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Why are Board Meetings closed?

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  • Why are Board Meetings closed?

    Why are our A.M.C.A. board meetings closed to
    the dues paying membership?

    AMCA 2006 "Big One" - Davenport, Iowa
    August 31 - September 2, 2006

    6:00 am thru 6:00 pm - The show goes on
    9:00 am thru 11:00 am - Craft Fair at Pavilion D

    9:00 Annual AMCA Board meeting - (CLOSED to membership)

    10:00 am - Shuttle to area malls, gambling boats, etc. starts running
    10:00 Seminar - Tim with RustBeaters, description shortly
    11:00 Seminar

  • #2
    Nice isnt it that nobody has touched this with a 50 foot pole!


    • #3
      To go one step further, why don't we vote for the officers ? I think they should campaign like regualr politicians and tell us what they can do that the other guy can't. I don't think our club needs much change but a little tweeking wouldn't hurt anything. I would hate to see our magazine devoted to campaigning so maybe if an ambitious person really wanted a certain post he/she could spend their own money to convince us. This club is getting big enough that the "good ol' boy" system of appointing officers is not going to cut it. Does anyone want to discuss this ?


      • #4
        if it ain't broke don't fix it

        i think the club has done very well for a long time


        • #5
          Non US Members

          Unfortunatly, it has ****** all bearing on those of us who live outside the US. My main interest is in the magazine due to lack of any meetings in my part of the world.
          Fully understand the concerns though, but for me, nil effect.

          Best wishes from Australia.

          Just about to load up for the big
          Indian meeting this Easter at Malaney, Queensland-- Yippee!!!


          • #6
            Re: Non US Members

            Originally posted by Baytown
            Unfortunatly, it has ****** all bearing on those of us who live outside the US.
            The dreded auto censor strikes again!
            I didn't even swear!


            • #7
              I think we rank and file members are very lucky to have qualified people who WANT TO BE officers in the club. I am sure it is a thankless job that not very many members wish to do.


              • #8
                Hi All:
                Opening board meetings to regular membership is theoretically OK as far as I'm concerned, as there is nothing to hide. That's why we publish the minutes in the magazine.
                In practice though, its not too practical, as these are lengthly business meetings, and were we to add the input of members at large, there is no way we could get through the meetings in any reasonable time whatsoever. We only hold two a year, and there is a lot to go through. Anyone who has good reason to attend need only to contact our secretary Trudi Johnson Richards.
                Most people would get bored very quickly.
                As to elections, I proposed that a while ago, but got shot down. The reason is that there are very few people who actually want to do these jobs. Those of us that are currently doing them are very careful about choosing our successors, as we all have the club's interest first and formost.
                Those of you that are concerned about this, by all means send in a letter to Trudi offering your services. Then you might get on, and press for changes, if you still wished to.
                The system we have seems to work, and has done so for 52 years.
                Pete Gagan, President


                • #9
                  If you ever have the desire to become a National the minutes of a meeting, start to finish. Now thats the way I want to spend my "hobby time"!!! Thanks to the Officers and all other volunteers who help make this club enjoyable. To those who desire change.......get active and involved on a Chapter and National level. Spending more time on "The Club" than you do wrenching and riding will surely position you to turn things around in your desired direction. johnny


                  • #10
                    THANKYOU FOR THE VERY NICE RESPONSE,Im perfectly happy with the way things are run but just thought some sort of response was in order! Again thank you very much.


                    • #11

                      As a new member, I would like to thank everybody for the responses to my simple question about attending AMCA Board Meetings?

                      We were going to attend the Davenport event this year and thought it would be interesting, as paying members, to attend our first board meeting.

                      We had no idea there have never been officer elections in five decades. Rather, current board members decide when they want to step down and then pick their own replacements ....

                      We are glad to see the current President states he tried to propose open free elections. It is the American way after all and many of us have sons and daughters defending these very ideals yet today.

                      I guess it is completely predictable that he "got shot down" by current board members, who are currently holding positions and do not want regular elections.

                      It was mentioned that hardly anybody else wants to serve
                      the AMCA as a board member. With over 10,000 members,
                      we would hope others would be interested, but there must be an invitation to run, where others with fresh ideas, have a chance to get elected. Depending on a current board member, to nominate you as their own replacement, when they decide to step down, does limit the field of candidates, don't you think?

                      There could be a terrific candidate "out there" among the 10,000+ members .... that current board members do not even know.

                      Anyway, thanks again everybody for helping a new member gain the insight as to how AMCA operates. We will pass on trying to attend the board meeting.


