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Question on 1954 50th Anniv. Fender Emblem

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  • Question on 1954 50th Anniv. Fender Emblem

    Hoping someone here can help me out with a value of the 1954 50th Anniv. emblem. I have a chance to buy one but $225.00 seems a bit steep. Is the seller in the ballpark? Thank-you in advance.

  • #2
    At that price it sounds like a repop one. Although deals can be found they're usually more money.


    • #3
      would it still be stamped FOX if it was a repop? Thanks


      • #4
        Yes, the repop still says fox, but all of the details aren't as crisp as the real deal.


        • #5
          There was a long discussion on the CAIMAG site a while back. Try this link

          Robbie Knight Amca #2736


          • #6
            OUCH! That hurt reading all the bashing posts there and still no further ahead but thank-you for the help. Guess I'll buy it and then will post some pictures and weight? if anyone is interested. Thanks again all!


            • #7
              Call Picky Jim @ 208-486-7325 he has original fender emblems. Pricey but right.


              • #8
                In the photos posted on the link I sent the center one is essentially NOS and that is the finish a new one should have. The artificially aged reproductions out there are OK for an original paint machine but not for a new restoration. Check the finish out before you buy.
                Robbie Knight Amca #2736


                • #9
                  Hi, thank-you for the info. Is it possible for you to post up the pictures here? I cannot download the pictures without membership on that site. I did purchase the medallion after all so Iwill post up a picture when I receive it. Thanks again for your time. A.


                  • #10
                    Well fellas I guess I answered my own question on the originality of the medallion. Check out eBay #370301951440 This guy has another listed two days after I bought mine. His name is Joe Cowman from Chillicothe, OH. Really what's the chance of him having two of these? I'm filing a claim against this guy and calling to see if I can have this item removed. How many times have I heard " If it seems to good to be true it probably is"...... Man my Dad sure is smart! Damn Damn Damn
                    Last edited by A.Sinner; 12-05-2009, 07:43 PM.


                    • #11

                      This what you mean..

                      This seller doesn't claim it is OEM , only that it says 'Fox' on the back. Unfortunately he probably meets the requirement for flea-bay and will not be flagged.

                      BTW sent him a question asking him if the item is OEM or a re-pop. Will post the answer/non-answer.
                      Last edited by panz4ever; 12-05-2009, 08:52 PM.


                      • #12

                        Robbie Knight Amca #2736


                        • #13

                          Center is basically NOS, never mounted with original correct finish! The painted one has been on the front of my toolbox since 1973. The tarnished one is off my '54 FLE.
                          Robbie Knight Amca #2736


                          • #14
                            The Fact As I know It

                            The “artificially aged reproductions” I believe are the real McCoy. The only reproductions that I am failure with are cast not pressed brass anniversary medallions. Once again I will refer you to Picky Jim 208-486-7325. He may be useful in clearing up this issue with the facts. I own an original 54FLE hydroglider since 1980 it is authentic right down to the medallion. Picky has the answer you are looking for on those “artificially aged reproductions” they are the real article. The three examples Robbie posted are genuine H.D.. I firmly believe there are no reproduction units made from pressed brass.
                            Last edited by Slojo; 12-06-2009, 11:20 AM.


                            • #15
                              This in response to my question if the emblem is OEM or re-pop..

                              I don't know for sure. Some Harley guys say they are genuine H-D and some say they are not. I got them from a guy that said his dad worked for Fox and he got a bunch of them when they closed up. I can't tell you for sure either way. If for whatever reason you decide you don't want it send it back and I will refund your money. I don't have much trouble selling them. I do only have a couple left and when they are gone they're gone.

                              Rudy Calin

