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Youngsters In The AMCA

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  • #31
    Perhaps I am the one that made the "money" detour. I gleened that from other letters and not from 51FLs original post. Sorry if you thought I was referring to you. Obviously I copped an attitude about the "old guy" AMCA thing, and for that I will not apologize.

    When I first started going to AMCA meets in the mid 70s, there were very few people my age. I vended at my first AMCA meet which was at Maguire Field and got the stink eye from all of the old guys because I was a long haired hippy. I left early and didn't have a good impression of the AMCA. However, I kept going because I loved motorcycles, and the meets got to be more fun because I began meeting some great people. Mort Wood. Bud Cox, Dave Leitner, Ralph Mundel, and Jerry Ottaway were some of the people who took the time to make me feel welcome. That's not to say there weren't a few jerks but you have to remember that the cultural wegde between generations in those days was profound. Many of the old guys were WW2 veterans and didn't have much love for people of my generation that were changing America's culture. Some of that cultural change was visiting the AMCA meets at that time and members of my generation could be first class jerks as well. The point of this historical side bar is to say that it's always going to be a transition for new members in any club. There will be rough spots but we can all agree on our love for old motorcycles. I've always been amazed, amused, and proud of the weird mix of people that not only get along in our club, but become lifelong friends.

    The last thing I wanted to say was; it will not be the old members of the AMCA that make it die. It will be the new members that don't keep it alive. . . . But, that's a mute point because I don't think there's a snowball's chance in hell of the AMCA dying.
    Eric Smith
    AMCA #886


    • #32
      51 FL You should stay in the club and the forum. You are right on the money. This paying your dues is a bunch of crap. The professional vendors sometimes have a bad attitude and some think their crap does't stink. I love seeing guys like you here.


      • #33
        "to being corrected on grammar"

        51 FL

        I made the comment of using spell check, I did not say anything about grammar, they do go hand in hand though. I did no intend to insult you so try not to be sensitive, just a little constructive criticism.

        I start every day with the thought on "how can I improve myself", typically I fail but every day offers a chance for another attempt, I TRY. There is nothing wrong with improving yourself, give it a shot. You can go back to the chopper boards that's cool, while you are there bring some of the chopper guys over to this forum.

        Relax, have fun, enjoy yourself, meet new people, make friends, build a motorcycle collection and ride, that is what it is all about.

        Last edited by Slojo; 08-04-2011, 06:31 PM.


        • #34
          Good God, This thread is a immature as you can get. And you guys can’t understand why the membership doesn’t show up here. Joe, you hit it on the head. Bob L
          AMCA #3149


          • #35
            Slojo , you werent who i was reffering to , you offered pictures and i understood your posted its other who criticize and dont offer postive input . By the way pm me any pics of your racer your doing if you dont mind


            • #36
              "By the way pm me any pics of your racer your doing if you dont mind "

              51 FL

              I am just beginning the build stages and interesting photos are yet to be shot. Set up / lay out processes such as knocking sheet metal into submission, and determining other basic component formats. I may run a new article similar to the one for my !914 cannonball bike. Stay tuned.

              51 FL have you viewed the !914 cannonball article? Do you have a first name? Some of us might like to get to know you.


