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  • new magazine

    I want to comment on two items which impressed me by their contrast in out latest magazine. The "Shame on Who" letter really up-set me. The legend of the motorcycle show from Half Moon Bay, while stellar in the quality and variety of motorcycles in attendance displays a distressing trend to gentrify our great hobby and turn it into the elitist pursuit of the wine and cheese set, or should I say the cognac and fat cigar set. $65 entrance fees certainly keep the riff-raff out but 20 + years ago, that was who owned many of the those bikes. The letter writer goes on to cast shame on out editor which is a direct slap in the face of every member of the AMCA, but I'll not put into words what I think of the letter writer.

    The contrast I find compelling is the article about Kim Healy's '46 WL. She is symbolic of the members who do their own work and struggle with all the aspects of restoration while trying to fund a project on a finite budget. I have nothing but admiration for a member like Kim becuase unlike the rich jerk who pays someone else to get their hands dirty, she is discovering the intangible treasure of taking a pile of junk, putting the essence of your skill, determination, and sweat into the project and completing something you can truly be proud of. I'd walk past 25 Crockers to admire her efforts on that well done 45.

  • #2
    Well said Eric. There is room for everybody in this club, but no room for bad attitudes. I think most of us can really appreciate the desire, effort and dedication the young lady put into her restoration. There are members that make more money in an hour than I do in a year and if they want to pull expensive machines around in expensive trailers to show off at the meets, thats ok too, as long as they're smilin'.


    • #3

      I gotta agree with you on this Kim did a fantastic job of reserecting the ol 45.

      And by the same token if somebody wants have a restoration done for them that is fine also.

      I am in the process of reconstructing a 1930 HD VL and I am intending to do as much as possiable's gonna be an interesting education


      • #4
        Somebody's gotta keep the professional restoration guys in business ... might as well be the cognac and cigar guys. However, I've got some friends who don't make a load of doe, but also love the old iron ... they paid for their resotrations and are having a great time with them ... they're meeting people all the time who are willing to help them figure out why their ride isn't working like it should ... and who'll fix it for nuthin' too!


        • #5
          As to the Half Moon Bay event....

          (Insert your Wife/Girlfriend here) "Honey, I can't believe it...first the flowers and the box of rich chocolates and now we're actually going to the Ritz-Carlton for lunch....I can't wait to tell the girls at work....Mother was wrong....(as you walk thru the doors onto the green)...your so romantic and such a sweet....guy...YOU BASTARD!!!!.....MOTORCYCLES!!.... HA!!


          • #6

            Hi Erric.
            I could not agree with you comment more, but i agree with Brians as well, those profesional restores do get old bikes back on the road (well sometimes anyway) which is a good thing. i guess i might have had some of my bikes profesionaly restored if i had the money, but i do get a great deal of satisfaction from doing them myself and i don't have to lie when some one ask's did you restore that bike, i can say yes and be proud of it.
            Cheers guys Roland.


            • #7
              I may not walk by the Crockers .......they're too damn cool...... But I would definitely take the time to have a good look at Kim's WL......... Your right eric the article on her was truly inspiring. It's what it's all about!!!! Actually she singlehandedly guilted me into finishing my Sport Scout project. I was about ready to give up on it Thanks Kim!!!

