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instal seat clevis pin and sping

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  • instal seat clevis pin and sping

    How does the seat clevis spring fit on a deluxe solo seat? when i bought the bike the seat was held on with a peice of pipe with a nail through it in the front and that was it. Just cant figure how it goes

  • #2
    When installed properly the spring passes under the seat tee. The little circular end goes over the pin, passes under the tee, loops over the opposite pin and is in its relaxed position. Pull it down, away from the tee, insert pin, release it, and the slot in the pin should be captive in the spring. It is the same for solo or buddy. The big twin uses the forward hole and set of pins.
    Robbie Knight Amca #2736


    • #3
      Thanks for the answer but still jamd up need to see a picture.I bought the colony repo for all seat post from 1929 on it shaped like a long j with both ends have loops whitch loop does the pin go in. sorry iam al mest up


      • #4

        Here are some pictures. It can be a bit tricky. The first time I photographed it, I had it wrong and deleted the post!!!!

        I think these will show you the right arrangement. This is an original seat T and a Colony Repop Pin and Spring removed from the package for the pictures.

        clevis 1.jpg clevis2.jpg




        • #5
          Thank you very much for taking the time to take the pics THAT IS JUST WHAT I NEED !!!!


          • #6
            It should be noted that the spring should be Parkerized or bare metal and not Cadmium plated.
            Be sure to visit;
            Be sure to register at the site so you can see large images.
            Also be sure to visit


            • #7
              Thanks Chris... good to know.

              @Sailfish: Glad to help. Enough people have taken their time and gone out of their way to help me out here... that it was my pleasure!

              Cheers, Sirhr.


              • #8
                Those things are wierd. I have four seats with everything on them hanging in the garage, and I still scratch my head when putting one on!


                • #9
                  I have extra bare springs. You're welcome to one if needed.


                  • #10
                    Good day lads, I was out on the shop floor earlier sucking down a beer staring at one of my Fls and my eye happen to catch that seat spring and I thought of this thread. My mind keeps wondering off thinking about Oley but my eye keeps coming back to the seat spring. So I popped it off and just started at it. That spring is what this country was about at one time. Just think. Some poor sob sat at his drafting table for probably days working that thing out. There were no computers or AutoCAD sure he could have used a Jesus clip but it wouldn't have had the ease that spring has. That spring has stood the test of time. I would love to have seen the unit back then that bent it up. So the next time you take one off. Take a moment to just hold it in your hand think back and pounder what was going though that engineer's head. It's a really cool little device. Just rambling, Bob L
                    AMCA #3149


                    • #11
                      Too Right Bob!! That little device harkens back to the day when things were done with the slide rule and the drafting table but more importantly BRAINS as opposed to today’s era where everything must be strained through a computer. One of them is definitely on my Oley List to replace the “rig” that currently festers under my buddy seat.


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Robert Luland View Post
                        That spring is what this country was about at one time. Just think. Some poor sob sat at his drafting table for probably days working that thing out. There were no computers or AutoCAD....

                        Hey Bob, 40 years ago I worked for an outfit in "silicone valley" that built machinery to make silicon wafers. Our department fabbed the cooling system for the "oven" that baked those wafers This was about 200 feet or so of copper tubing and assorted other parts.. One day those high dollar engineers re-designed the shape/size of the oven box, and had the sheet metal guys bend up the box and doors. They brought brought those parts over to us and asked us to "build a cooling system to fit it". When we completed it, they took carefull measurements of what we'd built and drew a blueprint of it......

                        pounder what was going though that engineer's head. L
                        (probably thoughts of a bonus!)
                        Last edited by D.Mac; 02-11-2011, 03:37 PM. Reason: trying to fit my rambling thoughts in the middle of the quote
                        Doug McLaughlin #6607
                        NorCal, USA


                        • #13
                          i think about that stuff all the time thats why i love old bikes

