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Does anyone remember this lost motorcycle flick???

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  • #16
    Only HollywEiRd would pull a stunt like the Green Hornet episode!!! Did anyone ever see the Lassie episode with Ken Osmond*(Eddie Haskell)? Made in 1967, Osmond is on an old Harley with a side hack, as a delivery boy. He gives Lassie a ride in the Hack. The episode is entitled..."A Matter of Seconds". Here's a pic of Ken Osmond after he was shot at 3 times while in pursuit of a stolen Taxi Cab. Two bullets hit his bulletproof vest, and one hit his belt buckle. He was an LAPD M/C Police Officer when this occurred.
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    Last edited by JoJo357; 03-12-2016, 10:48 PM. Reason: additional info.


    • #17
      Forest Tucker rides a Crocker which becomes a knucklehead which becomes a Crocker through out Government Girl or something like that where a well known actress plays the part of a girl working in Washington during WW2. I've seen it on the old movie channel a couple of times. Great riding footage of a Crocker. Forest Tucker rode with Clark Gable and some the boys around SoCal back in the day.


      • #18
        Lee Marvin, Strother Martin and others in 1970's (I think) "The Great Scout and Cathouse Thursday" - If I remember right, Marvin tries to escape on what looks like a cross btwn. an Indian 101 Scout and a Super X. He gets shot at, doesn't get hit of course, and the bike gets all the bullet holes!


        • #19
          Anybody ever watch that Discovery Channel series with Mark Evans...'A Bike is Born'? It aired around 2001 or so. He restored a 1942 WLC in 5 episodes and then they restored a 1970 T120R. Evans did a trike also in this triple bike series. I poked around and the whole triple series is available on one DVD from Amazon, it's cheap also--under 20 bucks.


          • #20
            Originally posted by JoJo357 View Post
            Anybody ever watch that Discovery Channel series with Mark Evans...'A Bike is Born'? It aired around 2001 or so. He restored a 1942 WLC in 5 episodes and then they restored a 1970 T120R. Evans did a trike also in this triple bike series. I poked around and the whole triple series is available on one DVD from Amazon, it's cheap also--under 20 bucks.
            I remember that "motorcycle" series! With "Pete Mate"! Will those dvds play in a US DVD Player? I 'thought' they were all "imports" from Great Britain. He also built an airplane and a helicopter. (Never saw the end of the Helicopter series though)
            Last edited by Jim; 03-14-2016, 08:20 AM.

            AMCA #6520


            • #21
              Hi Jim, Ya man they were informative series mixed with some funny sTuFf from Evans and...aided and abetted by Pete Mate. The DVD's are available on Amazon with the *NTSC USA format. Europe is *PAL format. Just bring up Amazon and search--(Mark Evans--A Bike is Born). Evans did a Kit airplane and a helicopter, and restored a Jag E-type also. Mark Evans bio is well worth looking into, he is a veterinarian, but a GearHead like us! Those series were Fantastic! Really Great if someone is restoring a WL or a Bonnie also.


              • #22
                OH Yeah, I forgot about the Jaguar! That was a good series too. I have all three "Bike" series that I taped on a VHS tape. I'll have to see the quality to see if I need to "upgrade" to dvd. I wasn't sure about the NTSC 'stuff' for dvd. I didn't know he was a veterinarian either.

                AMCA #6520


                • #23
                  Just a heads up on this one. It's been rated D+ for acting, etc. but the many m/c shop scenes and motorcycle riding on various machines is worth the watch. Available on E-bay DVD. John Stamos and John Stockwell in Born To Ride. Biker becomes military to fight the Huns in WW2 on motorcycles. you can't make this up. Great motorcycle stuff though, really.


                  • #24
                    I have the series on VCR also Jim, but i'm missing a few episodes on the Bonnie and WLC. I'd rate it C+ RichO, it's funny in some spots tho'.
                    Here's a few more flicks to jog your memories. *1968 Release: "The Girl On A Motorcycle" starring Mick Jagger's current squeeze at the time...Marianne Faithfull. This movie isn't too bad, i just watched it recently and it aged like a bottle of...Ripple, or maybe Mad Dog 20/20--haha. Faithfull rides a late 60's Electra Glide, but she learns to ride a little on a 60's Bonnie. Some Vintage Race clips also.
                    *1955 Release: "Mr.Roberts". Fonda/Cagney/Lemmon/Powell. On shore leave, a drunken sailer runs a WL? off the pier.--after he climbs out of the water, he jumps back in and sez--"I forgot my Motorcycle"!
                    *1973 Release: "Electra Glide in Blue". (Little Rascals: Robert Blake). Some of the original Chicago Transit Authority*(CTA) are in this movie. Peter Cetera and Terry Kath. Really ironic, at the end, Kath pulls out a shotgun to waste Blake. At an album release party, Kath-a serious gun aficionado, had just picked up a WW11 Luger. He was flashing it around and some people were getting nervous. Kath said: "It's not loaded". He then put the Luger up to his temple and pulled the trigger. It 'WAS' Loaded, and he died instantly!
                    Last edited by JoJo357; 03-15-2016, 04:08 PM. Reason: updated.

