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Market price of OEM parts

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  • #16
    Breaking news!

    Hey! It mustn't be always bad news!!! I just bought in ebay a 3-shift gate, that I believe to be original, for my 47F (if it is not original, please do not break my heart and do not tell me nothing...)!!!

    Finally justice! So many zillions spent...




    • #17
      So excited that I forgot the news itself...

      The price was 9.99!




      • #18
        it looks original to me good purchase
        aka Glenn


        • #19
          Phew! Thanks, Glenn...


          • #20
            Chris I believe that is 3 speed for WL 45. Knucklehead/panhead does not have the < > on each side of the neutral. Gear spacing will not be right.

            Sorry for bad news. Jerry


            • #21
              I know that I should know this Jerry but when did the shift pattern change for 45's?

              Oh, and Chris I feel your pain on OEM parts..... I need this for my Scout but it's looking like it's going to go fairly high! I'm going to cringe when I have to put out for a horn and speedometer!
              Cory Othen


              • #22
                All models changed shift pattern in '47 when the tanks changed. The pattern changed from front-to-back to back-to-front with high gear forward to get the lever out of the riders knee.
                The amount of travel is different on Big Twin and 45 so that is why the different gates. And right hand shift on Big Twin went away.
                Robbie Knight Amca #2736


                • #23
                  Thanks Robbie, I sort of figured it was in '47 but figured I'd have to really dig through my books to find out the info. It seems to be a lot quicker to pick up an answer here...
                  Cory Othen


                  • #24
                    Chris as I stated in a thread on frames a few months back. This has become a Big Boy hobby. We are all lucky we were in it before it went trendy and some what queer. Just check out some of the crowd that filters though Rienbeck. I mean it's scary! This is the same crowd that thirty years ago would have prefered the police confiscating your bike, beat the **** out of you and jail your long haired ass. The club talks about the next generation? They better have a golden spoon shoved up thier ass. Screw silver! I didn't make it that way! Harley-Davidson and a lot of good Madison Avenue advertising firms made it that way. If you had invested $40Gs in Harley in the early eighties you'd be worth millions now. For a good portion of us the next generation is our kids because they got thier foot in the door. My bikes will never be for sale and my kids know it but then again they have been bred into it. The price of parts are part of the on going party. There are bagians out there. You just got to be patient. Never think you can't get something cheaper on fleese-bay or that this one may be the last. Wrong! Theres pleanty. Good night gentleman, Bob
                    AMCA #3149


                    • #25

                      "Today it's old cars, bikes, and Americana. The only thing that will make prices go down is something real bad like a plague, a comet, or Armageddon."


                      There might be something else, fellas. Was talking to a collector about the fairly recent explosion of car and motorcycle collectors, with their "private museums." With a somewhat mischievious grin he said..."ah yes, the "501c3" (I think that's right) is a wonderful thing. In other words, people using(abusing?) the "non-profit educational museum" portion of the tax code to write off their hobbies.

                      If this is true, there might be a big change coming. We now have a left-of-center administration that has made it clear they're going to start plugging tax loopholes. Could be a whole lot of old bikes hitting the market one of these days.


                      • #26
                        "Today it's old cars, bikes, and Americana. The only thing that will make prices go down is something real bad like a plague, a comet, or Armageddon."

                        Thanks anyway dave I'll pay the going price!
                        AMCA #3149


                        • #27
                          I don't understand all the negativity I'm hearing here. This hobby of ours is supposed to be fun. When it stops being fun for ya, then just stop doing it. I've noticed that the only people around me who constantly complain about the price of this hobby of putting old machines back together are the ones trying to make money off of it. Then it stops being a hobby and becomes a job. Jobs suck!
                          AMCA #7300


                          • #28
                            Originally posted by Ohio-Rider View Post
                            I don't understand all the negativity I'm hearing here. This hobby of ours is supposed to be fun. When it stops being fun for ya, then just stop doing it. I've noticed that the only people around me who constantly complain about the price of this hobby of putting old machines back together are the ones trying to make money off of it. Then it stops being a hobby and becomes a job. Jobs suck!
                            Well said, Ohio-Rider.


                            • #29
                              Originally posted by Ohio-Rider View Post
                              I don't understand all the negativity I'm hearing here. This hobby of ours is supposed to be fun. When it stops being fun for ya, then just stop doing it. I've noticed that the only people around me who constantly complain about the price of this hobby of putting old machines back together are the ones trying to make money off of it. Then it stops being a hobby and becomes a job. Jobs suck!
                              I don't think anyone is not having fun with the bikes we have. . . . We're just expressing the fact that we could be having a lot more fun if we could afford to have a lot more bikes.
                              Eric Smith
                              AMCA #886


                              • #30
                                I agree completely Eric. Heck….. Hope nobody thought I was talking about anyone here. I was referring to some local guys around these parts that are only grabbing up parts when they know they can make a profit reselling them later. Then these same guys complain about how much it is costing them to buy parts which they just intend to sell to the highest bidder. What a vicious circle they have created. In the mean time guys like us who could really use those parts can only stand by and watch it all happen. Gee’s.. now I’m starting to sound negative to. Enjoy the week-end!
                                AMCA #7300