                      • #12
                        Regarding the comments on members attending the board meetings, I believe I can offer some input based on my experiences as past Board member and chairperson of a non-profit and currently as Board chairperson of a rural water district, appointed by the Governor of SC.

                        1> Every governmental or board meeting I have ever attended had an agenda that was strictly followed, delineating the topics to be discussed in that meeting.

                        2> Most council meetings and board meetings have, often at the beginning, a time period set aside for input from members of their "community". This time is of limited duration, perhaps three minutes per person, tightly controlled to the point. There is often a limit on the number of persons who can speak, delineated by the number of minutes allocated for this input session. After the close of this part of the meeting, no further input is allowed - it is strictly look and listen. In many cases, this input is taken as information and often does not elicit any comment from the board or council members.

                        3> This input session serves three purposes - first, it gives the members an opportunity to address the entire board with their concerns. Second, it gives the board an opportunity to hear as a group those members concerns and third, it gives the members the feeling that the board or council does take their input seriously and will address their concerns and grievances at some later date.

                        4> In spite of what some might think, there are those members who would consistently listen through the entire meeting without being bored and certainly without being disruptive. (Try a three hour budget workshop for boring!). Each member should be given the opportunity to attend with or without "good reason". Let them make that decision. When meetings are held behind closed doors, rumors abound. The truth can stand the light of day.

                        5> Those members who would attend and sit through the meetings and speak out if given the opportunity could very well be the future leaders of the club.



                        • #13
                          No Endurance Test

                          Thanks for helping us understand general business meeting procedure Lonnie.

                          And checking the "Minutes," of the last AMCA closed Board Meeting, (Winter, 2005 issue of "The Antique Motorcycle" magazine - page 68), the meeting began around 4 PM, and ended around 10 PM, on September 1, 2005. Six hours total, so it certainly wasn't an "endurance test".

                          If an interested dues paying member was ALLOWED entrance to an AMCA Board Meeting, and sat through the entire last meeting, it only lasted 6 hours with breaks in between. Probably wouldn't get "bored very quickly" after all.

                          And wouldn't it be great to have the meeting agenda posted on the website 30 days AHEAD of the meeting so the membership could comment? That is what our aviation association does. All meeting motions must be sent to the Secretary 45 days before a board meeting. Then, rather than mailing a copy to every paying member, the agenda is posted on the group website and members can then make either electronic comments directly to their elected representatives, or call their reps on the phone. It has worked perfectly for years.

                          We noticed similar procedures at the GM and the Federal Credit Union investor meetings, here in the Midwest, and in New York last year. The investor body was given time, at the beginning of the meeting, to make comments. Then they sit quietly and observe the meeting proceed. Those boards seem to really enjoy listening to the investors comments and input.

                          But this is not the way our group handles meetings, so we are not going to attempt to visit our Non-Profit AMCA board meeting in Davenport. We just wanted to learn more about our group.

                          Thanks again Lonnie.


                          • #14
                            I think it would be very interesting to attend a board meeting . It just makes you feel more involved and informed. If we could, then many people would understand how things work. I would think this a small request for a non profit organization. Pete even felt it was fine with him, it sounded like.
                            I would challenge any board member to bring it up for debate and vote. Why would any non profit have a closed session anyway.


                            • #15
                              Updated Blackhawk Meet Info

                              Updated AMCA Davenport, Blackhawk Meet Information -
                              Posted 5/14/06

                              * * * * * * * * * *

                              September 2, 2006 - Saturday's Schedule - Updated Info

                              9:00 am - National AMCA Board meeting - Keppy Bldg, (This is a Closed Meeting - Not open to the public or AMCA membership)

                              10:00 am - Shuttle to area malls, gambling boats, etc. starts running - Sign up at Exposition Bldg.

                              10:00 Seminar - Tim with RustBeaters, rust removal for the pro restoration - Don't miss this!

                              11:00 Seminar - Smitty, Indian production ignition problems and how to correct them - Bring your video cameras!

                              1:00 Field Meet - Backside of racetrack

                              1:00 Seminar - Ross Metcalfe, building the worlds fastest Indian Jr Scout

                              3:00 Seminar - John Berry with Phoenix Restorations, Water based decals - Do's and Don'ts

                              4:00 pm - Church Services, "Victory Riders - Christian Motorcyclist Association", Pavilion D

                              5:00 pm - Shuttle done for day

                              6:00 pm - Cocktails at Starlight Ballroom, Cash Bar

                              7:00 pm - Dinner by Riefes
                              After Dinner speaker - Michele Ann Duff, first North American to win a FIM GP race.

