Fox Grip is back, under new ownership just as of the last few months. The new owner's name is Mike (don't know last name) and he's currently got a handful of items up on eBay. I discovered this on the Simplex Servi-Cycle forum, where I drop in from time to time. The owner seems to want to take the business into the 21st century and says there is a website in the works after some special orders are taken care of. Evidently the new owner got all of the molds along with their inventory. I don't know if they intend to make everything that Fox used to make, but it sounds like they could. I'm not 100% sure how to get in touch with them yet (other than eBay) but the good news is that they are back.
No announcement yet.
Fox Grips
I've picked up some of the new stuff that is being made by the new owner, and it is great!************************************************** *****************
Always buying Massachusetts Motorcycle License Plates. 1903 - 1961 -------------
Looking for any vintage Tumbleweed Motorcycle Club stuff
e-mail me at
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