Guess I'm a pariah too. I've said the same thing for years. Most people in this economy and if they are in the younger crowd have to WORK 6 days a week to try to afford that elusive part.
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Youngsters In The AMCA
This hobby was the same 35 years ago. If you think older members are going to sell you something for half it's value because you're young, and poor; you're outta' your tree. It's never been like that in this hobby, or in this world. That's not to say there aren't very generous members who have helped new, inexperienced members. However, there is a process of paying your dues and proving your worth and many of us did this by building our own bikes, and wheeling and dealing to make our collections better. In every pursuit of my life; be it this hobby, or career, I never expected anything for nothing. I've worked hard for what I have, as have my friends in this hobby. Motorcycles are a luxury item that belong to the rich, or the hard working poor. I have no pity for someone that cries because they don't have a motorcycle.Eric Smith
AMCA #886
I'm not worried about the prices. The market determines that, and I will only pay what I will pay. I have some nice stuff that I have spent many hours, and much money and time on. If I can't get what I want, I will sit on them until the market is there, or just take a loss, and move on. But I draw the line at advertiising a swap meet on certain days, and that not being fully truthful. I will make no more comments on this thread because it is old hat now.
Let's get some reality going here. As a vender, I do ten meets a year. Most of the time I don't even cover my expenses but that's ok because I do it out of my total up session to be with you guys and drink, bullshit and have fun. Now let's just take Oley for instance. I always stay until Saturday afternoon. I'm lucky, I only have a three hour drive home. Clete Borchert has to make it back to Georgia, Tom Faber and Easy-Russ are going to Northern Michigan, Lloyd Benson to Erie NY, Rat back to Vermont and Jim back to Vegas and that's only to mention a few. How long do you expect these people to stick around. Even if I leave Oley at 2:30 on a Saturday, by the time everything is unloaded and the door is locked. I still don't see my wife until 7pm. I don't care if your young or not. If you're serious about this hobby you make the time to be there on Friday. Being a vender is work, a lot of work for something that most time, doesn't put food on the table. Bob L
Originally posted by Robert Luland View Post"I was addicted to old iron way before I found this club but it only made sense to join up and participate with likeminded people."
Fanatical Grease Monkeys!
The way I see it... It doesn't matter whether you're young or older, if you want an old bike bad enough you'll get your hands on one eventually and by that time the bug will have set in and more will follow.Cory Othen
Sorry Eric, I disagree. I will do good to a younger member to see that the hobby survives. I never sold anything until Oley this year. Sold a 48 offset front end to a late 20s guy that was using it on HIS bike for a give-away price. Guess I have a different philosophy on this hobby. It's not ALL about the money, is it??? Pay your dues??? Prove your worth??Sounds like some other kind of club. Something I gave up years ago.Last edited by D.A.Bagin; 08-02-2011, 07:51 PM.D. A. Bagin #3166 AKA Panheadzz 440 48chief W/sidecar 57fl 57flh 58fl 66m-50 68flh 70xlh
Eric, you are exactly right.....35 years ago it WAS exactly the same. A guy has got to pay his dues a bit, to earn what he's got. In 1978, I remember dodging the landlady, and paying my rent late because I had to buy new parts for the bike, eating peanut butter and jelly for 3 or 4 days straight, until payday came, cuz I spent the dough on bike parts. If a young guy has to sacrafice a little to partake in the motorcycling sport, then it will do him good and build character, the problem is, that all of today's society is programmed for "instant gratification".
Just to set the record straight on vending, I am probably one of the last guys to leave Wauseon, and Davenport on Sunday, I have been told before by fairground crews to get my crap packed up and vacate the fairgrounds,, somewhere after 1 or 2 o'clock on sunday. Once I had a guy from Montana, who just showed up at Davenport at about 10am, wondering where the meet went, I was able to sell him a ton of VL parts and made his day, I figure, them other vendors that cleared out early just missed the boat! I will also help a young guy when I can, my free handlebars, and other parts, are on Ryan Mackeys bike, and it was a good investment, as I see him at meets still looking for parts.
