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  • Speaking of Tom Wilcock......... he sent me this pic to post. Anybody got any idea what this beast is? It looks well made...... Oh, by the way I always grin when a pic of your '13 shows up Barry. That is one fine old H-D that's for sure!!

    Cory Othen


    • Just When You Think You've Seen Them All! That's Part Of What Makes This Hobby So Interesting. Now That Would Be A Great Cannonball Ride.


      • SVERRE. I would assume "spark" = "sled or sleigh" in English.
        anybody know what happened to the Elliason toboggan on Ebay . Just curious.


        • Here's a link to the auction......

          Cory Othen


          • "Spark"

            Hi Barry, I would like to say I like the pic of your 13 HD too, as well as any other pics from inside your mill. No, sledge or sleigh are not the words as they are pulled to get forward. The "Spark" is brought forward with the use of your right leg kikking backwards. "Spark" is directly translated "kick".

            I think I have more pictures of motorised "Sparks" as the "Spark" was as common as the bicycle for everyday transport during winter in older days over here.

            And then there is the idea that we are here on earth to get a certain amount of things done before we die.
            This is a great theory.
            If it is true, I am so far behind that I will never die...



            • Cuz it's fullblown winter for some of us......... It's a little early for a New Year's Day photo but I couldn't resist!!

              This one's just cuz I love racin'.......

              If your jonesin' for some old pics check out this link...
              Just type motorcycle and hit the search button. There's a whole bunch of great old pics there!!!
              Cory Othen


              • Arthur Roach

                Cory, that is a great link indeed. I found this too back when we discussed the Harleys first years and Ole Evinrudes involvement in the development. I was looking for stuff on Ole Evinrude when I came across this link.
                I think those early pics of Arthur Roach and his friends are really fantastic. Have they ever been posted here?
                Well I try to stick with posting pics from my own neighbourhood.

                Look forward to know how to find the Motorcycle illustrated stuff on Google. I seem to be finding the mags without beeing able to look inside??

                Oh, well.

                And then there is the idea that we are here on earth to get a certain amount of things done before we die.
                This is a great theory.
                If it is true, I am so far behind that I will never die...



                • Thanks Cory, I've never seen all those before !


                  • Originally posted by sveger View Post
                    Cory, that is a great link indeed. I found this too back when we discussed the Harleys first years and Ole Evinrudes involvement in the development. I was looking for stuff on Ole Evinrude when I came across this link.
                    I think those early pics of Arthur Roach and his friends are really fantastic. Have they ever been posted here?
                    Well I try to stick with posting pics from my own neighbourhood.

                    Look forward to know how to find the Motorcycle illustrated stuff on Google. I seem to be finding the mags without beeing able to look inside??

                    Oh, well.

                    I think I've seen a few pics from the Arthur Roach era but not as many as are on that site. I can never get enough of those old pics!

                    I'm also eager to get this Google "Motorcycle Illustrated" mystery figured out. I can get some of the snippet views but little else. I did find another link last night but forgot to post it. When I come across it again I'll make sure it's available here.

                    Sverre, as always thanks for your awesome picture contributions!!!
                    Cory Othen


                    • Originally posted by Scott Parker View Post
                      Thanks Cory, I've never seen all those before !
                      Glad you enjoyed them Scott ! Look up any city historical archives and your likely to find motorcycle photos!
                      Cory Othen


                      • Comment

                        • Now that's one cool bike! Don't let the chopper guys see it. I could see a new trend developing....
                          Cory Othen


                          • I wonder if that's a young Mr Neracher ???


                            • Here is a postcard I just picked up

                              Here is a postcard I just picked up. A 24 hour a day bike shop in 1910.

                              Be sure to visit;
                              Be sure to register at the site so you can see large images.
                              Also be sure to visit


                              • That's one great postcard. It sounds as though you could get just about anything you want at the Motorcycle Hospital. Kinda like Alice's Restaurant........
                                Cory Othen

