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Requirements to participate in Road Runs

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  • #16

    Thanks for getting me and anybody I mislead straight on the vehicle operator requirements for Virginia. Please see in post #1 where I indicated this may not be correct. As I admitted in post #1, I was steamed when I wrote that email and am guilty of passing along hearsay without doing due diligence and I do beg your pardon.

    And as I stated in post #1, I intend to supply the documents demanded by the AMCA. I don't like it but I'll do it. These documents may have always been required but nobody asked me for them until the last 2 maybe 3 years and then only proof of insurance.

    Just so it's not a surprise to anyone when it happens, no amount of documents carried or waivers signed is going to keep the AMCA from losing a law suit. However, that is not a point I was trying to make. Point is I am fully within the requirements to operate a motor vehicle in the state where I reside. Since this is a duty of the States (not Federal), I am "legal" nationwide. If I wish to go to Canada in or on my vehicle, I would have to have a registration receipt but this isn't Canada.

    Referring again to post #1, I said I was probably going to regret submitting this post,,,. At least about that I was right.


    • #17
      "Gentleman Jack" (happens to be my favorite novocaine) is what I thought in reading your post to Rollo, Jack. You're a gentleman after all!
      Next coffee, or novocaine, is on me, if you would accept.
      Back to plates, commercial's here are about 4x the money in the class B league, so terminating a crippled truck and transferring to a substitute does require a visit to DOT/Treasurer, but at least the balance of annual cost is credited to the substitute. I hope Texas respects that as well. .. On non-commercial plates we're S.O.L., no refund.
      Something else creeps back into memory: Seems Johnnie Law likes to be a friend of the motorist clubs (once in a while anyway). On one of our road runs they were indeed an asset when it counted. Wouldn't we prefer to stay in their "good graces" with a little extra self-discipline/control/requirements? .... Or would most prefer they were out-of-sight, out-of-mind? ... at certain times, anyway? Like during a little hot-doggin' ?


      • #18
        Unfortunately our society has turned to litigation to solve everything! Not a good turn of events but that is where we are today! I have sat through several Presidents meetings at Wauseon at which the issue of insurance and the requirements of the National and the chapters was discussed at great length. The policy is a long standing one and may not have been enforced by some chapters, as required, but a spate of incidents and lawsuits prompted the recent increased vigilance at sign up for these documents. I went on the Alexandria Bay RR back in 07 and in the pre sign up requirements is was very specifically mentioned to make sure we had both documents with us as part of the run went into Canada and Canadian border official would not let you cross with out them. Even with them they searched (sidecars mostly) and verified some of the riders info and their bikes. I forgot to bring my insurance card and had to call my company (Hagerty) and have them fax a copy to the host hotel the night before.
        Believe me I understand your frustration but if everyone followed the rules on registration and insurance to start with, most of these problems would go away. As I said before some folks will register one bike and simply switch tags to ride one of the many bikes they own and that bike is not legally registered or insured and when they have an accident then the mess really begins. Accidents have happened on every road run I have been on. Sometimes it is between friends and there are no issues but sometimes it doesn't work out that way. Also JC Taylor required this as part of the umbrella policy for the club which covers the National as well as the chapters. Again I know all of this seems overboard but every time someone sues it only makes the requirements harder for all the rest of us. You had every right to make the post and be frustrated, but now I hope that some or the reasoning has been made clearer. We may not like it but we have to find a way to live with it. Happy riding!!!

