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Youngsters In The AMCA

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  • Youngsters In The AMCA


    Hello i would Like to start off by letting you all know i am TWENTY THREE yes 23 and currently own a Wl an El Knuckle And an FL Pan along with newer bikes a Buell and a Softail . I am only telling you this so you know what i am about I know im Not in the age bracket of the typical demographic for this group but i would like to say i do enjoy being a member and going the meets . Basically i am writing here because after a lot of reading here lately and catching some ''****'' for some of my posts here. I would like to post my views , the main post that sparked this was Eustis Moving and i dont like that idea at all but thats for a later date.. I did read a lot about people wanting to targer Younger Genaration . Ok sorry for all the spiel but here goes, I work a full time job 6days a week 9-6 . I am in need of parts but i couldnt make the Swap at Hebron because it was a Friday / Sat morning Swap .Now how can i afford to be building on a budget and take time off of work . I work for all my money an none of the bikes were givin to me , there are plenty of friends that would have gone but Knew nothing about it , How much more would it have been to run that meet to Sunday , would you have lost vendors , i know it was free vending but would a $10 cover allowed the meet to be run to sunday , i havent missed a stafford or Keene in 4 years . Im there rain or shine
    . I also have a bunch of buddies that would have gone but didnt find any info on hebron until i told em a few did make it of the short notice but. I often check other local boards that us young folk chop or modify bike like you guys usta if you remember or will claim to forget or neva have done . the purpose of me telling you this is on those board everyone of the has the mention of a local ''party'' show and swap over a 3 day Weekend much like Eustis ( I know Eustis is a week long) I mean how hard would it be to make mention of the National meets and Local meets , on another board I know Buzz lurks on some of the boards thanks for the heads up on Indian Day i only found out the night before that . I am very computer savy ,but why not have a calender page up with all the AMCA events . for everyone to see .
    I noticed some guys claim that young guys cant afford these machines , but more than that when they go to the rice burner or the Hd shop for there Nightsters or whatever , there not told what there doing is ''WRONG'' or they ''Shouldnt'' change the exhuast or paint it or chop it . I go to look for deals but looking for a part at the meets i will spend a little more to hold it i like the personal touch of buisness that is lost through txting and email i will further divulge on that later on . But i regret to say 40% of the AMCA vendors i meet at swaps at Miserable guys that dont want to sell dont want to help , just want to tell you your wrong , or the famous '' How much you want for that'' YOU Know what that fits'' or '' What are you building that will never fit '' No im gna cut it '' O im not selling it to you . THE other 60 % are fountians of Knowledge and so willing to help . I picked up a wl basket i was walking around eustis picked up a nice set of 47-50 WL tanks with emblem mounts i was gonna cut em , I start walking to the next vendor and he sees me with the tanks ,asks what i am doin with em , he looks at me with a look of disgust for a split second before i can say anything he says come here pulls set of WR''ed tanks and says this what you looking for , tells me the value of my tanks (which i knew ) Offers me a trade which put me on top and gave me a couple smaller pieces while there . That right there is what the club is about . Everyone was happy and and Knowledge was passed on . I am very dissapointed that most of the members dont relize the value of building choppers and bobbers without them the antique values wouldnt be the same if there were all the knucks still out there , there also wouldnt be as great a need for repro parts so you wouldnt have the abilty to have a crank pin next dayed to you .
    Overall what i am trying to say is AS MUCH AS I LOVE THE AMCA , there needs to be improvements or i truly feel the club will die , i hope no one takes offense . What i wish is the right people read this and either ask for help or make changes that go in the right direction .

  • #2
    Interesting take on things FL. Brings back memories. I remember many like situations more than 30 years ago when I was scourering the meets for goodies, hints, info, etc..... Both in the Indian World, and the car world. Indians weren't as popular then, nor as expensive, or collectable. I was dealing with true enthusiasts, or guys who just wanted to make money. Then came the speculators. It's a different world now, but I can feel ya. I used to send my large breasted girl friend in to make the deals for me at a lot of the meets. Worked EVERY time.
    What you are describing is product of human nature, not purely the Club. True, the Club is the venue that brings all these creatures together, but these days, most of the vendors seem to be professional, and more profit orientated. So is the rest of the World. Seems like we were all born too late.
    Hang in there; the true, genuine, charactors have a magic way of surfacing. Just like the large breasted creature had a way of dissappearing.
    Happy Hunting, RF.
    Hunting is half the fun.


    • #3
      Completly agree with you two guys. To many speculators in the antique MC market. Not enough enthusiasts.


