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Ode to the 25 Year Rule

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  • #31
    25, 35, or whatever.....

    Hi Kojack:
    You will no doubt be pleased to know that most folks are against lowering the age limit to 25 years, so herefore it probably won't go. I will be voting against it, and suggesting other BOD members do as well. As to going earlier, I personally am interested in pre WW-1 bikes mainly, but if we went backwards, our club would shrink, and the magazine could no longer survive, and we would fade away. We can't turn the clock back, but must move forward. I would like to see us remain the #1 old motorcycle club in the western hemisphere.
    Pete Gagan, AMCA National President.


    • #32
      Gee Kojack, is this '35 Year Rule' a part of the Ten Commandments?? I didn't realize it was written in stone. What's so flawed about wanting to find the parts I'm going to need for a soon to be 'Eligable for Judging' motorcycle my favorite motorcycle club, the AMCA, for which I'm a dues paying Member of over 15 years?? I can just as easily find old Indian, Harley, Norton parts and bikes on the Web and my local 'Want Ad' whats your point?? AMCA...'Antique' Motorcycle Club...not 'American Only' Motorcycle Club. The Japanese bikes are coming and in some cases are already on the show they'll sell/trade at the shows is anyones guess...but certainly they share in the over-all motorcycling history...and therefore deserve equal time in The Antique Motorcycle. Even if we personally don't care for them. Remember too that that Article is one part of a Series of Articles dealing with other Makes/Models from the German, British and American manufacturers. I don't read Cycle World....too tame for me. Your right...True Antique motorcycles ended in the 50' why get upset with a change to a 25 Year's not going to change your view or how you conduct buisness with regard to your preferance of old bikes. Among other things, IT IS an attempt to increase the availability of less expensive motorcycles and their parts, NOW rather then later when the same motorycles will surely increase in value. And to make them available at 'OUR SHOWS' and in doing so bring back some of those that left for Specialty Marque Clubs and increase participation among younger less affluent Members. to go...Remember...I'm just playing at 'Devils Advocate'... ..Hrdly-Dangrs


      • #33
        I just seen Pete Gagan's Reply as I posted my prior one. So there you go....likely the 25 Year Rule won't fly. Too bad that....Oh well, I gave it my best shot...can't win them all...but...then there's always other things about....Now I was thinking...what if..... ....Hrdly-Dangrs


        • #34
          Thanks for the update, Mr. Gagan. I’ll sleep a little easier now. I may still lobby for a permanent cuttoff date, just to play the devil’s advocate. Now H.D., I seem to have given you the impression that I only want to be involved with American bikes. Let me try to remedy that. Although I’ve always had a love affair with antiques, the first bike I could afford was a “bobbed” ‘67 Honda 450 (gasp). It was a lot of fun, even when I was pushing it. At this moment a friend of mine has a very complete but rough ‘71 450 for sale for a song. I’m desperately trying to talk myself out of buying it, just because I don’t have the room or time for another project. I mentioned that I was involved with British bikes. I’m still a member of the Ohio Valley BSA Owners Club and served as president back around ‘90 when we hosted the International Rally. BSAs, British bikes and enthusiasts from all over the world, that was fun. I’m fresh out of BSAs right now but there’s still a ‘75 Bonneville back in my shed waiting for some minor engine and cosmetic work. It doesn’t bother me a bit that I can’t find parts for it at the AMCA meets. The British meets do fine and how could I complain about having a reason to attend more motorcycle events? If I get the 450 (not gonna do it, not gonna do it) I won’t be ashamed to go to the the Vintage Japanese club for assistance, if needed. I feel that these smaller, more focused clubs do a better job at catering to the interests of their members and I prefer them. As long as I’ve been in the BSA club, I’ve never heard anyone say “Gee, I wish my bike was 35 years old so I could join the AMCA.” Actually, it was just the opposite. People were happy to have an event that was made strictly for people sharing their own very similar interests. I’d bet that members of the Vintage Japanese club feel the same way. I feel that the AMCA should also stay focused, on OLD bikes. We don't need to become the "Universal All Things to All People Motorcycle Club". We're doing fine as we are.


          • #35
            As that Great American Hero 'Rodney Dangerfield' says in the movie 'Back To School'....."The Wars over...they got new parts for your head".......As for me, I'm taking my ball and going home....Nany...nany..... ....Hrdly-Dangrs

