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Grrrrr. I can't get my flywheels true.

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  • #31
    Originally posted by Phil Mast View Post
    Hi Bill and Tom! been away, busy as hell, then the viking meet and dad's day, etd
    haven't been to the vi yet, but I'm trying to sit at the front of the class, here.
    Bill, can I get a better pic of the fixture of the flywheel approaching the chucked crankpin? I want to see how you ensured perpendicularity of the wheel to your crankpin.
    Otherwise, I'm very jealous of your equipment. I'm still working with the old belt-drive stuff.
    I like your lapping tool/old crankpin.
    As you can see there isn't any fixture. I'm relying on the taper of the pin and the squareness of the aluminum bushing to maintain perpendicularity. I think I got this right but I'll confess I'm new to this so I may be missing pertinant information.



    • #32

      That's the way I do it..,
      The flywheel will rest squarely upon the lathe ways as well.

      AMCA #776
      Dumpster Diver's Motto: Seek,... and Ye Shall Find!


      • #33
        Originally posted by T. Cotten View Post

        That's the way I do it..,
        The flywheel will rest squarely upon the lathe ways as well.
        Sorry fellers, my confidence has ebbed here. I think we agreed that achieving perpendicularity on the pinion and drive shafts prior to assembly is a must.
        Why would we then lap the crankpin fits without the same diligence?
        In my mind a vertical mill makes sense, with the wheel level-ed on the bed, and the lapping shaft plumb and running true. If we use less than our best effort here, we leave ourselves likely to need brute force to correct things, and as Cotten has warned us, used wheels may have been deformed already. Wouldn't it be important to know where the crankpin WANTED to go?

        (I'm told this message is too short to post. why does it do that?)
        (It still says "message is too short". )
        (says lengthen your message to 10

        how bout some emoticon junk
        gonna lose this msg


        • #34
          t e n c h a r a c t e r s? at least?