If you're young and you think 40% of the guys are did I 30 years ago, and some of them are now my friends, some are passed away, and some I still don't know, or do business don't bother me, cuz they'e the ones missin' out!
DA Bagin, I believe in helping people out, but I also believe everyone has to do what's necessary to get what you want.Last edited by fabercycle; 08-02-2011, 08:21 PM.
And I totally agree with Tom and Eric,
When I was a young guy and interested in old bikes and parts, no one came along saying "Gee Kid, how nice that you are interested. I'll sell or give you anything you like for next to nothing". I busted my ass trying to exist and build my projects. I spent long hours proving my worth to the older riders, the old bike dealers, everyone involved. I didn't party with the boys, chase girls, or any other money eating activities. I basically was of one mind. I chose work that helped my education or paid well for taking up my time. I expected nothing from anyone then and still do not. And no, it isn't all about the money. But it sure as hell is about the attitude and desire, not about how many face-book friends you have and how cool you are. The coolest people I know, are not!
RobbieRobbie Knight Amca #2736
Here's my 2 cents. 51FL, you ask for a list of AMCA events, aren't they listed in the mag or on your membership card? Buy a calender and support the AMCA, they are all on there. I have been going to swap meets since I was 17, 29 years now. It has taken me all this time to trade up and keep buying to have all the junk I have. No one just gave me anything because I was young, sure I was helped along the way as it sounds like from the posts here, you will be helped too. It sounds like you have had no trouble collecting a stable of bikes so far. Everything involves priorities along with time and effort. I started incorporating the meets with family vacations. Drove from FL , via Nashville to make wife happy, then on to Davenport with a 6 month old daughter. Now I take my daughter on vacations after meets, last year Niagara Falls, this year the UP. Try that, you get to do your hobby, and the family gets a vacation, go to a different meet every year. As far as Sundays, the Walneck meets are usually on Sundays, maybe one is in your area. For the last 2 years I have met a young man, maybe 21 in the hotel near Wauseon, he comes from MI and goes to the meet looking for something older that a Shovel he now owns, it takes time. Enjoy the different meets, be patient make friends and get some knowledge along the way.Bob
Bob Rice #6738
I would like to start off by saying thanks to anyone that read understood or commented on the positive , to the rest of you who cant seem to follow a conversation long enough to remember your metamucil . I support the AMCA any chance i get i own a magazine subscription , i own the calender . What i dont understand is where this got derailed i was trying to offer the insight of a younger genaration , yes i own the amca card that has all the NATIONAL MEETS , not local chapter meets to those who questioned but Joe Blow Jr shouldnt have an easy time locating that . I never complained about prices , i bust my ass to pay for my bikes work a full time job and hustle parts on the side , but i sure as hell aint driving 600 miles to a meet where vendors are leaving cause there wives wont let them spend the weekend . My good Friend vends a bunch and sometime leaves on sat afternoon , and trust me i make sure he hears my opion on that . SO ANY ONE THAT THINKS IM WHINING ABOUT PRICES IM NOT SURE WHERE YOU GOT THAT . IF YOU DONT WANT YOUR CLUB TO END A MISERABLE OLD DEATH WE CAN CHANGE SOME WAYS AND MAKE IMPROVEMENTS , IF NOT IM SORRY FOR OFFERING ANY INSIGHT AND MY VEIWS . My Knuckle racer post was a perfect example , from being told to look at the post before me (which wasnt titled any where close to what i was looking for ) to being corrected on grammer ,im thinking about goin back to the chopper boards . No this isnt a poor old me , but what happen to solid advice or help , i can take some **** as long as theres a positive with it not just some internet nazi .
Like I said before if you want to find out what goes on in our area go to the Yankee Christmas party bring your friends,its open to anyone even chopper riders (most of the members are old scooter tramps ) they'll like it that you ride to the party. we have a road run in sept also.
will be at Stafford springs on 8/14/11(I'll have the old bikes by the front entrance) for the late summer meet and then on to brookfeild new york for the empire chapter meet 8/19-29/11 this is a friday saturday meet as well so try to get some time off its worth the ride.7 hrs from boston