        Tom (Rollo) Hardy
        AMCA #12766


        • #19
          Originally posted by fillibuster View Post
          I'm running a permanent historical plate, and the vehicle registration has made me nervous lately. I'm not so sure that my state's records are reliable. Gaining a fresh copy of that registration has been frustrating. It is NOT difficult to prove a long history of insurance on the bike, as that has been through an agent whom I've trusted for over 25 years (hope he doesn't retire).
          Thanks for the reminder, though! Time flies, and September is just around the corner.
          As to your liberties/responsibilities, try to convince yourself that you have a reasonable balance.
          I checked a couple of my permanent registrations in Ohio last year and one of them was not in the computer, it was from the 80's, I took the title and registration (with NO expiration date) in and had to re-register it cost me about $30. The other was in the computer, they could not explain but I had to pay!
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          • #20
            Originally posted by LouieMCman View Post
            I checked a couple of my permanent registrations in Ohio last year and one of them was not in the computer, it was from the 80's, I took the title and registration (with NO expiration date) in and had to re-register it cost me about $30. The other was in the computer, they could not explain but I had to pay!
            I think the absence of "activity" renders some record-keeping dormant, or dead. I'm fairly certain I titled a chief frame about 15 years ago, but the treasurer says no. Other vehicles long-since terminated are still there, and my deceased ex is often listed as owner. ..... NUTS!
            So I'm considering doing a confirmation (will cost) of all of my effects annually, just to keep the state's records straight. This would include some motorcycles that are "under construction", not licensed.
            Iowa "terminated" the record of a Kawasaki I bought that hadn't been licensed since 1990 (barn find!). Since it hadn't been licensed in over 10 years they declined to put it in their computer records, and they couldn't find a copy for me. So I'm believing one should have a maintenance program of his effects, lest the state disappoint you.


            • #21
              Originally posted by Rollo View Post
              I went on the Alexandria Bay RR back in 07 and in the pre sign up requirements is was very specifically mentioned to make sure we had both documents with us as part of the run went into Canada and Canadian border official would not let you cross with out them. Even with them they searched (sidecars mostly) and verified some of the riders info and their bikes. I forgot to bring my insurance card and had to call my company (Hagerty) and have them fax a copy to the host hotel the night before.
              Believe me I understand your frustration but if everyone followed the rules on registration and insurance to start with, most of these problems would go away. As I said before some folks will register one bike and simply switch tags to ride one of the many bikes they own and that bike is not legally registered or insured and when they have an accident then the mess really begins. Accidents have happened on every road run I have been on. Sometimes it is between friends and there are no issues but sometimes it doesn't work out that way. Also JC Taylor required this as part of the umbrella policy for the club which covers the National as well as the chapters. Again I know all of this seems overboard but every time someone sues it only makes the requirements harder for all the rest of us. You had every right to make the post and be frustrated, but now I hope that some or the reasoning has been made clearer. We may not like it but we have to find a way to live with it. Happy riding!!!

              Tom (Rollo) Hardy
              AMCA #12766
              I was at the '07 Alexandria Bay RR as well, and when heading home to Canada the day after (over the same crossing point) was quizzed at the border as to whether the tires on my old bike had been "bought in the US"? (If so, they would charge me duty on the tires.) The tires looked relatively new as I had done an overhaul the winter before and put new Avons on specifically for the '07 season and the Alex. Bay Run. And I had purchased them in Canada. But, of course, who carries old receipts around with them to prove that? Luckily, I thought to point out that Customs law in Canada exempts parts imported for vehicles over 25 years of age from any duty and the motorcycle in question was 69 years old. End of Inquisition.
              Before 9/11 crossing the Canada/US border was a simple matter.
              Ride Safe!


              • #22
                It's a free country, I think, so just show up stay in the same motel(s) and ride along, no one can stop you from doing that, you just don't get the tee shirt and free meals.


                • #23
                  Yes, you can do that. But what about all the work that the host chapter put in to planning and putting on the road run. What about the banquet with all your fellow riders. What about all the little things they provide for the regular signed up riders. I've rode on north of 28 national road runs since the first in 1987. My chapter has hosted nine. I have met fellow members from all over the country and enjoyed their back roads as they have mine. Since I started riding fifty years ago I've had to carry my registration and proof of insurance in my wallet. Not to show the sign in AMCA member but the police if by some strange reason they ask me to show it to them. I fail to find the difference if the hosting chapter needs to see it too. If you haven't been on a National road run please try it. It'll open up vistas that life is to short to miss. Down the road less traveled is where you'll find me.


                  • #24
                    I have to agree with RichO. The hosts of any event should be given better credit, (imo). Those road runs are as fine as it gets, and your monetary support to the host chapter should be regarded as small change given the cost of banquets and gifts, and especially for the organizational work. If you intend to be thrifty try camping instead of the hotel. The hotel is usually a greater fee than the registration. But whatever you do, do make a road run at least once. You'll probably be on another.

