgetown TX
                              Steve Klein
                              Collector . Conservator . Enthusiast
                              American Pre-teens - 1965
                              AMCA Member 12176
                              Cherokee Chapter President, Editor
                              Georgetown, TX USA

