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Bob Corboin - height dimensions of your lFX18L2-BS06 Shorai

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  • Bob Corboin - height dimensions of your lFX18L2-BS06 Shorai

    Howdy sir,

    Just had another Powersonic go south on my 46 Chief I'm taking to Bike Week here shortly and am ready to move on to your twin Shorai setup. Would like to continue use of my hollowed out India and Colorado Indian repops used with the previous Powersonic PS6200 setup but one dimension critical that prevents laying 2 Shorai's down on their sides on top of each other. Their stated dimension of 3.50 inches in height. These boxes are only 3.35 inches wide. Powersonic lists their battery dimensions out to the second decimal point but very fortunately the units are actually undersized to that dim. Is it possibly a Shorai is actually less than 3.50, it'd save hours with a chizel/block sander.

    Thanks in advance.
    1950 Vincent - A Red Rapide Experience

  • #2
    Hi Peter
    I measured at 3.470", right around 3 1/2. I'll attach a pic here. The batteries come with all the foam packing stuffIMG_1050.JPG
    Good luck with the case. I used one Shorai for a few weeks, then added a second to hopefully louden ( a word?) my weak ass horn. sorta worked a little.


    • #3
      Howdy Bob,

      Thanks very much for going to the trouble to take that pic. Have long been a proponent of Powersonic PS series AGM’s , which though seemingly not intended for an m/c application (lack robust cases) have worked admirably in all applications except this 46 Chief. In one instance the Batteries Plus house brand version, a Werker, has withstood up to 9 volts over 5 years now from a Miller D6 on my Vincent with the load of running the headlight constantly as a supplement to a seemingly defective regulator.

      As I run this same setup on the 48 as the 46, the only difference is final drive ratio so I’m attributing this 3rd failure to the fact the 46 spends a lot of time on the road at highway speeds on shorter gearing, hence more vibration in a sweet spot that must be rattling these batteries into failing. Time for a change and forums for the various marques I ride have all spoken highly of Shorai’s.
      1950 Vincent - A Red Rapide Experience


      • #4
        Hey Peter
        Again though, I highly recommend an electronic regulator with this. Some guys say leaving the headlight on will work, but I'm not so sure. These batteries are the same type as in a 787, so extra care is cool

