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VMCC members? Banbury Run---

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  • #46
    Hi All:
    I have just returned from participating in the Banbury run on a friend's 1912 Triumph. This is indeed the largest event for old motorcycles in the world. 500 machines built befor 1931 participated. Its a timed event, something I think we should try.
    Pete Gagan


    • #47
      Presdent at the Banbury

      Missed Pete at the start line, this picture taken not long after he finished.
      Alan Y


      • #48
        Presdent at the Banbury

        Not sure if picture transmitted the first time so here it is again.
        Alan Y
        Attached Files


        • #49
          We need a big old-timers run in the U.S.! And who better to sanction it than the AMCA?

          Since there's already a pre-1916 Horseless Carriage Run in California (no AMCA affiliation, but I'm sure heavy representation), I would propose that we try to start a mini-Banbury on the East Coast.

          Eastern Pennsylvania has the biggest concentration I know of anywhere of really old bikes on the road, and there are plenty of easy country lanes. Even the little towns have a vintage feel.

          Maybe Doug Strange or someone else in Perkiomen or the long-established Reading riding club might be interested?

          If we make it pre-1931, which gets my vote, I have two 101 Scouts that are plenty dependable to go if I could find a second rider. Just in my small Seaboard Chapter, I know of three people with 1916-17 sidecar rigs they are willing to ride in traffic. Maybe we could find a big truck and haul them all out there together. And that's not even getting into the Perkiomen folks, who have 10 times more ancient iron than we do. We could also trumpet this thing heavily in the 101 club to drum up a big group presence; we generally have strong turnout already at Oley, and our fall Fun Run in September in Connecticut typically sees about ten 101 Scouts running 100 miles or so.

          Let's make this happen!

