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  • #46
    [Edited by Moderator]


    • #47
      So Martin, what are your thoughts about the Clymer photo in the OP?


      • #48
        Re: @#$%

        [Edited by Moderator]


        • #49
          I am playing with this cranky old crap for fun. Jerks like Martin take the fun out of this. I AM OUT OF THIS GROUP. Bye


          • #50

            well you guys wanted his opinion,now you got it.see you at davenport.
            Attached Files


            • #51
              A blind person could see this coming and I would like to think that members of the AMCA were above this kind of thing.
              There's a very fine line between fun and offence and by baiting Martin using language which was offensive could only result in him reacting in the way he has.
              I am not defending Martin in any way as some of what he has posted was totally uncalled for but surely what is occurring here is not what the majority of members of our club want to see put out for all and sundry to see and read.
              Surely we want to portray an image of mature people whose main interest is the preservation of old motorcycles and not that of people who have to resort to coarse language and mud-slinging to carry out a conversation.
              I have no time what-so-ever for bobbers/choppers/cut-downs or what-ever else you want to call them so I don't read or particapate in any of the posts which discuss this type of machine but if I decided to vent my spleen how would those of you who like this type of bike feel and what sort of image would I be portraying to the general public reading this forum.
              Isn't it about time we seriously considered the image we are generating of our club and try and put out the sort of vibes that would make someone want to join it. If I was considering membership at this point in time the content of this post would certainly dissuade me from joining.
              Very sincerely, Peter J Thomson


              • #52
                One thing I enjoy about the AMCA forum is its decent tone. A little ribbing is okay but not outright insults. We all have the same interests here and should be able to express our opinions without bad feelings. This is a hobby and supposed to be fun. Maybe we can regroup, welcome Martin into the discussion, and start anew.


                You seem to know these early bikes pretty well. What do you think that Clymer 8-valve bike photo represents?



                • #53
                  Read your post twice. Sure hope everyone does the same.
                  Well stated ! Johnny


                  • #54
                    I can't say the previous conversations on this thread were the most pleasing I've seen, but it was interesting reading. Is this what the big leagues is like? If I take $400.00 to a swap meet that is BIG money for me. And if I see something I'm not sure of, I definitely don't throw my money at it. Heck, if anybody wants to crawl around my attic and look through the parts I have (just mostly newer stuff), they are welcome to. But don't ask about buying it, 'cause everything I have is either replacement, work in progress, dream, or future paperweight. Now trades, well, that's another matter. It always happens: when big bucks are involved, there goes the fun. Remember when bikes were something you rode? One thing though, I feel the club has to decide what to do about the total reproduction of motorcycles, and parts. Since there were only so many bikes made by any manufacturer in any time period, how can there be continued collecting, and growth? I wonder if the above argument isn't an outgrowth of that? Let's face reality! How many times can you beat a dead horse? If all we are doing is trotting out million dollar dinosaurs, where does that take the club? Hondas, BMW's, Nortons, come on down!


                    • #55
                      You made some good points Tommo and you’re right. I was fed up with Marty’s antagonistic posts and insults on other threads and resorted to a low shot myself. It should have been obvious that someone like Marty could always go lower. The end result benefited no one but me and brought down the level of the whole forum. I apologize for that. Good luck having a civil discussion with him. From now on I’ll take my own advice and ignore him.


                      • #56
                        Ya - It's kinda sad.
                        A show of posts for me to delete the soap opera bits?

                        I just had a great weekend helping a couple new members with there newly purchased Indian Chiefs (47 and a 48). It was fun for the guys in our chapter because we were able to share some of the joy seen when a guy takes that first ride. Miles of smiles!

                        Makes me want to PDF and post the rider handbook for new owners.

                        Had a chapter meeting, A 50th B-day party for Cathy, couple beers, playing horse shoes, camp fire, ride on Sunday, a good weekend. This is the kinda stuff we do. Were supportive and helpful when someone is trying to get something up and running.

                        Oh well. Want me to clean the previous posts up?


                        • #57
                          Paul--I have tried to stay out of this one but I believe that Tommo said it best. Despite what Martin could contribute to this forum, his childish attacks have shown that this man (boy) has some serious issues. This forum is a place where I feel comfortable and many folks I know firsthand, and many I do not, but I have always respected other opinions and viewpoints. There is no place here for personel attacks and the type of rhetoric I have read here. I hate censorship but this BS needs to stop here. Martin, please go to another forum with your knowledge. --You have worn out your welcome here---Paq


                          • #58
                            Originally posted by AdminGuy

                            Oh well. Want me to clean the previous posts up?
                            I say can it all, it got way too crude for the masses.


                            • #59
                              You guys are being way to rough on poor Martin. Just step back and think how good he makes the rest of us look! Heck, I'm just a dumb dirt farmer, but I seem civilized, nay, refined, compared to him.
                              Let him stay, and don't delete his posts. Let it be a reminder of what we strive not to let happen again.
                              I'm on another chat group for another type of newer bike, and there's a "Martin" there too. What really ****s is when he's right..........


                              • #60

                                theres always those people who are prejudice of motorcycles they dont know anything about.only because its a harley,or an indian,or a chopper,or a norton,or not OEM ,or not enough C.C.'S,or not built in the right year or,its a motorcycle,and if you cant see the beauty of design in every two wheeled motorized device,then you must not be obsessed with motorcycles.sorry,but i'm obsessed with motorcycles.if its got two wheels ,i dig it.and the clymer photo bike is one of the coolest bikes i've ever seen.i dont know who built it,but i'm building it now,and i dont care what the club thinks ,the factory thinks or any body else thinks.because the only thing better than riding a motorcycle is building a motorcycle.especially a motorcycle that will be unique. i know theres alot of old coggers around who no longer build bikes that would rather disregard some bike built up out of nothing , and " preserve history " by saying it never existed, but it did did the blackhawk,and the detriot, and the pennington,the 1907 harley twin,the crawford.they did exist,and still exist today because some guy was obsessed with motorcycles.why would anyone put in that much time and money just to call it real.not one person has ever asked me if any of my bikes was real.why,because i build fake bikes ,and no one is stupid enough to think that anything that comes out of the back of my truck at davenport is real.

