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Rear Fender 4\'41-'42

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  • Rear Fender 4\'41-'42

    I have seen this indented speedometer cable features on some '41/'42 Scout left side rear fenders. Most Scouts of this vintage have the oval hole at the toolbox. Early '41 Scouts had the Corbin speedo drive on the right side and a similar indented feature on the right side of the fender. So, the question is; when did this indent feature appear, then disappear on the L.S fender? Thanks

    78017643.jpg .
    Last edited by exeric; 02-28-2023, 02:56 PM.
    Eric Smith
    AMCA #886

  • #2
    Eric, if nobody pipes up with an answer, you might try and contact Matt Blake from Iron Horse Corral, he doesn't produce any more but chances are he may know when fender styles changed because his products were excellent reproductions and he likely did the research.
    Pisten Bully is Harry Roberts in Vermont.


    • #3
      That is a very good suggestion, Harry. As you well know, Indian's running changes are numerous, and difficult to chronicle.
      Eric Smith
      AMCA #886


      • #4
        Friend has a '41 with box like mounted to fender with hole at front of box with cable coming straight out of it.


        • #5
          You might also try Jerry Greer as the 41 he has pictures of restoring has that style fender, from his website…


          I looked in Hatfields restoration guide and one of the pictures shows the early 41 Scout with the right hand speedo drive and it looks like that fender has the same style of boxed in treatment. From Hatfields book…


          This is just a guess but could Indian have started to make the later fenders with the left hand speedo drive the same style but then as a cost cutting measure just cut a hole like on the Chief fender and resort to that style? My guess is originally right side boxed in like the above picture, then they switched to the left hand speedo drive and boxed it in the same way, then said the heck with that let’s save some money and just cut an access hole.

          My fathers 41 has the hole behind the tool box, and I have one more 41/42 Scout fender and it also has the hole.


          I don’t ever recall seeing a Scout with that boxed in area, don’t think there were many made like that.


          • #6
            This picture shows what I've commonly seen in pictures of '41-'42 speedo cable ports on SS rear fenders. The indented fender in the first pic I posted shows up on some of the '41-'42 Scouts but I wonder if that an early, or late feature.

            Eric Smith
            AMCA #886


            • #7
              Thanks, Joe. Your pictures, and comments make sense and help a lot. I really don't want to modify my current fender which is an un-used Iron Horse Corral my friend bought in 1997. Here's another pic of a '41 with the indented cable clearance feature.

              Eric Smith
              AMCA #886


              • #8
                Yeah, this is a mystery to me. Let us know what you find out. Joe


                • #9
                  All I got is from Jerry Hatfields Restoration Guide:

                  Note 109 "The first 240 Sport Scouts, serial numbers 641-101 through 641-340, were made with right sided speedometer drive. Beginning with serial number 641-341, the transmission case was wider to accommodate a double-row bearing, which forced the speedometer driver to the left side. No examples of the early configuration have been seen, but they probably had the rear fender shown in Figure 195 with a crease for the speedometer drive cable."

                  So hopefully this narrows it down abit. Its a "head scratcher".
                  Last edited by PaulCDF; 03-01-2023, 11:08 AM.

