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  • Numbers....

    I didn't want to invade Herb's "Oddball" thread so I thought I'd try the Pan section. What do you folks think of these numbers and how about that case repair?

    Cory Othen

  • #2
    As far as the numbers go the word bogus comes to mind.
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    • #3
      I kinda figured. But I thought I'd ask.. I had a project thrown my way and while I'm tempted I don't want to deal with a numbers issue... Thanks Chris!!
      Cory Othen


      • #4
        Can we see the line bore #'s and date codes?
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        • #5
          From what I can see from the photo you posted It’s still possible that the numbers could be genuine.
          The fonts used to stamp the numbers look the same as those used by Harley in 1949.I cannot see any evidence that the number boss has been altered from the picture. It’s unusual for the numbers to be stamped as badly as the 4 and the 9 are, but it’s not impossible that it could have left the factory like that.
          The line bore numbers/casting date codes and a closer picture of the number boss might help determine whether or not the numbers are genuine.
          Pete Reeves. 860.


          • #6
            My thoughts are the same as Peter. I would not write them off just yet. More information is needed from the motor. Cory - the case repair looks good - just unfinished. Looks like it was welded with gas so poriosity and warpage are a concern.

            Last edited by Jerry Wieland; 07-22-2010, 04:12 PM.


            • #7
              Thanks for the replies fellas!! I don't have access to other pics at the moment and the project is several hours from my place. I just needed some more knowledgeable opinions before I pursued it any further. I apparently only have a day or two to decide or the heads and front-end will be sold off!!! After some time spent thinking on it... I'm likely going to pass on it anyway but I do appreciate your responses. Each time I ask a question here I'm a little wiser for the next time!!!
              Cory Othen


              • #8
                Cory, I know practically nothing about welding so I can’t comment on the case repairs.

                I realise you may pass on this project but at this stage I can't see anything wrong with the serial number or the number boss although I'd certainly like to see a clearer photo. I increased the size of the photo on my PC and it seems possible that all the characters may be the usual types for a 49 Pan serial number.

                Some examples in my collection which are factory-stamped have the characters positioned low on the boss, some a bit higher and some even higher still. Some of my examples are stamped neatly, including having fairly evenly spaced characters. But some are not neatly done and are not evenly spaced. And I figure that depended on which employee did the stamping. Eric


                • #9
                  Chris, please explain what you think is bogus about these numbers. Eric


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Speeding Big Twin View Post
                    Cory, I know practically nothing about welding so I can’t comment on the case repairs.

                    I realise you may pass on this project but at this stage I can't see anything wrong with the serial number or the number boss although I'd certainly like to see a clearer photo. I increased the size of the photo on my PC and it seems possible that all the characters may be the usual types for a 49 Pan serial number.

                    Some examples in my collection which are factory-stamped have the characters positioned low on the boss, some a bit higher and some even higher still. Some of my examples are stamped neatly, including having fairly evenly spaced characters. But some are not neatly done and are not evenly spaced. And I figure that depended on which employee did the stamping. Eric
                    Thanks for the feedback!!!
                    Cory Othen


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by Speeding Big Twin View Post
                      Chris, please explain what you think is bogus about these numbers. Eric
                      Although they appear to be factory stamps I have never seen such a sloppy job of stamping. The 4 and 9 are actually touching each other. If done at the MoCo it musta been done after a 3 beer lunch.
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                      • #12
                        Chris I agree with you. That has to be one of the sloppiest numbers I have ever seen but I also see no evidence of tampering. Years ago I had a WLA number that was almost that bad.



                        • #13
                          Originally posted by Jerry Wieland View Post
                          Chris I agree with you. That has to be one of the sloppiest numbers I have ever seen but I also see no evidence of tampering. Years ago I had a WLA number that was almost that bad.

                          I don't like the look of the number 9. Here is what an original looks like.
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                          • #14
                            Chris, even though the 4 and the 9 are very close to each other in the photo at the start of this thread I don't see that as a problem.

                            The F in the example below is very close to the L. And the L is very close to the 5. But that doesn't bother me. And I see nothing wrong with any of the five characters shown in the photo:

                            On the other hand, at times I’ve seen the opposite as illustrated by the large space between the 3 and the 0 in the Flathead example below. But that doesn't bother me either and all the characters appear to be factory-stamped, including the two characters I blacked out:

                            Getting back to the photo at the start of this thread, and as I mentioned earlier, I increased the size of the photo on my PC. To me the 9 appears to be the usual type of straight back for a 49 Panhead. Can you please explain why you don’t like the look of the number 9. What do you think is wrong with the 9? Eric

