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Please be patient while some changes are made to the AMCA Forum's directory

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  • HDSmitty
    Ditto Tommo!...........................Smitty

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  • frichie68
    I have no problem with groups-as long as they are open & available for ALL MEMBERS. I can't think of any reason for anything to be "private" on this forum except for personal messages. Leave the private crap to Fakebook.

    It should not be necessary to "join" a group to read or comment.
    Last edited by frichie68; 05-24-2023, 12:17 AM.

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  • T. Cotten
    Originally posted by Tommo View Post
    ...keep things simple....
    Too late, Tommo.

    Now all we can do is ignore all the bells and whistles and obstacles like its a video game.

    How redundant to have separate marque categories, and then over-lapping generic categories like 'Engine Transmission Rebuilding'?

    It is not our administrators' fault that vBulletin sux; At least the search function is now almost useable, but that alone won't keep new viewers from moving on.


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  • Rubone
    To be relevant you need interaction, not isolation.

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  • Tommo
    I think most of the knowledge that people look for on here is stored in old heads and most if not all of those old heads struggle with computors, I know I do, so if you want those old heads to participate here you need to keep things simple, easy to use and logical in operation.
    Because of the trouble I have with text getting split up when I load pictures I'm very close to joining those who are considering leaving.
    I've never used that group section and never will so I haven't had the problems other users are having but if those sort of problems get over onto the forum you'll lose me very quickly.
    My 2 cents worth anyhow.

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  • tfburke3
    Originally posted by ihrescue View Post

    I sure would hate to see anyone check out. I think it is good to look for ways to stay relevant and especially try to reach people for interest in the club and forum that haven't yet felt inclined. I think they are hearing from some AMCA members with some compelling arguments, not to change but to expand interest. I would encourage our esteemed Forum members to stick with it and see what happens. Throwing spaghetti agains the wall to see if it sticks is the way of seeking improvements. Hang in there.

    Mike Love
    AMCA Forum Moderator
    So the plan is stick with the recent changes regardless of negative feedback because the forum is looking for ways to stay relevent and reach new people for interest in the club?
    Im not sure how restricting access will accomplish this but perhaps explaining proposed changes to current participants and seeking feedback beforehand might be better recieved,but may maybe Im missing or did miss something.
    Throwing spaggetti may be one way of seeking improvements but I dont think its THE way.
    I also have no idea what appropriate line up of forums to make sense means.
    Last edited by tfburke3; 05-23-2023, 01:59 PM.

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  • BigLakeBob
    What's the big problem? If you don't like the group section don't click on the tab. Just because someone else like beets doesn't mean you have to eat them too. Or am I missing something here?

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  • Keith Kizer
    Please understand, the Groups tab has been an element of the AMCA forums for many years. This is a basic page of vBulletin. Until now, it's never been used by our members. We simply decided to take advantage of it to use as a communication tool for a new project we are about to launch to help AMCA Chapters grow and communicate. This in no way changes or affects the Forums tab or its content. Thanks for being a loyal AMCA Forum participant.

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  • tomfiii

    Why are there threads that say...

    "Sorry, you are not authorized to view this page."

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  • HDSmitty
    I would agree with post # 5 and #'s 8 ,9 , 10, 13.....Smitty

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  • ihrescue
    Originally posted by PaulCDF View Post
    I didn't even know there were "Groups" until I followed a "Latest Topic" post over to American Carb Group.
    Learning about antique motorcycles and working on them sharing tech tips the stories and the photos I like these.

    Visited the AMCA Fb site and it is good LOTS of pictures but IMO lacking the tech/maintainence/repair of this forum

    Oh Wow just found the "Indian Group" 4 souls.
    Thanks PaulCDF I think you got the vibe of the possibility of groups. It can let you get more specific with regard to anything related to our passion - antique motorcycles. See my comments in this topic also, related to the forum available Articles, another available forum feature. Can I get you to sign up as the first AMCA Forum on-line content contributor to an article on your favorite antique motor cycle subject?

    Mike Love
    AMCA Forum Moderator

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  • ihrescue
    Originally posted by joe fxs fxr View Post
    I don't like to 'pile on' but now that there are at least two different Vintage Photo threads, I am less inclined to click on them. I liked the randomness of only one thread where you never knew what you'd get. I doubt anyone is so narrow minded that they only want to see photos of Harleys or Indians or whatever group they belong.
    I hear you Joe. I think the Vintage Pics of the day is amazing. I am trying to build some exemplary content for example sake, whether it sticks as the original Forum - copied from American Iron forum topic sticks is not the issue. The issue is to show some of the best of the forum type content available and the way I know to do that is by demonstration. I can envision that offering new ways to interact on the forum will bring more members to the forum and more forum discussion and on-line content. One other area I hope can take off in the future is forum members writing full articles that promote our forum members highly knowledgeable experience, technical expertise and ability to tell detail rich stories. Articles are another means available in our forum software to interest current forum members and attract more AMCA members to the forum.

    Mike Love
    AMCA Forum

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  • ihrescue
    Originally posted by Rubone View Post
    I think the "groups" idea is the worst ever, might be time to check out here. Might as well be political parties...
    I sure would hate to see anyone check out. I think it is good to look for ways to stay relevant and especially try to reach people for interest in the club and forum that haven't yet felt inclined. I think they are hearing from some AMCA members with some compelling arguments, not to change but to expand interest. I would encourage our esteemed Forum members to stick with it and see what happens. Throwing spaghetti agains the wall to see if it sticks is the way of seeking improvements. Hang in there.

    Mike Love
    AMCA Forum Moderator

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  • ammorest
    If it ain't broke, don't fix it.

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  • joe fxs fxr
    I don't like to 'pile on' but now that there are at least two different Vintage Photo threads, I am less inclined to click on them. I liked the randomness of only one thread where you never knew what you'd get. I doubt anyone is so narrow minded that they only want to see photos of Harleys or Indians or whatever group they belong.

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