CONT.The reason for predominate inlet when the back pulse expands leaving inlet mouth it expands in every direction even toward engine,the pulse is dissipated evenly from mushrooms looses velocity and G.forces.T he incoming dry air spikes through the weakest part of the mushroom,the uniformed centre, two separate air MASES ,the outer mass guiding in the new charge like a velocity stack.Once past the inlet the most important aspect of the carbs many function venture size and shape .No carb is perfect, it not limited by technology,but by physics.It's simple you have to(DISTURBE THE AIR) by way of the venture in order to induce fuel into system. Venture shape, height of fuel out let nozzle,my thought are if you have to create tremendous turbulence to induce and atomize thefuel, there room for performance improvement.The short intake responds to low pressure quickly ,on a well designed system header effect will supply the initial low pressure and when that SR.rips that piston down from TDC.the shorter intake has a smaller column of dry and wet air to get moving. m. Tropi."Two people can keep a secret if ones dead" JABS "except Browney" .