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Treasure Hunting Stories

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  • #46
    ID that is surely a goooood one! now here is another 1 for you Im a shriner and around 1978 a felow shriner @ a meeting says to me hey sonny I know you are into Harleys and my sister lives in Texas and her husband just pasted and she has an old 3 wheeler that they used in their gas station would you be interested in buying it from her ...well he gave me the info I called her and she sent me pics of the servicar,Icalled her and said Id buy it for the price she wanted and did she want me to send the money to her ?on hearing that she responded arent you coming to see the MC?? Isaid it would cost to much and knowing her brother I would just take her word and send my truck,well she got quite mad and said no deal Ill send you the servicar and if you like it send me the money!
    Long story short I got the servicar and it was better than new with all the attachments for hooking up to differant cars! 750 dollars well spent!


    • #47
      Right on INLINE4NUT! I notice you were on and was just going to ask you to spin us a yarn! You beat me to it!


      • #48
        Elusive Treasures........

        Well boys, my weekend treasure hunt didn't amount to much, so far. I did come home with an old Briggs and scrap-iron power scooter of some sort. I haven't figured out what breed it is yet. No Clevelands yet Ian! There is still some more junk to sort through though. I guess you never know!


        • #49
          Great story Inline,sounds like you had things going your way on that one. Too bad Cory but there may still be a 37 Indian HI LO switch laying in the mud under the whizzer backup bells,If there is let me know. I.D. >>>>>>>>


          • #50
            Will do Ian, Will do!


            • #51
              I'm envious at not finding this one myself. It's on e-bay right now and the Item # is 4545717450. Very cool! I hope it goes to somebody who needs it.


              • #52
       This is the actual item # if this makes it easier for anyone.


                • #53
                  harvest time???

                  And who said Indians don't grow on,.. er... in trees? It would almost be a shame to cut it out.... maybe there's a way to extract it without killing the tree? I saw a 1900s shotgun stuck in a tree one time at a place on the east side of Kootenay Lake in B.C. Canada, that was funny. Also heard a story about a 1925 Henderson sport solo (retired Montana state police bike) laying on its side that had about a 4" diameter tree growing through the frame (the tree did not survive). I'd like to have seen that one.


                  • #54
                    I got a feeling the tree is not going to survive the Indian either!
                    Neat picture but I would have cut down that tree long ago.


                    • #55
                      I'll bet the oak tree is worth as much as the bike. Does it have front forks? Hummm.... is the engine kicking around somewhere? Hummm.... it does make a nice "back 40" convo piece. I wonder how many kids have played on that over the years only to be inspired to buy a M/C.


                      • #56
                        You little buggar you beat me to posting this! thought it was kinda cool,at this stage of the game I wouldnt sell it its to cool would leave well enough alone!


                        • #57
                          INLINE4NUT you snooze ya lose! Ha!Ha! Pretty cool huh?


                          • #58
                            That picture looks like a FAKE!!!


                            • #59
                              Sure thing inrust. Ruin all our little daydreams why don't ya!


                              • #60
                                An old guy in New York State asked me to not mention his name but he wont mind if I tell his story. He has had Harleys for 50 years. Back in the 60s when everyone wanted NEW stuff (a NEW motorcycle, a NEW car, etc,) he was well known for motorcycles and got a call from a young couple who had just bought an old house. The front room of their house had been the front porch and had been closed in. As they were working on the house, they saw that the wall between the old porch and original front room was very thick. They opened the wall and found a 1909 Indian. It appeared to be brand new. After talking to the previous (deceased) owners son, they found out the Indian had been bought new, driven down to the end of the gravel driveway where it had fallen over, scaring the owner who had pushed it onto the porch and leaned it against the wall. Later when the porch was enclosed, he built the wall around the Indian. The old guy in New York who told me this story said that because old motorcycles were not very desirable, he never even went to look at it!

