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Indian model year changes

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  • Indian model year changes

    Does anyone know when Indians next year models were released? Was it the first of January or the first of September like it is today or??? Thanks for any help.

  • #2
    All the manufacturers used late Summer, same as now...
    Robbie Knight Amca #2736


    • #3
      Except for 1946 as the war had just ended. The first 1946 Chief was built in February of 1946 ( 50 were made in Feb) and 46 production was carried up to 12/31/1946. Everything made after 1/1/1947 was put on the books as a 1947. During the 47 model year they went back to the usual changeover dates, I believe it was traditionally around Labor Day that the new models were at the Dealers. THis would probably mean that the production started in July.


      • #4
        Originally posted by cdf6333 View Post
        Except for 1946 as the war had just ended. The first 1946 Chief was built in February of 1946 ( 50 were made in Feb) and 46 production was carried up to 12/31/1946. Everything made after 1/1/1947 was put on the books as a 1947. During the 47 model year they went back to the usual changeover dates, I believe it was traditionally around Labor Day that the new models were at the Dealers. THis would probably mean that the production started in July.
        So the 47 was only stamped that way for 6 months? Interesting (no argument, btw). Have to wonder how many 47 oil pumps they made, or left-side slipper castings with or without numbers, what else? And then we look at cross-over parts like the right side engine case casting.
        Seems Indian always used up their parts production on next year's model, ya? no?


        • #5
          I do believe Indian used whatever parts they still had from the year before. For example, I have a 1948 with a 1947 frame, but stamped 348xxxx.