      • #4
        You make some very good points FL. I for one have posted a few times right here about listing local events & meets so that we could all know when they were held thinking that this would be good for the club & it's members & also help spread the word to the younger crowd who may not have the Time or money to Travel to the national events. After not getting any response form the club or website about adding a "Local Meets" section somewhere, it was posted that any club could list thier events under the " MEMBERS STORY" section now I don't know who would think to look in that section for local swaps but this clubs website seems to feel that is the spot it could go & that there is no need for a "Local Swaps" section. I applaud you for your interest & desire at your age to pursue the antique motorcycles & it is tough to attend when you have to work but sunday's are tough for a lot of "vendors" because they to have real jobs & families & sometimes it's a long drive to get back home unpack & get to work by 6:00 am Monday, what I have done since the national are listed is ask for days off well in advance to attensd & I have used vaction time for swaps. Now if this web site listed Local events it would make it easier to attend & plan ahead. Antway keep the faith enjoy your iron & thanks for the post. Just my 2 cents


        • #5
          when I started this hobby I was like 19 yrs od ( bought a 1942 wlc canadian military 45 with all the military bling ). the people I met all had pre 1920 mottorcycles so my 42 was too new, purchased a 1930 harley dl ( 3 cylinder harley ) still not old enough. so I found a 1920 harley with a chair, owned for 4 months and traded for my now current 1914 excelsior. that was 21 years ago this spring ( oley ). over the years have slowly added a 1940 indian cheif, a 65 sportster and a couple toppers to mix things up

          I am a construction worker so I dont work 52 weeks a year, and being a part time employee I dont know if I will still be working for this company come a future meet so asking for time off in advance is pointless. as well as living paycheck to paycheck its hard to have extra money to spend. - try purchasing 97 year old motorcycle parts on fleezebay with the rest of the world bidding too. drive 12 hours to a meet only to watch someone else ( with deeper pockets ) walk away from a vendor with the parts I could use ubder their arms. our local swaps consist of new harley and off shore motorcycle parts with 60"s britsh tossed in to apeeze the over-the-ponders not alot in pre 1950 anything

          I could go on but you see the point - I will not give up just live to my means

          I ride my 1940 indian cheif when ever possible and have fun at it - to all other younger members this hobby is fun and early motorcycles are still availble to be had - keep digging

          aka HAWG
          1914 excelsior belt drive single carcuss
          1940 indian chief military
          1965 sportster xlch
          1969 sportster xlch bobber
          1971 bsa A65 chopper
          1969 harley ss350 sprint
          1960 harley topper
          1963 harley topper
          H model whizzer on cheiftain bicycle
          H model whizzer on schwinn bicycle
          1949 harley model 125 bobber project
          1959 harley model 165
          1960 harley super 10
          1974 indian 70cc dirt bike


          • #6
            The bike sins of the past are coming back to become the mod's of present. Affordable parts are modified parts, if the kids pick these affordable parts up and build with them all the power to them, this is why we have welcomed period modified classes in the shows.

            I built my bike collection out of hard work, at age 18 my job barley covered my first bike a used 1970 XLCH Sportster bought in 77. Next came a 1954 pan. From those beginnings (four years) I was building repairing and shuffling bikes like baseball cards. Young ambition enabled me to collect bikes I now enjoy.

            These young guys can and are following the same path (just not enough of them), they are the creative ambitious type whom do not allow today's prices chase them off (creativity). I enjoy meeting and talking with these younger guys. How many young Matt's do we have in the club? Senior youngster Matt Smith, Olsen, Walksler Mcmannas, Schelosky I can't keep track of them all. Paul Pempitte, Dave's youngster is building bikes like a tornado, a father son team. We need to nurture these young guys through the beginnings of their "probationary" period.

            Why not assign a proby status where our youngsters start a project , gathers parts for a designated bike all while displaying a proby type "patch" and offer AMCA membership free for a year. Participating vendors get vending sites at a discount price and then turn the discount over to the kids these venders and kids will be posted by way of name tags and posting signs? Cooperation is the name of the game here.



            • #7
              So 51, you're a techie, huh? Good! That's what the average-age member (60?) needs, more techies, like we need social security payers from your age group!
              One of my pet peeves here is the anemic classifieds. Why should e-bay rate? So how do we get our vendors' resources recorded for our consumption?
              I guess it's easy to say, but if I were selling anything I'd advertise it here first.
              And are we not allowed the magazine's classified posting because of an access disparity?


              • #8
                Hey 51fl the best way to get info on the heron meet is to come to the Yankee x mass party (DEC 4th VFW oxford ma) pot luck dinner and the meeting that everything for the next year is disused its always a good time,and a great place to find parts.couple years ago one of the guys brought in a box of knuckle parts and sold them at a reason able price
                I work in the home remodeling business so its always hit or miss,Ive lost relationships and jobs because of the meets.And when you go to davenport with you wife 9 months pregnant and ready to drop but you know it won't happen this week end because its davenport (he waited till I got home 8/13/89 my son Will) you know your addicted to antique bikes.
                keep up the good work on the family hope to see you at Keene or Stafford spring (this meet was started by my Good friend Jim Darby,AKA THE PANMAN sadly we lost Jim in Nov 2002 ) Good luck on the search


