I was piecing together the clutch assembly for my '64 CH and noted that my clutch hub is incorrect. I'm just not sure what it's for. It measures 1.455" front-to-back (outside face measurement)and is too narrow in depth to accept all 7 friction plates, steel plates and the backing plate.
I went through my inventory and only found a couple of XLH dry hubs (large seal) and a '71 wet hub. However, I did compare the shallow hub to an XLH dry clutch hub and found the that '70 hub measured 1.800" ( a difference of 0.345") and does properly accept all plates, the backing plate, and leaves the correct spline purchase for the pressure plate.
I know that that the '57 - '69 CH clutch hubs are all the same. I also know that the '67 - '70 XLH hubs, while differing in the seal area, should have the same spline depth as the CH hub, as all hubs from '57 through '70 take the same number of plates and all plates are of the same thickness. Therefore, the '70 dry hub measurement of 1.800" is probably correct for the CH hub/single bearing clutch drum-with-seal assembly.
Given the above littany, could this shallow clutch hub be from a K or KH/KHK ?? I know very little of these machines.
Does anyone have an XLCH dry clutch hub that they would like to sell??
Bill Pedalino
I went through my inventory and only found a couple of XLH dry hubs (large seal) and a '71 wet hub. However, I did compare the shallow hub to an XLH dry clutch hub and found the that '70 hub measured 1.800" ( a difference of 0.345") and does properly accept all plates, the backing plate, and leaves the correct spline purchase for the pressure plate.
I know that that the '57 - '69 CH clutch hubs are all the same. I also know that the '67 - '70 XLH hubs, while differing in the seal area, should have the same spline depth as the CH hub, as all hubs from '57 through '70 take the same number of plates and all plates are of the same thickness. Therefore, the '70 dry hub measurement of 1.800" is probably correct for the CH hub/single bearing clutch drum-with-seal assembly.
Given the above littany, could this shallow clutch hub be from a K or KH/KHK ?? I know very little of these machines.
Does anyone have an XLCH dry clutch hub that they would like to sell??
Bill Pedalino