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HD Restoration Book

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  • #16
    I have Johnny's book. Sure glad I got one ! Johnny is one of the best I know. The info in his book is priceless. To top it all off....he is a true Bro. A swell friend as well.

    Bruce Palmer is my info hero. A true Bro as well and a swell friend to boot. Without his knowledge, I would be fairly lost. My library sports all his material.

    My library also sports many other authors materials. I can't ever seem to get enough, when it comes to bike info.

    If I named all the authors I admire, this post would exceed it's limits. Thanks to all of them, I own the most inportant tool in motorcyling. Knowledge ! Paps


    • #17
      Here's a question - the club has lots of members that produce solid technical literature that are the gold standard in their respective fields. Hatfield, Palmer, Wagner, Johnny's book. We even have a board member, Steve Slocombe, who authored the definitive VL restoration guide. Yet the club markets none of them. The president writes a work of light humour/fiction and it's immediately orderable "through the club" (quoted from the ad page 2, Winter 2007). Should the club be selling it and eschewing serious works? ... Perry


      • #18
        I would think so Perry but the authors have to be online with it too. There is also publisher issues. Paps


        • #19
          c.o. shoot me a message with your address, I'll pass you some light reading.


          • #20
            Hey TR.
            I'm just going to be offline for 3 or 4 days, as i have to drive down to my new posting in Canberra (3000kms away, and we have floods down here.)
            I'll certainly get back to you re the book purchase mate.
            Thanks again, and best wishes everyone.



            • #21
              No problem Ken, been sidetracked with a few things of my own the last few days. Will be in touch. Goodluck!


