ID that is surely a goooood one! now here is another 1 for you Im a shriner and around 1978 a felow shriner @ a meeting says to me hey sonny I know you are into Harleys and my sister lives in Texas and her husband just pasted and she has an old 3 wheeler that they used in their gas station would you be interested in buying it from her ...well he gave me the info I called her and she sent me pics of the servicar,Icalled her and said Id buy it for the price she wanted and did she want me to send the money to her ?on hearing that she responded arent you coming to see the MC?? Isaid it would cost to much and knowing her brother I would just take her word and send my truck,well she got quite mad and said no deal Ill send you the servicar and if you like it send me the money!
Long story short I got the servicar and it was better than new with all the attachments for hooking up to differant cars! 750 dollars well spent!
Long story short I got the servicar and it was better than new with all the attachments for hooking up to differant cars! 750 dollars well spent!
