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Back Door Gun Registration

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  • #16
    There is an article in the Sunday Parade Magazine that say’s that gun control laws are not getting tougher but in fact the guns laws are beginning to soften up.

    I’m fifty five and had to register a rifle for the first time ever last month. I had bought a raffle ticket from a guy I work with for some sportsmen’s club and I won a Savage varmint rifle. They made me register it before allowing me to take it home. Now they have my name and number, big deal.

    This bill doesn’t seem to be an attack against my personal freedoms so much as it appears to be yet just another money maker for our cash strapped Uncle Sam.
    AMCA #7300


    • #17
      Originally posted by Ohio-Rider View Post
      They made me register it before allowing me to take it home. Now they have my name and number, big deal.
      Yes, It is a big deal. Now they know who you are, what gun you have, and where you live. The same information that Adolf Hitler used to take the guns away from the German civilians.
      Be sure to visit;
      Be sure to register at the site so you can see large images.
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      • #18
        Originally posted by Chris Haynes View Post
        Yes, It is a big deal. Now they know who you are, what gun you have, and where you live. The same information that Adolf Hitler used to take the guns away from the German civilians.
        BINGO !!!!!!!!!!!!!

        Everyone in the US should view this video clip ! Listen closely to what is said ! Anyone who does not go with the flow, will fall into this category ! Not just currently held detainies !!!


        • #19
          Chris, Do you honestly think that Uncle Sam doesn't already know who you are? Have you ever purchased ammo with a check or credit card? Have you ever rented a lane at a local shooting range? Are you a member of NRA? And I could go on and on. A.H. also burned books Chris, but we ain't going to let that happen either. Sleep tight...... We've got your back.
          AMCA #7300


          • #20
            [QUOTE=Ohio-Rider;80205]Chris, Do you honestly think that Uncle Sam doesn't already know who you are? Have you ever purchased ammo with a check or credit card?
            No I haven't. I buy my ammo with cash at the gun shows.

            Have you ever rented a lane at a local shooting range? Shooting range with all the open land nearby? No I havent.

            Are you a member of NRA?
            No I am not, But thanks to the Brady Bill I had to register all my guns .
            Be sure to visit;
            Be sure to register at the site so you can see large images.
            Also be sure to visit


            • #21
              Registration leads to confiscation! Period! England, Australia. These poor devils learned the hard way when they got suckered into the Socialist scams.

              “When they came and took my hunting rifle. I said where is the NRA and we replied. Where were you?”

              1 800 NRA JOIN

              This kind of insurance couldn’t get any cheaper!
              Bob L
              AMCA #3149


              • #22
                Clearing Up the Rumors: The Truth About The “Gun Tax Bill”

                copy pasted from


                Clearing Up the Rumors: The Truth About The “Gun Tax Bill”

                Friday, May 29, 2009

                In the last few weeks, NRA-ILA has received hundreds of e-mails warning us about “SB-2099,” a bill that would supposedly require you to report all your guns on your income tax return every April 15.

                Like many rumors, there’s just a grain of truth to this one. Someone’s recycling an old alert, which wasn’t even very accurate when it was new.

                There actually was a U.S. Senate bill with that number that would have taxed handguns—nine years ago. It was introduced by anti-gun Sen. Jack Reed (D-R.I.), and it would have included handguns under the National Firearms Act’s tax and registration scheme. This has nothing to do with anyone’s Form 1040, of course.

                Fortunately, S. 2099 disappeared without any action by the Senate, back when Bill Clinton was still in the White House. We reported about it back then, just as we report about new anti-gun bills every week. Now, it’s time for gun owners to drop this old distraction and focus on the real threats at hand.


                • #23
                  March 2009. official US Website. Read the first few pages of discussion ! See how SB-2099 is still in discussion !!



                  • #24
                    Oh yeah... Here is the US Official link to the previous document.



                    • #25
                      Paps, the link that you posted for SB2009 is not the US Senate, it is for the North Dakota Senate. It is a completely different bill.

                      Nonetheless, here are some fact to ponder...

                      The number of physicians in the US is 700,000. Accidental deaths caused by physicians are 120,000 per year. Accidental deaths per physician is 0.171. (Statistics courtesy of US Dept of Health Human Services)

                      The number of gun owners in the US is 80,000,000. Accidental deaths caused by all age groups, per year, is 1,500. Accidental deaths per gun owner is 0.0000188. (Statistics courtesy of FBI)

                      So statistically, doctors are approximately 9,000 times more dangerous than gun owners. Remember, "Guns don't kill people, doctors do". We must ban doctors before this gets completely out of hand!


                      • #26
                        Yes...state by state. Scroll through all the pages. I'll get the recent U.S. house and senate versions up here as soon as I locate it again. Not all states are looking it over though. Salute Montana ! Salute Tennesee ! And now maybe Texas will deserve a salute, as well.

                        A good lawyer probably could win with those stats, in shooting down firearms regulation, but no lawyer would try to use it. They must disarm the law abiding to prevent criminals from breaking the laws.


                        • #27
                          " Our Liberties We Prize and Our Rites We will Maintain "

                          reads the state flag of Iowa. A pretty cool moto, I think.

                          Traveling in Scotland and visiting with the proprietor of the B & B where we were staying, I heard a tale of woe. Our good inn keeper is a motorcyclist and a shootist. Since the massacree at Dunblaine he said there had been crack downs on their already strict gun laws.

                          All gun owners must submit to an annual home inspection, with no prior notification, by the authorities who count and Account for all the weapons, both long and short arms and the number of bullets, ammo you posses. There is a maximum aggregate # of rounds of ammo that you can posses at 1 time. Our host having several calibers of weapons and ammo for each had planned a day of shooting sport and purchased a volume of rounds that he planned on expending that day. As he got to the fun of punching paper he was getting and excessive number of mis fires. Thinking that a replacement volume of ammo would be from the same lot of bad ammo if he returned to the same store to do a simple exchange, he went to a 2nd strore to get ammo to complete his day of shooting, planning to return the bad batch to the 1st store for a refund. He then completed his shooting day, using up most of that 2nd batch of ammo.

                          All this ammo purchase in a short time alerted the authorities. Before the week was out and before he was able to return to the 1st store for the refund, the authorities were at his door. They counted all the ammo from his several calibers of weapons and found him over his Legal Limit. They did not care to hear his reason, nor any form of protest. All of his guns and ammo were confiscated including his antique pieces, which had been rendered non firing and were encased & mounted as display on the walls of his den.

                          As he told the tale , he was in an appeals process which was taking over 1 year and was comming up on a deadline for either the return of his property or the destruction of it by the authorities.
                          William McClean
                          AMCA # 60


                          • #28
                            Salute Iowa !!!! Bill.....this is what we have to look forward to. Our second admendment was to prevent gov from getting stronger than the people. People were to control the gov....based on the original bill of rights....not vise versa.


                            • #29
                              Looks loike I used the wrong spelling of Rights

                              William McClean
                              AMCA # 60


                              • #30
                                We will NEVER see what has been described here overseas!!! Remember where you live the good ole U.S.A.! Some of usfought for freedom and I for one do not believe for one second that our gun rights are in danger!!!! Dont fall for the hype!!! There would be a second revolt here,I can not and WILL NOT believe the present government or any other government will ever be able to supress this of all rights most sacred!!!! They can have my guns when they pry them from my hands!!! Mr Heston was right!!!!

