Why are our A.M.C.A. board meetings closed to
the dues paying membership?
AMCA 2006 "Big One" - Davenport, Iowa
August 31 - September 2, 2006
6:00 am thru 6:00 pm - The show goes on
9:00 am thru 11:00 am - Craft Fair at Pavilion D
9:00 Annual AMCA Board meeting - (CLOSED to membership)
10:00 am - Shuttle to area malls, gambling boats, etc. starts running
10:00 Seminar - Tim with RustBeaters, description shortly
11:00 Seminar
the dues paying membership?
AMCA 2006 "Big One" - Davenport, Iowa
August 31 - September 2, 2006
6:00 am thru 6:00 pm - The show goes on
9:00 am thru 11:00 am - Craft Fair at Pavilion D
9:00 Annual AMCA Board meeting - (CLOSED to membership)
10:00 am - Shuttle to area malls, gambling boats, etc. starts running
10:00 Seminar - Tim with RustBeaters, description shortly
11:00 Seminar