Originally posted by Jerry Wieland
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Without looking for the data I collected at the Irish Rally to cite a specific number, at least half the ride-ending breakdowns I observed were due to electrical failures of one kind or another. It's not that electrical components or wiring are intrinsically unreliable, it's that most motorcyclists have an aversion to electricity. The same person who wouldn't hesitate to swap connecting rods in a motel parking lot at midnight working with nothing more than a screwdriver and crescent wrench in order to have the bike ready to ride in the morning would be reduced to tears if the battery stopped charging. The generator has to be properly refurbished and all electrical connections reliably made. It's not that crimp connectors are intrinsically unreliable, but the way they are often installed leaves them prone to failure. If crimp connectors are to be used, a proper crimp tool, not the kind that comes in a kit from the auto parts store, and "marine" connectors with heat shrink insulators is the way to go.
Magnetos are high on the list of failures. Unfortunately, this is because too many "professional" rebuilders don't know what they're doing. That not just a broad swipe, it's based on a lot of "data." However, without disassembling magnetos to see the quality of someone's work with my own eyes -- what counts is the inside of a magneto, not how pretty the rebuilder has made the outside look -- I can't make recommendations of "good" rebuilders so all I know are some of the "bad" rebuilders whose work has darkened my doorstep (note: I do not repair magnetos for others, only for myself and a few close friends, so this isn't an attempt to generate business).
Repairing flats is no fun, but the technique is best learned by practicing in the comfort of one's own garage rather than on the side of a road. Also, even if you carry a spare tube to swap in case of a flat, I highly recommend learning how to properly repair a hole because the odds of someone nicking the new tube in the heat of battle are not zero. If you look at my list of tire tools and don't know what a stitcher is, or wonder what the isopropyl alcohol is for, you don't know how to properly repair a tire. By proper I mean make a repair that is permanent, not one that you'll have to redo 20 miles down the road.