I have a 67 fl with the original Tilloston carb. I am also new to this bike and carb system. While riding 2 days ago, the bike started to die. It felt like low fuel so I switch the reserve on and the bike kept running. But I checked the tank and there was plenty of gas. The next day, after about 1 hour of riding, it happened again. This time it stopped running. When I got off the bike I noticed gas leaking out from where the air filter cover is. When I turned to gas valve off the gas stopped leaking out. After 30 minutes it stated up again only to die again 10 minutes later. Now of course I am 1 mile from home but it is all up hill. I removed the air filter cover and saw gas coming out from inside the carb. Again when I shut off the gas line it stopped leaking out. Any ideas?