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Rule change for "Longest Distance" awards

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  • Rule change for "Longest Distance" awards

    The longest distance riders TO Wauseon did not get the awards AT Wauseon.

    When did the rules change?

    I thought that your mileage ridden to the meet (on a bike 35 years old or older) counted as mileage for the "Longest Distance" ridden awards. Not anymore I guess. The rules were changed at Wauseon.

    Now it only matters how far away your house is. Not the actual miles ridden to the meet. So, the awards were given out based on the distance to your home.

    In my case, I rode along the great shoreline roads of lake Michigan (more than 800 miles of fantastic riding) to the meet. It was "judged" however, that I should have ridden a shorter route from my home on the interstate highways. Therefore, my mileage did not count.

    What gives? How does this new rule promote ridership? Does everyone now have to have their itinerary pre-approved before heading out to the national meets?

    Why can't we just keep the old rule: mileage ridden to the meet is mileage ridden to the meet.


  • #2
    As someone who rides thier antique bike to the AMCA meets, I agree with you. The longest distance award should go to the person who rode the farthest.....regardless of the route you chose.


    • #3
      I don't know what the deal was either. I won the award for longest distance, but it felt kind of strange, since you beat me by 800 miles. So I gave the trophy to you.
      I am glad that you didn't show up until late sunday morning, so I could tell everyone that I rode the farthest, which was the case until 10:30 sunday morning. LOL. How was your ride home? Mine was pretty uneventful, I broke a chain, but other than that it went smoothly. I rode from Milwaukee to South Dakota yesterday, it was a really long drive.
      Anyways it was nice to meet you and your amazing 1940 knucklehead.
      A.M.C.A. Board Member


      • #4
        the rule never did change, it was meant to be from home to the meet with some extra miles for sightseeing along the way. I was told you are from Conn. so the over 2,000 miles you claimed was a bit over the normal of 700 to 800 miles from your home. you also forgot to mention that Matt Olsen who rode 1200 miles, walked over and gave you the trophy
        so what is the problem?
        Kevin Valentine
        Kevin Valentine 13
        EX-Chief Judge


        • #5
          Kevin, the problem is that you arbitrarily disallowed my 848 honest miles from home. You then gave an award to someone with LESS miles. How is that fair and honest?

          Ken had 2,020 miles. Matt had 1,200 miles. I had 848 miles. Clearly first, second and third by everyones account.

          Kevin, if it was an honest mistake, how can you make it right? Will you mail us our honestly earned awards? Or what?


          p.s. Hat's off to Matt - Matt graciously handed the first place trophy to Ken after Ken was arbitrarily disqualified. Way to go Matt!


          • #6
            I know its early in the morning, but i'm confused. Good to hear you fellows are getting in some good riding!
            Johnny Whitsett
            AMCA # 8626


            • #7
              Bottom line did all envoled enjoy the ride???? Nothing else natters except for the fact it looks like to me that Matt did the right thing!! Hats off to you Matt!!!!!


              • #8
                This is Ken's bike, Right ??? Paps
                Attached Files


                • #9
                  Inline hit it on the head. Motorcycle riding is something you should do for fun and not for trophies. I had a great time on my way to and from Wauseon, that is really the only thing that matters. Who cares about a trophy? The main thing is, is that we are lucky enough to get to enjoy these old bikes. What type of bike did you ride 848 miles to the meet Iron?
                  A.M.C.A. Board Member




                  • #10
                    I must be missing something too.
                    Eric Smith
                    AMCA #886


                    • #11
                      The criteria another club I belong to uses is..... longest distance means who came from the farest point from home.... not who put on the most miles (Most Miles award?). We had a recent rally where a person from the same state ( <100 miles away) was on a cross country vacation and had more miles than a couple who rode to the rally literally cross country. The Couple lived the farest from the rally and were the winners.


                      • #12
                        That seems fair enough.
                        AMCA #7300


                        • #13
                          first off I wish people would use their real name on here, I thought you were Ken.

                          the host chapter picks the winners of the national recognition awards, not me I just read the names. if your bike was in the building with a handle bar tag stating the mileage, they must have missed it. I apoligize for them missing it and see what can be done about that. but I need to know who your are(you can send an email directly to me).
                          the rule remains the same, mileage from home is what counts, so you would get second place long distance.
                          Kevin Valentine 13
                          EX-Chief Judge


                          • #14
                            reward award

                            all this whinnying about who rode the farthest is pretty petty ! ya I rode to the meet ,ya I registered for the farthest , congrats to the rider who rode the farthest, but if ya didn't get an award quit whinnying ! the award or reward is knowing ya rode to the meet when most bikes are trucked in . An the stories that come about from the trip an the people ya meet on the road ... so keep riding the 'ol stuff ... an listen to the 'ol riders memories ya meet on the road


                            • #15
                              Those are words of wisdom, flthead, get out on the road and experience what our bike's previous caretakers did. I would like to take this opportunity to invite each and everyone who likes to ride antique iron to join Matt and I and some friends for the KNUCKLEHEAD RAMPAGE starting on Aug. 20th in Custer, South Dakota. The itinery is on our website and people are invited to join along the way if they want. 3,000 miles of fun in the sun, ride em don't hide em.

