Final Year Of Manufacture Cut-Off Date.
This is a subject that has been going around for quite some time in our club amongst the membership. Perhaps some serious consideration and open debate should be started here and in the Club's magazine.
So if you will here goes:
My opinion is that the AMCA should remain an all Marque inclusive club. A given to me because of the name of the club itself and what I believe the Founders of the AMCA intended all along.
Whats this got to do with a 'Final Year of Manufacture Cut-Off'....well I believe this goes hand-in hand wth the opinions of many members who are at odds of having their club opened up to the many 'modern' Japanese motorcycles (Evos Harleys as well) that some feel are going to invade and take over our magazine content and Chapter meets and namely our Swap Meet fields.
Some have suggested that the 68-69 years were the last real Harley years therefore that would be the appropriate cut-off (I would differ and say mid-seventies would the last of the 'Classics' basing it on the Ironhead Sporties and the last of the Shovelheads and the end of the Classic British motorcycles like Norton and Triumph.
Notice I said 'Classics' cause thats how I view any vehicles from the Fifties thru the Mid-70's. Antiques for me would be 1949 and earlier. But since many members view their Sixties and Fifties bikes as an 'Antique'...I won't argue with them on that point but I would argue for the inclusion of the mid-seventies as a 'Final Cut-Off Date' if one were to be considered.
At some point in the world of motorcycles, the terms 'Modern' took over 'Classic' as 'Classic' took over 'Antique' when referring to all our beloved older bikes.
It is in this period of 'Classic' that I could openly support a 'Final Cut-Off Date' for the AMCA. Its likely the 'Modern' motorcycles of today will not be considered antiques until we run out of oil and they're regulated to sitting in a Museum or the back of your garage...'Hey, when's the last time you saw a bike that ran on gas"....
There are many sixties and seventies Japanese motorcycles that can readily fit into this catagory of old bikes. Supply is there and no shortage of these bikes would be soon coming. Plentiful enough for newcomers to purchase cheaply and restore well into the year 2050. On the other hand, they would not overtake our swap meet fields to the point you're hard press to find similiar year marques like Triumph, Norton, Moto-Guzzi and later Harley Shovels and Ironheads.
At some point the Thirty-Five Year Rule runs out of gas with Antique in its theme. Hell I ventured an arguement to open to 25 years and cut-it off at the Evos....I still have to look over my shoulders at the meets to make sure I don't get clobbered by a flying Indian wrench for that one.... Hrdly Who??
Anyway...lets start the debate and really get down to who and how many Members are in favor of a 'Final Year Of Manufacture Cut-Off Date'.
More precisely...what Year do you believe should be the FINAL eligible Year of Manufacture into the AMCA ....1969, 1970, 1973, 1977 or ?? Or are you happy with the rolling 35 Year Rule as it stands?
This is a subject that has been going around for quite some time in our club amongst the membership. Perhaps some serious consideration and open debate should be started here and in the Club's magazine.
So if you will here goes:
My opinion is that the AMCA should remain an all Marque inclusive club. A given to me because of the name of the club itself and what I believe the Founders of the AMCA intended all along.
Whats this got to do with a 'Final Year of Manufacture Cut-Off'....well I believe this goes hand-in hand wth the opinions of many members who are at odds of having their club opened up to the many 'modern' Japanese motorcycles (Evos Harleys as well) that some feel are going to invade and take over our magazine content and Chapter meets and namely our Swap Meet fields.
Some have suggested that the 68-69 years were the last real Harley years therefore that would be the appropriate cut-off (I would differ and say mid-seventies would the last of the 'Classics' basing it on the Ironhead Sporties and the last of the Shovelheads and the end of the Classic British motorcycles like Norton and Triumph.
Notice I said 'Classics' cause thats how I view any vehicles from the Fifties thru the Mid-70's. Antiques for me would be 1949 and earlier. But since many members view their Sixties and Fifties bikes as an 'Antique'...I won't argue with them on that point but I would argue for the inclusion of the mid-seventies as a 'Final Cut-Off Date' if one were to be considered.
At some point in the world of motorcycles, the terms 'Modern' took over 'Classic' as 'Classic' took over 'Antique' when referring to all our beloved older bikes.
It is in this period of 'Classic' that I could openly support a 'Final Cut-Off Date' for the AMCA. Its likely the 'Modern' motorcycles of today will not be considered antiques until we run out of oil and they're regulated to sitting in a Museum or the back of your garage...'Hey, when's the last time you saw a bike that ran on gas"....
There are many sixties and seventies Japanese motorcycles that can readily fit into this catagory of old bikes. Supply is there and no shortage of these bikes would be soon coming. Plentiful enough for newcomers to purchase cheaply and restore well into the year 2050. On the other hand, they would not overtake our swap meet fields to the point you're hard press to find similiar year marques like Triumph, Norton, Moto-Guzzi and later Harley Shovels and Ironheads.
At some point the Thirty-Five Year Rule runs out of gas with Antique in its theme. Hell I ventured an arguement to open to 25 years and cut-it off at the Evos....I still have to look over my shoulders at the meets to make sure I don't get clobbered by a flying Indian wrench for that one.... Hrdly Who??
Anyway...lets start the debate and really get down to who and how many Members are in favor of a 'Final Year Of Manufacture Cut-Off Date'.
More precisely...what Year do you believe should be the FINAL eligible Year of Manufacture into the AMCA ....1969, 1970, 1973, 1977 or ?? Or are you happy with the rolling 35 Year Rule as it stands?