                • #9
                  My , writing wasnt necessarily targeting the price everyone knows you got to pay to play , but if you hustle theres deals out there heres mine . I was at a local non amca meet , and began b/s it with a older guy (not a vendor) that was looking to sell an early shovel motor , i told him i was intrested and we began wallking to the lot where it was in his car , on the way im scouring as we walk making a note of where i need to go . Were at the first line of cars in the parking lot and i continue looking and i spot a knuckle jammed in the back of the volvo i walk over and notice a phone number with an ad . the older guy says ehhh thats prob a 30k Knuckle (we both knew it wasnt worth that but we knew what there worth) He walks away i grab my cell enter the number and walk away . On my way home i call the guy no answer , no return call . I figure he must think young kid looking to ''steal it '' Decide on my way to lunch the next day try one more time . He picks up , i ask how much and well the rest is history as they say . i picked it up 2 days later and now its on it way into my Wishbone frame. So if you hustle and dedicate time to reasearch you can find deals . It takes time not money lol i built my 45 for about 6k but it took 5 years . again im just hoping the way we can change the way we market to my age group , no getting your hands dirty and dedicate years to put a vehicle takes a special breed .


                  • #10
                    I know a lot of people in the AMCA, both young and old (mostly old) and regardless. . . None of them come here. They all love to talk about the AMCA but that's all they do. There is very little support for this forum and I think they are missing out on one of the best ways to keep the old bike affliction alive.

                    I know people say there was too much venom and animosity here but I think that's baloney. If people didn't like conflict, and muck raking, they wouldn't watch the Jerry Springer show. I think this forum is anemic because our own members won't support it. Why ? I've thought about that and even asked my opinionated AMCA friends who never seem to be at a loss for words and I get excuses. . . Work, family stuff, working on bikes, etc. etc. In other words; Bull $h!t.

                    This forum could, and should be the bellwether for what's going on in the AMCA; regardless of age. I still don't think age and youth is an issue in the AMCA. I contend that people of every age love motorcycles, and if they love old motorcycles, they will find the AMCA. Obviously 51FL loves old bikes and I'll bet he loved old bikes before he found the AMCA. I have no fear that the AMCA will die because this is an addictive hobby. Even if the next generation shuns old bikes, the generation after them will re-discover it.
                    Eric Smith
                    AMCA #886


                    • #11
                      You all make great points here, and thanks 51fl for your post. This is exactly why we need to get more youngsters involved with the AMCA. Everyone's opinion matters. Hang in there 51fl, you might be on the board someday.
                      How bout some pictures of you machines.

                      Good day, Long may you ride!


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by exeric View Post
                        I know a lot of people in the AMCA, both young and old (mostly old) and regardless. . . None of them come here. They all love to talk about the AMCA but that's all they do. There is very little support for this forum and I think they are missing out on one of the best ways to keep the old bike affliction alive.

                        I know people say there was too much venom and animosity here but I think that's baloney. If people didn't like conflict, and muck raking, they wouldn't watch the Jerry Springer show. I think this forum is anemic because our own members won't support it. Why ? I've thought about that and even asked my opinionated AMCA friends who never seem to be at a loss for words and I get excuses. . . Work, family stuff, working on bikes, etc. etc. In other words; Bull $h!t.

                        This forum could, and should be the bellwether for what's going on in the AMCA; regardless of age. I still don't think age and youth is an issue in the AMCA. I contend that people of every age love motorcycles, and if they love old motorcycles, they will find the AMCA. Obviously 51FL loves old bikes and I'll bet he loved old bikes before he found the AMCA. I have no fear that the AMCA will die because this is an addictive hobby. Even if the next generation shuns old bikes, the generation after them will re-discover it.
                        Well said Eric!!! The winters are long up here and this forum has been a blessing for an old bike freak like me. Prior to signing up on the board I was pretty much computer illiterate but with some gentle urging from a fellow member I gave it a try. This place for the most part has been a positive experience and I can only imagine how much better it could be if more folks in the club bit the bullet and gave it a try!! By the way, I was addicted to old iron way before I found this club but it only made sense to join up and participate with likeminded people.
                        Cory Othen


                        • #13
                          "I was addicted to old iron way before I found this club but it only made sense to join up and participate with likeminded people."

                          Fanatical Grease Monkeys!
                          AMCA #3149


                          • #14
                            The club wants to cultivate younger members. The first thing it has to do is quit "taking care or it's self first". I've been to Davenport and a regular at Wauseon swap. From what I see most of the advertising that there is a swap happening it's located in places that only current members will notice it and even worse most vendors evidently only want to sell to other members. Because by the time the gates open up Saturday to the public (and hopefully future members) vendors are packing up, calling the weekend a wash. Heaven forbid John Q Public that drives 2 hours to go to the swap on Sunday only to find out 80% of the vendors are gone. G Whiz I wonder why he don't want to join?
                            Member# 7397


                            • #15
                              olddaze You are now a pariah. I said the same thing years ago.

