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"White Knuckle: The Story of The Motorcycle Cannonball"

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  • "White Knuckle: The Story of The Motorcycle Cannonball"

    Well... for all those who have been waiting... it looks like it's on it's way!!!!

    Cory Othen

  • #2
    I'm looking forward to that Cory.


    • #3
      Originally posted by cdndewey View Post
      I'm looking forward to that Cory.
      Ditto, ditto!


      • #4
        Why is it that any film about motorcycles has to have headbanging music as the theme. I mean, "Teenage Murders". . . What in the hell does that have to do with old motorcycles? Sorry Cory; didn't intend to jump the track like that.
        Eric Smith
        AMCA #886


        • #5
          After going to the web-site for more info it appears as though it follows just a few of the riders. I'm hoping another well rounded film appears at some point. I don't know what to say about the headbangin' music Eric. I'd personally like to hear the engines loping along. Hopefully that's just a movie "trailer" thing. I am interested to hear more about John Szalay's journey though. He really ran that little single!
          Cory Othen


          • #6
            quote Cory: " it follows just a few of the riders."

            Darn! Yeah, Szalay's experiences were fun to review, but you know who I'm most interested in? The German couple. And I figured, oh well, be patient, somebody's doing a film, or get Kris's book (any reviews on it?), Bill Wood's got it covered, ..
            Personally, I think the Foundation should have chronicled it, and ....
            I did see a favorite little film clip, of the German couple pushing off on their direct drive bikes, putt-putt-putt. Am I the only fool who gets off on that?


            • #7

              You are not the only one who got a kick out of the "putt-putt-putt". I had a grin every time I saw a clip of Katrin starting her bike. I really do hope that a full on coverage film appears at some point. Maybe if Lonnie reads this he might have some news?

              Cory Othen


              • #8
                The open high prairie of Eastern New Mexico. The German contingent!
                Robbie Knight Amca #2736


                • #9
                  That's a great shot Robbie! My hat was off to those two the entire way!
                  Cory Othen


                  • #10
                    Right on !! I am with you guys, can't wait. BUT man I am with Eric, if that's the music - I am going to have the mute on alot :-) I believe the German couple also just did the run across Australia, their really quite the pair. I think most everyone was pulling for em. Can't wait for the next Cannonbal, hope its as good a success as the first. Can't beat the excitement of it I think.

