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1972 fl paint

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  • 1972 fl paint

    Hello My Q is about my 1972 Fl . Fl is stamped on the frame.Bike looks to be stock and has an old paint job.What was the difference from the factory besides the motor. What type seat did it have. The net tells me 8100 flh were made 1600 fl.Trying to get the wright paint on her.Tku for your help.

  • #2
    Paint options for '72 Big Twins were the same on both FL and FLH. The only differences are the compression ratio, camshaft, and primary gearing. Some Police departments (but not all!) preferred FLs for inner city service due to good low speed tractability. Most sidecar bikes were FLs. The same trim and accessory packages as well as options were available for both.
    Robbie Knight Amca #2736


    • #3
      Tku very much. Can you tell me about the colors on the saddle bags and faring. did thay come in black because all i see is white?Also did all Fl and flh bikes come with saddle bags and farings or was that a option. Again tku for your time.

