1968... The times they are a changing. ...Let's 'Tier' that 1 year rule and speed-up to the 70's!.. ..The 'Classics' are coming!.....When they open the field at Oley ....I want to see that 70's' Norton Racer...sittin' next to your ' Injun' Oldie' ...Looking all the part of a 'P-51 Mustang' passing an 'Old' Bi-Plane!.... Come on boys...Let's Bend the Rules...These are THE years...The Classics!...low bars...rear sets...and Avon Speedmasters...OK, so they didn't all come from the Factory that way...BUT THEY SURE AS HELL WERE MEANT TO!....Disc front brake and polished aluminum...My 68' XLCH was looking for them.....Grab some throttle and let her roar!....Names like Lectron...Rickman...and Cafe Racer were trying to take the 'King' CH's.....Those 'Ton-Up Boys' were racing the 'Stop Light Bandits'!...'Week-End Warriors' at the Tracks.!...My Bored and Stroked XLCH with its drag pipes barking...STILL KICKING THEIR ASS!....Looking all the part 'The King'....waiting for the 'Rising SONS' and their Multi-Z's..and those Damned 2-Strokes!....This then are the BEST YEARS OF MY YOUTH!...when I truly 'ATE AND CRAPPED' MOTORCYCLES...Pulling up to those fantastic 'Muscle Cars' with engines revving....Grabbing another hand full of throttle... off the Light ...My Bored & Stroked 'SPORTY' with its MAG spinning...lighting those Champs...and hearing those drag pipes barking!...It would of never gotten 100 points... But it wasn't suppose to!....Come on Boy's let's open the Book!...add a few more years!.....Who'd of ever thought... they'd soon be the LAST OF THE BEST! ....Don't care what they say.... those new 'Super Bikes' are just a bunch of Plastic....48 almost 50...hairs gotten grey...That Old Sportster's long gone and silent ....Come on Boys!....Let's change the rules...don't make me wait Till I'm pushing SIXTY!.......Inside the garage sits memories of my youth.....a '74' Bored and Stroked CH this time...waiting on its Hunt Magneto....Bring it back to stock?....I DON'T THINK SO!...Not this one!.....This 'King' may never wear a 100 point crown....BUT HELL...THIS 'SPORTY' AIN'T MEANT TO EITHER!......The Road Runs are coming....and we'd like to be there....My 'Old' New 'XLCH' and the Nortons.....Sign up ahead reads 'Cafe'.....Hell we'll wait..we don't mind... You and your 'Old Bikes' will catch up in time!....Open the Book Boys and make a Note:....2003's when the Rule was Re-Wrote!
...Aye..brings a tear to these old Irish eyes
